Siwei Village, in the ancestral hall.

The old man walked out of the river of time.

The village chief with a majestic look had been waiting for him for a long time.

Seeing the old man returning, he nodded and said, "Father."

The old man snorted.

The village chief did not raise his head, but continued to ask: "Father, you promised me that I would stop that wild boy. How did things go?"

The old man put his hands behind his back and chirped: "That boy was fooled by me. He decided to give up Gu Fan's guidance and explore the 'Gate of Hell'. He might die there. Mr. Village Chief, are you satisfied?"


The village chief was also stunned, "Father, we agreed before that you can just knock him back to reality. Why let him go to the gate of hell? Isn't it a bit cruel? I thought about it before, and he didn't do it after all. What an outrageous thing.”

"Didn't you do anything excessive?"

The old man curled his lips and looked at the village chief, "Did you know that he wants to be your uncle!"


The village chief was completely stunned, "Father, you are joking again."

But the old man waved his hand and stretched.

The village chief quickly helped him move a wicker chair.

After the old man sat down, his mung bean eyes kept flashing.

I really agreed to that kid's bet without knowing it. Now that I think about it, did I fall into a trap?

He seemed to come up with absurd reasons, and then gave me a counterattack?


I have been in power for 70 years, and today I met my opponent?

But at this moment, Gu Fan's father, the village chief, suddenly came to his senses, "Father, did you look at his future and know what level he would reach, so you let him go to the 'Gate of Hell'?"

The old man chuckled, "You were right this time."


Gu Fan's father's eyes also lit up, "What achievements will he have in the future?!"

The old man smiled mysteriously, "I saw it, I saw it? What did I see?!"

The old man's smile suddenly solidified.

He wasn't pretending, he really couldn't remember anything!

The strangest thing is.

He clearly remembered the New Dynasty, Kunyang, the battle, and even the scene where Liu brothers teased each other.

Only with the help of the power of thinking, Liu Di's perspective when he peeked into the future was completely forgotten!

The old man was sweating on his forehead.

I thought this was impossible!

His pupils gradually narrowed, and his wrinkled face gradually turned pale.


It was as if lightning struck in his mind.


My memory wiped? !

As the fifth dimension, my memory has been erased!

The old man's hands began to tremble, there was no other possibility!

The things in my mind include consciousness, time, and space. Can I accurately select a section of it and then erase it? !

This must be at least a life of nine dimensions or above!

why is that? !

The old man suddenly sat up straight.

A sentence echoed inexplicably in his mind, which was the legacy of the ancestors of the Four-Dimensional Village - higher-dimensional life cannot be spied on, and all eyes can be melted!

The old man's back felt cold for a moment, and he broke into a cold sweat!

In the future, Brother Liu will be more than nine dimensions? !

You noticed my gaze and took action to erase it? !

At this moment, the strongest man in the Four-Dimensional Village was thundering in his heart!

But at this moment, Gu Fan's father asked urgently: "Father, tell me, what did you see?"


The old man trembled and looked at the village chief with fear in his eyes, "Don't say it!"

The next moment.

The old man had a stern look on his face, stood up directly, and left in a hurry!

As for the real scene the old man saw at that time.

Indeed, as Gu Fan's father said, Liu Di's future is limitless, because the old man saw Liu Di's figure no matter on the fourth-dimensional level, the fifth-dimensional level, or the sixth-dimensional level!

Only then did the old man decide to encourage Brother Liu to go to the ‘Hell Dungeon’!

The words about the 'little loser' were all performed by the old man, just to inspire the generals!

In the old man's heart, he really wanted Brother Liu to grow up quickly.

But now.

Regarding the memory from the perspective, the old man couldn't remember anything!

All that was left was awe.

The old man whispered as he walked: "I got you a time rift, and you got me a memory fragment. Good boy, you are awesome! I don't care about you anymore!"

Gu Fan's father was stunned on the spot, exhaling heavily, his expression slowly becoming angry.

My father has always doted on Gu Fan the most. I guess the two of them are in cahoots together again!

It must be hard for my father to say anything now.

From this point of view, that boy is probably worthless!


Gu Fan's father sighed heavily, "If this continues, the family will be ruined!"

In the long river of time.

Brother Liu is heading to the ‘Hell Dungeon. ’

"Sequence upgrade, the fourth sequence of strong artificial intelligence!"

"The flight speed of the Time Halberd is increased by 500%!"

"Response speed increased by 300%!"

"Time accuracy increased by 30%!"

"You can throw four time halberds at the same time!"

Liu Di felt very satisfied after hearing about the condition of the devil boy. It was really refreshing to be promoted so happily.

The rewards after hard work always nourish the soul like spring rain and make people full of motivation.

Although the improvement of these data does not have such an earth-shattering effect in the long river of time, Liu Di believes that the strong artificial intelligence in the time field is not as simple as what he sees.

Maybe in the next sequence, or in the next experience, there will be amazing changes!

Brother Liu took another look at the river of time.

The data given by the old man has been simulated as an anchor point by himself.

The accuracy of the Time Halberd has been improved by nearly 90%, so the error will not be too big this time!

As for the copy of hell that the old man said.


Brother Liu suddenly smiled, "The old man always exaggerates when he speaks. How can there be hell in the world? But I also know his good intentions, so let me find out what this incident is like!"

The next moment.

Destination arrived!

Brother Liu stepped out of the whirlpool around him, and immediately his eyes went dark.

It's dark and the lights are not on?

Liu Di confirmed that he had walked out of the river of time and came to reality.

Then the body moved.

But surprisingly, I found that I was stuck!

what's the situation? !

Feel the squeezing sensation coming from both sides of your shoulders.

Liu Di suddenly realized that he was in a round barrel, surrounded by what seemed to be concrete!

Brother Liu tapped his feet and found that there was no ground under his feet.

Not only was he stuck, he was also in mid-air!

sewer? !


Brother Liu felt a wave of heat coming from his feet.

It seems that some hot gas is about to erupt.

Brother Liu was stunned.

Regarding your own abilities, you definitely don’t need to ask, just don’t ask!

Liu Di lowered his head and looked down through the narrow gap between his chest and the wall. First it was pitch black, and then the devil boy's thermal imaging function was activated.

Only then did the true face of the ‘pipeline’ beneath our feet appear!

Sections of pipes seemed to have lights turned on, and appeared one after another from Liu Di's perspective. They seemed to be endless and extended vertically underground!

200 meters, 800 meters, 1500 meters, 3000 meters!

The further down you look, the redder the thermal image becomes because the temperature is getting higher and higher!

Finally, a depth of 8,000 meters was measured!

But this is far from the end, because at 8,000 meters, the thermal imaging has also failed.

Under there, the temperature reached a terrifying level, and the viewing angle was just red, making it impossible to distinguish the distance!

Brother Liu was shocked.

Such a deep pipe?


This is a drill hole!

Suddenly, from Brother Liu's perspective, the temperature at the depth of eight thousand meters suddenly became abnormal. In the red, there was a red-yellow figure with a tall body, wings on his back, and horns on his head!

In the blur, it looked at Brother Liu through the narrow tunnel!

At the same time, heat waves billowed inside the pipe, and countless screams suddenly came from the air. It was as if countless people were being tortured and wailing in pain under the entrance of the cave!

This sound echoed, extremely miserable and terrifying!

Brother Liu was shocked.

Didn't the old man exaggerate? !

Is there still space and creatures down there?

But before Brother Liu could figure out the situation, there was a buzzing sound above his head, and he saw a drill bit with three sets of disc serrations at the tip, rotating at high speed and slowly descending above his head!

With the help of a faint light, Brother Liu could see clearly that there was a Russian word printed in the center of the drill bit. Transliterated, it was - Kola.

Brother Liu's mind was pounding.

In 1970, Russia was in a Cold War with Europe, so the two sides launched a series of technological competitions.

The projects included are bizarre and bizarre.

The most famous one is the ‘Drilling Through the Earth Project’!

Russia has organized a large number of scientists, manpower and material resources, and threatened to use drills to drill through the center of the earth to see what kind of secrets are hidden in the earth!

This plan lasted twenty years, and the final drilling depth reached 12,263 meters!

The deepest drilled hole in human history!

But one day in 1993, this plan suddenly came to a halt!

Russian officials claimed that there was insufficient funding and the drilling was permanently sealed.

There are rumors in the city that this drilling has opened up the hell and recorded the sounds from hell.

The entire scientific research team was scared to death and no longer dared to move forward.

And this plan was implemented on the Kola Peninsula in Russia, code-named - Kola Super Drilling!

Recalling the coordinates given by the old man, Liu Di's facial features began to twitch.

I'm afraid it's not in the Cora drilling!

Is there a demon down there?

Is there a drill above?

And I was lucky enough to be caught in the middle?

Old man, thank you!

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