My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1057 The Man Underground

East side of the Kola Peninsula.

A tall stone building stands under the sky. The sun, which is slightly setting in the west, dyes it golden, like a sharp sword of the earth.

There is no one around, and guards with shotguns patrol back and forth.

The low roar of the machine came from the building. It seemed to be turning very slowly, but very powerful.

The building was a busy scene.

The huge drilling rig stood in the center. The steel in it was solid, and the smallest diameter was more than 10 centimeters. The strength was much greater than that of oil drilling equipment.

After all, oil is only distributed 2000-3500 meters underground!

At least hundreds of local workers in tattered clothes and covered in oil were busy, each doing their own job.

Just that small drill hole made the temperature in the building unusually high, almost close to 40 degrees high temperature.

More than 30 workers in group A were sweating profusely, and they kept adding connecting rods to the drill bit according to the speed of the drill bit descending.

There is no drill bit in the world that can support drilling at this depth. The only way is to keep connecting during the descent.

On the other side, more than a dozen workers in Group B were taking a break from their busy schedule.

They were responsible for replacing the drill bit, because compared to the connecting rod, the drill bit was a consumable item. After a depth of 8,000 meters, the temperature was extremely high and the rock was hard. If you were not careful, the drill bit would be directly scrapped.

They just spent more than an hour replacing a brand new drill bit, which allowed the drill bit to dive and resume drilling.

On the side, a group of people wearing all-match gowns and looking like scientists poured out the soil from 8,000 meters below the scrapped drill bit.

But their priority was not to analyze the soil samples.

Instead, they carefully poked around in the soil.

In less than a minute, a scientist's eyes lit up and he turned out a piece of emerald green gem from the soil.


The scientist skillfully placed the gem in a tray on the side, and in this tray, there were already more than a dozen pieces of various gems and diamonds piled up.



The sound of gems falling into the tray kept coming.

The workers in group B watched from afar, sighing.

"I never thought that there were so many gems hidden deep in the land."

"This is really strange!"

"Why can't I pick up these gems on the ground?"

Suddenly, a little boy's voice came from the crowd, "I know."

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, but saw a thin figure standing in the middle of the crowd. He was an oriental face, only fourteen or fifteen years old.

He was wearing a pair of denim overalls, and his clothes, hands, and face were all covered with oil.

He was folding his arms at this time, with a serious face, like a little adult.

Judging from his clothes, he was also one of the workers in group B. It is hard to imagine how he was selected at such a young age.


"Our big shot knows again!"

"He knows everything!"

The workers in group B joked, "Big shot, can you explain it to us?"

The boy curled his lips slightly and said coldly, "5 to 70 kilometers underground is called the mantle, which is full of gems and diamonds! Part of it is because of the flow of magma, which is washed from the ground, so precious gems are generally found near volcanic craters."

"And the source of these diamonds is the metallic liquid in the deep mantle of the earth."

"It contains a solidified mixture of iron, nickel, carbon and sulfur. Diamonds are formed by pure carbon crystals that have evolved for tens of thousands of years under high temperature and high pressure underground."

The workers around were stunned and basically didn't understand a word.

"It's over, the big shot started talking about the heavenly book again!"

"It's because of this little mouth that the boss hired him!"

"Look at him, no wonder he can be the team leader!"

The boy glared at everyone, looked at the borehole, and said with a twinkling eye: "There are many more gems underground than you think. Whoever can enter the borehole and return safely can at least become the richest man in the town!"


The little boy said in a low voice, "Don't call me the big shot all the time. I have a name. My name is He Changshou!"


"Okay, big shot team leader!"

"By the way, big shot, you are so powerful, and your body size is also suitable. Why don't you take advantage of the night when no one is around and drill into the borehole to make a fortune?"

The boy gritted his teeth and said unhappily: "Are you stupid? Didn't you hear me say high temperature and high pressure just now? And there is a lack of oxygen there! That is not a place where humans can survive at all. If someone can really enter the borehole and return safely, I am willing to worship him as my teacher!"

At this moment.

A loud bang occurred in the borehole!

The entire connecting rod also made a clacking sound, which made people's eardrums tremble!

The diesel engine was extinguished!

A puff of green smoke came out of the drill hole!

The people in group B suddenly felt a thump in their hearts!

"Damn it!"

"It's over!"

"The drill bit is stuck again!"

"It was just fixed!"

The boy in group B also changed his face and frowned. He immediately stepped forward and touched the temperature of the connecting rod with his little hand, and then looked at the diving depth.

He then shouted: "The situation is not bad. It should be that the drill bit hit the hard stone. Pull back the drill bit immediately and repair it!"

Although this child is very young and is often teased by everyone, it can be seen that he is still quite prestigious.

With just one order, the personnel from all parties immediately divided the work and took action.



After a while, the drill began to rise slowly.

The personnel of group B had prepared various tools in their hands. The boy who was called a big shot also crossed his arms and watched everything calmly.

The boy was suspicious. The drill had only dived less than 100 meters. According to its strength, the hardest rock could be easily ground into powder. What could be stuck?


When the drill was fully raised and exposed to the ground.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Including the boy who had always been extremely calm.

Under the drill, a man in tattered clothes and covered with mud, holding the drill with one hand, slowly rose into the air!

My God!

Where did he come from?

Is this a human or a ghost!

But the man was fine except that he was a little embarrassed.

He let go and fell to the ground, and then dug hard in the drill for a long time, took out a teardrop-shaped pendant, and stuffed it into his arms.

At this time,

The man's face was already covered in dirt, and he grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth. "Hello everyone, my name is Liu Di, the younger brother of younger brother!"

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