My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1042 Willing to Marry the Western Regions

Zhaojun looked at everyone coldly.

She tilted her head slightly and whispered in Liu Di's ear, "You still understand me."

Liu Di was stunned, and he didn't understand what she meant.

When the whole place was silent.

The voice of Emperor Yuan of Han suddenly came.

"Don't kneel"

"Then don't kneel."

"Zhaojun is not an outsider."

The emperor's facial muscles twitched, his mind was spinning rapidly, and he asked again: "My commoner Zhaojun, do you have any objections to marrying the Xiongnu?"

Zhaojun stood on the court, "Yes."

Emperor Yuan of Han's eyes lit up, and he was looking forward to the beauty's rebuttal.

Zhaojun looked at Huhanye Chanyu, who was standing on the side, and didn't dare to speak at this time, and kept swallowing his saliva.

She asked, "What status will I be given if I marry into the Xiongnu?"

Huhanye Chanyu was stunned until someone beside him translated Zhaojun's meaning, then he nodded repeatedly and said solemnly: "Ninghu Yanshi!"

'Yanshi' is the legitimate wife of the Xiongnu leader, which can also be translated as queen.

That is, Ninghu Queen!

Huhanye Chanyu was about to add something.

But Zhaojun didn't give him a chance at all, just said "good".

Then he looked at Emperor Yuan of Han, "I will marry the Chanyu on behalf of the Western Han Dynasty. Can you guarantee that there will be no more war between the two sides and do your best to promote national harmony?"

Emperor Yuan of Han was a little stunned, and subconsciously said, "Of course!"

Zhaojun nodded, and then said, "Then are you willing to send troops to assist Huhanye Chanyu at a critical moment to quell the rebellion in the Xiongnu, or help Huhanye Chanyu unify the Xiongnu?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Among them, Huhanye Chanyu was the most shocked!

At this time, the Xiongnu was in civil war and chaos.

The two demands mentioned by Zhaojun had been buried in his heart for a long time, but he never dared to raise them with Emperor Yuan of Han in person!

But she, a weak woman, did not hesitate!

After all.

There were multiple Shanyu in the Xiongnu at this time.

It was very challenging and risky for the Western Han Dynasty to send troops to assist one of them!

If it failed, the contradiction between the two tribes would intensify.

But if it succeeded, the Xiongnu would be led by a pro-Han Shanyu, which would be an unprecedented integration, a great prosperity not seen in a hundred years!

At this time, the eyes of everyone in the court looking at Zhaojun changed quietly.

This woman was frugal with words, but every word went straight to the point!

Even Emperor Yuan of Han, who was lustful before, had to look at this beautiful woman at this time.

He said: "If you want me to help, you need to see what means Huhanye Shanyu has."

Zhaojun was neither humble nor arrogant, "I am free to practice military tactics. If I can help Huhanye Shanyu conquer half of the land in the Western Regions, then the emperor can help the rest!"

Emperor Yuan of Han took a breath.

The beauty is so arrogant!

Even my generals who guard the country would not dare to say such words!

But Huhanye Chanyu's eyes were shining brightly at this time, and he was quite excited, "With Zhaojun's help, I will not fail my mission!"

As he said, Huhanye Chanyu smiled flatteringly and approached Zhaojun.

But Zhaojun shot a cold and beautiful look at him, "I help peace, not you."

Huhanye Chanyu paused and froze in place.

Liu Di stood on one side.

Watching everything quietly.

Looking back at history, Huhanye Chanyu did it and became the emperor who unified the Xiongnu!

But few people know that his success was because he had a queen who was proficient in the Western Han Dynasty's military tactics and brought Han technology to help him!

"The two ethnic groups are married and have a permanent friendship. It is our duty."

"I also have some insights. This line must be Zhaojun."

The blue-haired woman slowly exhaled, waved her sleeves and said, "The people Wang Zhaojun is willing to marry!"

Only Liu Di could see it clearly.

The jade hands under Zhaojun's sleeves were trembling slightly.

Liu Di suddenly understood.

What did Zhaojun mean by "You still understand me" before?

How many people can voluntarily sacrifice their lives for the sake of family and national peace?

How could a weak woman not be afraid in the face of the current royal family and the Huns' king?

But Zhaojun hid her fear and uneasiness, and did the opposite, showing her sharp side like a dagger!

With the help of the Huns' identity, she did not kneel to Emperor Yuan of Han.

With the help of the strength of the Han Dynasty, she did not please Huhanye Chanyu.

It can be said that she used it properly, and in just a few conversations, she laid the foundation for her future status.

This makes people respect and fear!

Emperor Yuan of Han did not dare to underestimate her.

And when she met Huhanye Chanyu for the first time, she suppressed her aura, and even in the Huns, no one dared to disrespect!

But Liu Di was unwilling to kneel to Emperor Yuan of Han.

But she mistakenly thought it was a kind of self-sacrificing support.

The historian said loudly: "The people Wang Zhaojun stepped forward and responded generously, willing to marry the Western Regions to maintain peace between the two places, and was recorded in the Book of Han and praised by future generations!"

At the same time.

The important officials in Changle Palace felt Zhaojun's integrity and were full of awe.

Emperor Yuan of Han was also shocked.

This woman is not only beautiful, but also extremely intelligent. It is a great pity to miss her now, but the matter has come to this point and it has been settled!

There was a long silence.

Emperor Yuan of Han gave an order.

Give Huhanye Chanyu two generals, two thousand cavalrymen, and ten carts of brocade, gold and silver.

And set up hundreds of banquets in the palace!

See Zhaojun off to the frontier!

Afterwards, Emperor Yuan of Han and his entourage, as well as Huhanye Chanyu's entourage, began to feast in the palace, drinking and talking happily, and it was a lively and festive scene.

No one noticed.

A centurion who came with Huhanye Chanyu had a thief in his eyes. He took advantage of the maid's carelessness to add a gray powder to the wine cellar in the Han Palace.

This is a special plant from the border. After drying and crushing, it can emit a fresh fragrance, but if it is drunk by people, it will bury hidden dangers in the body.

It can last up to ten days without erupting, but if the drug takes effect, it will make people's limbs weak and their eyes black.

Do everything in secret.

The centurion's eyes flashed with a fierce light.

Huhanye Chanyu's 1,000 entourage and the 2,000 cavalry sent by Emperor Yuan of Han will drink up this wine cellar today!

The plan is going well!

He released an eagle carrying a secret letter when no one was prepared.

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