
Then a eunuch returned with a large pile of dozens of portraits.

Place it in front of Huhanxie Chanyu and respectfully step away.

Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty smiled and said: "I am a big man with countless beautiful women, and Chanyu can choose as much as he likes."

Huhanxie Shanyu held up his hands and said: "It is better to obey orders than to be respectful."


He began to flip through the portraits one by one, but his brows became more and more frowning.

Emperor Yuan of Han looked on with a smile.

I thought to myself, since you have chosen to be attached to me, the Western Han Dynasty, you must look like you are attached.

All of them are ugly women, none of them look human.

But if you still choose to swallow your anger, then I will trust you to ride four thousand miles alone and surrender!

The eunuch beside him looked at Emperor Yuan of Han in confusion.

Seeing Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty, he tsked and shook his head again. A test is a test, but it also made Hu Hanxie Shanyu suffer.

This is the second half of my life

I saw that Hu Hanxie Shanyu's face became more and more ugly, slowly turning green, with a bit of paleness.

He raised his head and glanced at Emperor Han Yuan, sweating on his forehead.

Emperor Han Yuan's eyes were full of encouragement and he responded with a smile.

Hu Hanxie Shanyu took a deep breath and continued to turn.


Hu Hanxie stopped in his hands and his face froze.

He was holding a portrait, his pupils trembling slightly.


He slammed the table, "I never thought a big man would have such a strange woman?! I really like her!"

Emperor Yuan of Han was stunned.

Judging from Hu Hanxie Shanyu's expression, the woman in the portrait must be at least a shocking level!

Is it possible?

What else did I slip through the cracks that he took advantage of?

Emperor Han Yuan subconsciously straightened up and looked down from a high position.

My eyes!

Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty suddenly twitched, it turned out to be the Queen of the People, Zhaojun!

The face is so big that it can accommodate the world!

Hu Hanxie Chanyu said excitedly: "Although those women before had beautiful faces, they were all sallow and thin, weak and weak! In the eyes of us Xiongnu, they are not good women. They cannot fight hungry wolves, harness wild horses, and cannot control wild horses." Cows and sheep!”

"only this!"

Hu Hanxie Shanyu raised the portrait in his hand, pointed at the bear-like 'Wang Zhaojun' among them and said: "This! The body is strong and the arms are like a calf, top quality!"

Emperor Yuan of Han's hands were shaking.

Hu Hanxie Chanyu, what kind of aesthetic is this!

my eyes

But having said that, Emperor Han Yuan also knew a lot about the customs of the Xiongnu, and even learned the Xiongnu language.

He knew that the Xiongnu were nomadic people at the border.

All of them are fierce and sturdy, they live in the open air and are good at fighting.

And this is true for both men and women.

I also know that their aesthetic standards are different from those of the Han people.

But I didn’t expect it to be so different!

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Emperor Han Yuan said with a smile: "In that case, congratulations to Hu Hanxie Shanyu! Someone quickly recruited the Queen of the People, Zhaojun, into the palace!"

After Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty finished speaking, he whispered: "Try to dress her up as much as possible!"

Little did I know.

The painter Mao Yanshou on the side of the hall looked increasingly ugly.

Why did he choose her!

But he said Liu Di and Zhaojun.

After visiting the market, we returned to the wooden house in the countryside.

At this time, Brother Liu was sitting in front of the wooden table, looking at the small paper kite on the table.

Zhaojun once said before that if he were like a kite, even if he fell to the Huns, he could still ride the wind back.

Brother Liu sighed slightly.

He looked up through the gap in the wall and saw Zhaojun in the next room. She was combing her long hair.

No time to savor it.

Then I heard horses neighing outside the door.

"Is Mao Yanshou causing trouble again?"

Brother Liu stood up and pushed the door open!

But I saw that this time the knight was different!

Judging from the weapons and armor, could this be the Imperial Guard directly under Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty? !

Just listen to the leading general shouting: "Queen of the People Zhaojun, you have been selected by Huhanxie Chanyu, and you can be married by the emperor. Come out quickly!"

Brother Liu was stunned.

So fast?

How could this history be corrected before I did anything? !

Brother Liu was still a little confused, so he asked: "This soldier, are you sure?"

But he saw the knight brandishing his sword and shouting angrily, "Whoever I say is who I am. We can't be wrong in taking orders. Where are you idlers? Get away quickly. You are delaying important things. I will kill you!"

Brother Liu frowned.

How arrogant these people were in obeying the emperor's orders. They were already accustomed to being arrogant and domineering, and they never looked down upon the common people!


The wooden door of the thatched cottage was pushed open, and Zhaojun, who had put his hair up in a bun just for Brother Liu's admiration, stepped out.

She had heard it clearly in the room.

His mood was shocked, and then he calmed down again. At this time, he just said lightly, "I'll let you go."

However, dozens of imperial guards looked stunned.

They never expected that this woman was so beautiful!

For a moment, these soldiers forgot their next move.

Zhaojun was seen walking forward slowly.

The stunned soldiers finally came to their senses. The leader swallowed his saliva and waved, "Come here, change her clothes and fix her makeup!"

He just finished speaking.

A group of palace maids walked out from the back of the cavalry, holding luxurious crowns, dazzling hairpins, and exquisite steps.

There is another team, holding pink ink and rouge.

Zhaojun frowned, "What are you doing?"

The leader of the imperial guards said: "The emperor has an order. When Zhaojun, the daughter of the people, meets Huhanxie Chanyu, she must not wear casual clothes, otherwise it will insult my majestic appearance."


The guard looked down at Zhaojun's tasseled skirt, "Besides, what are you wearing now?!"

"What is the Han style?"

Zhaojun looked calm, "This is my original appearance. If I marry the Huns on behalf of the Han Dynasty, I will not show my true appearance. Do I have to pretend?"

"I won't change my clothes."

"I won't put on makeup."

"But I am also a Han style!"

The guard paused!

I didn't know how to answer.

Then, the guard was a little annoyed, "If you don't obey orders, you are disobeying the order! If you anger me, I will kill you!"

But Zhaojun waved her sleeves, "Kill me? Then will you go to see the emperor with my head, or with your own head?"

The whole team of guards was speechless again.

Even Liu Di admired in his heart that Zhaojun was quite dignified!

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