My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1041 The First Person

Brother Liu hesitated.

But I heard the little boy say: "Brother, I envy you very much."

The little boy's dark eyes shone with a cunning luster. He looked at Di Liu carefully, as if he wanted to greedily absorb every detail about Di Liu and store it in his mind.

Brother Liu concluded that although this little boy is still young, he is very scheming!

Immediately, Brother Liu asked: "Who are you?"


The little boy pointed to Queen Xiaoyuan beside him, "I am the queen's nephew, Wang Mang."

Brother Liu was shocked.

At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Empress Xiaoyuan became the Empress Dowager. She seemed to listen to politics behind the curtain and supported her royal relatives without scruples.

As a result, Wang Mang became an adult and became extremely powerful.

Finally plotting to rebel against the Han!

Establish a new dynasty!

And this Wang Mang, after becoming the king, proposed many incredible measures, such as inventing calipers that were only available after the 19th century, abolishing slavery, inventing loans, launching low-rent housing, and advocating the land equal distribution system, promoting a unified currency system, and advocating Rejuvenate the country through science and technology!

At the time, this was extremely advanced thinking!

Many of these measures were only recognized thousands of years later.

Later generations said that Wang Mang was the first time traveler in history!

But in the end, Wang Mang's dynasty ended at the hands of the rebel Liu Xiu!

Brother Liu sighed.

This kid just mentioned that he has a special kind of dream. Could he really see the future clearly?

Who would have thought that this little child could end the 210-year-old Western Han Dynasty?


All this has nothing to do with you, the wheels of history have their own arrangements.

Brother Liu only stopped for a moment, looked at the young Wang Mang meaningfully, and then followed Zhaojun to Changle Palace!

at this time.

In Changle Palace, Emperor Han Yuan and Hu Hanxie Shanyu were waiting anxiously.

Hu Hanxie Shanyu was anxious.

It's because I want to quickly see what my wife, who is about to be married back to the Huns, looks like!

Because after just a few cups of tea, he was already obsessed with this magnificent wife!

But Emperor Yuan of Han Dynasty was anxious.

It was because he was afraid that after the arrival of the ugly woman Wang Zhaojun, Hu Hanxie could not bear it and would collapse immediately!

But I heard the eunuch outside the door shouting in a long voice: "The Queen of the People, Zhaojun, comes to see you!"

The palace door is wide open!

But he saw a woman standing outside the door. The white tassels on her body were blown by the wind, her blue hair was also flying, and her short skirt embroidered with pomegranate flowers was different from other people in the world!

The beauty in the light and shadow is breathtaking!

Emperor Yuan of Han was dumbfounded.

Who is this? ? ?

But I heard the beautiful woman say: "People's daughter, Wang Qiang, named Zhaojun!"

The wine statue in the hand of Emperor Han Yuan fell to the ground with a clatter!

The body suddenly trembles!

This is what she really looks like!

Is there such a beautiful woman in the world? !

Huhanxie Shanyu was also dumbfounded.

Is she Zhaojun?

This body is not sturdy either!


Her face is so beautiful.

She is so beautiful that she can ignore everything. Such a woman does not need to fight wild beasts or take care of cattle and sheep!


Hu Hanxie Shanyu directly clasped his fists and said with great excitement: "It turns out that the emperor is so righteous and used a trick to let me meet Zhaojun, but I didn't understand. Thank you!"

However, Emperor Yuan of Han Dynasty seemed to be struck by lightning.

He trembled: "Is this Wang Zhaojun?"

The eunuch beside him was also speechless.

Emperor Han Yuan looked at the painter Mao Yanshou again, "Is this Wang Zhaojun?"

At this time, Mao Yanshou was already sweating profusely, "Yes, Your Majesty knows that there are some errors in my painting skills!"

"My heart aches!"

Emperor Han Yuan covered his chest, feeling heartbroken. The matter had come to this, and it would be difficult to go back on his word!


He gritted his teeth and looked at Mao Yanshou, almost squeezing out a few words through his teeth, and said in a very low voice: "How dare you lie to me!"

Mao Yanshou knelt down with a pop.

Even though Hu Hanxie Shanyu was present, he did not dare to tell the truth and could only keep kowtowing!

Emperor Han Yuan gritted his teeth and continued: "You have done a good job and deserve a reward!"


Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty looked at the eunuch on the side, with a fierce look in his eyes, and quietly made a sign in front of his neck, "To appreciate the painter Mao Yanshou, I will give you a sharp weapon for my neck, three feet of red silk, and my family will share it!"

The eunuch nodded heavily and glanced at Mao Yanshou like a god of death.

The emperor's intention was to behead Mao Yanshou, and after his blood was splashed three feet, he would kill the nine tribes!

Mao Yanshou immediately rolled his eyes and fainted on the spot!

Immediately, he was dragged away.

Afterwards, Emperor Han Yuan looked at the woman standing quietly at the door.

The more I look at it, the more I feel itchy!

Using my wisdom, I must find a way to keep this Wang Zhaojun!

He immediately wanted to regret it!

Right now.

Behind Zhaojun, a young man wearing blue Hanfu stepped in.

He stood beside Zhaojun in a graceful manner, his handsome face scanning the audience.

It was also the moment when Brother Liu stepped into the threshold.

The devil boy said: "The DNA of the chain bridge has been restored!"

But Emperor Han Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then became jealous, "Why is there a man!"

Zhaojun said calmly: "This is my elder brother."

Brother Liu nodded, "When my sister gets married, I will take care of it."

Emperor Han Yuan rolled his eyes, "Brother?"

If I coerce and lure this brother, will there be any way to keep Zhaojun's beauty?

The next moment.

Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty sat upright, and the emperor's majesty burst out, "Even if you are my people, why don't you kneel down?"

The eunuch beside him also screamed: "Wang brothers and sisters, you don't kneel when you see the emperor of the Han Dynasty!"

Liu Di smiled indifferently.

Scanning the man sitting on the throne, his face was gloomy, he didn't have the air of an emperor, and his body was hollowed out by wine and sex.

From his lustful eyes just now, it can be seen that she didn't have a trace of respect for Zhaojun. I'm afraid she has already regretted and is ready to take Zhaojun for herself.

"It's just a little emperor in the long river of history."

"Not enough for me to kneel!"

Liu Di stepped forward and said sternly: "Besides, time is long, looking at the past and the present, who will be the final emperor, how can there be a conclusion?"

Everyone in the hall was shocked when he heard it!

Kneeling before the emperor is the basic rule among the basics!

He also hinted that the Western Han Dynasty would not last long!

No one had a second thought in their minds!

And this young man, what nonsense is he talking about?

He wants to die!

Everyone doesn't know.

At this time, the young Wang Mang was lying outside the window, peeking at everything in Changle Palace.

Hearing Liu Di's words, he was actually excited!

This brother is right, who will be the final emperor, how can there be a final conclusion?

Maybe, I, Wang Mang, can also become an emperor!



All the eunuchs were shocked and kept shouting!

"If you don't kneel before the emperor, it is a capital crime!"

"Come here!"

"Drag him away!"

Emperor Yuan of Han was furious!

Liu Di was not afraid, "What a joke, who can do anything to me?"

The atmosphere was tense in an instant.

"Wait a minute."

The beauty Zhaojun raised her head and said, "I already know the purpose of this trip, which is that I want to marry the Xiongnu on behalf of the Western Han Dynasty. Huhanye Chanyu is also a king in the Xiongnu, and is your vassal state. If I marry him, wouldn't I be equal to the Xiongnu queen, and sit on an equal footing with you, Emperor Yuan of Han!"

"Why should I, Zhaojun, kneel?"

The woman's beautiful eyes flashed, "Why should my brother kneel?"

The whole audience was silent.

What the woman said is not without reason!

Even Emperor Yuan of Han was dumbfounded, "This this..."

I only heard the historian on the side say, "Huhanye Chanyu came to Chang'an three times to meet my king, and favored the extraordinary woman Wang Zhaojun. She has extraordinary temperament, reasonable words, and solid reasoning!"

Then the historian glanced at the handsome man in front of him, lowered his head and wrote quickly.

"Thousands of dynasties, in the court, among the common people, this is the first person who does not bow to the emperor when he sees him!"

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