
Brother Liu stood side by side with Zhaojun, holding his arms.

Watching Mao Yanshou and his entourage flee in panic.

Zhaojun's words just now echoed in Brother Liu's mind, and she said to Mao Yanshou, "It doesn't matter if you don't enter this palace, I don't want to see you again in the future!"

Brother Liu looked sideways.

Look at the beauty next to you.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhaojun, one of the four beauties, has some genetic mutations. Compared with ordinary people, it can be said that she is infinitely stronger.

She took action and easily resolved the crisis.


The situation worsened.

She vowed not to enter the palace again, so it would be almost impossible for Zhaojun to leave the palace.

What should I do?

But Zhaojun looked at Brother Liu and smiled slightly, "I'm very sorry for getting you implicated. These officers and soldiers are very vicious. Fortunately, I rushed back in time."

"I have been hunting since I was a child, and I have endless strength."

"As long as I'm here from now on, Liu Xiu, you don't have to be afraid."

Brother Liu clasped his fists slightly and nodded silently.

According to historical records, Zhaojun was weak and boneless, but she never imagined that she was such a coward.


Zhaojun smiled and took a cloth bag from his waist.

Slowly opening it, there was a square men's Hanfu folded inside.

The beauty chuckled, "I went to the market early in the morning and chose this dress for you. Why don't you put it on and throw away the old clothes."

Brother Liu was stunned.

But he saw that Zhaojun had already held up the shirt.

The outer gown is as blue as clear water, and the inner tunic is snow-white, equipped with a belt and green tassel pendant.

The beauty of Hanfu is vivid and vivid.

Liu Di hesitated for a moment and then said with a smile: "If I don't change my clothes, I'm afraid Zhaojun will be embarrassed."

Immediately, Brother Liu picked up his clothes and walked into the house.


The short-haired man wearing Hanfu walked out of the wooden house.

Before that, Brother Liu also washed his face with water.


Complete with an origami fan.

It can be said that he is elegant and suave, has an unparalleled appearance, and is as handsome as a young man.

But he saw the woman Zhaojun, her eyes blurred!

She murmured, "Young Master is a man among men, and his clothes are just decoration."

Brother Liu sighed helplessly when he saw this woman's infatuation.

Then he laughed heartily and said, "The market you mentioned is very lively today, why don't Zhaojun accompany me to visit it?"

Zhaojun blushed and nodded.

Why did Brother Liu make this suggestion?

It was because he was on the street yesterday and noticed civilians decorating with lanterns and banners, while officers and soldiers were clearing debris on the streets.

Because Hu Hanxie Chanyu from the Xiongnu entered Chang'an for the third time today.

He was ready to lead his men and submit to Emperor Han Yuan!

It was also this time that Emperor Han Yuan betrothed Zhaojun to Huhanxie Chanyu, completing a peaceful marriage!

Although Brother Liu doesn't know how to develop next.

But maybe we can create an opportunity for Zhaojun and Hu Hanxie to get acquainted?

Although Zhaojun is such a touching and strange woman, it is pitiable.

But the wheel of history cannot stop.

It's hard to say that I have to bear the pain to give up my love, but Brother Liu must complete his mission.

I saw Zhaojun next to me, who looked like Xiaojiabiyu, walking side by side with Brother Liu, with secret joy on his face.

This man is walking on the street, attracting everyone's attention.

The top looks of men and women in the world have been interpreted to the extreme.

Walk to a small stall.

Zhaojun bought a huge red pomegranate. She broke it open to reveal the bright red flesh.

He handed one to Brother Liu and said, "This pomegranate was brought back by Zhang Qian on his mission to the Western Regions. Now it has taken root in Chang'an. It is considered a rich product in my hometown. Liu Xiu, would you like to try it?" Brother Liu took it.

Subconsciously glanced at Zhaojun's short skirt.

Of course, he wasn't looking at her figure, but her skirt was embroidered with pomegranate flowers.

This woman has a deep love for her hometown.

In the future, she will be sent to the Huns, but she will never see this pomegranate flower again.

Brother Liu put the pomegranate seeds in his mouth and tasted them. They were extremely sweet.

But there was some bitterness in my heart.

Suddenly I heard a loud sound of a leather drum ahead.

A huge and imposing team arrived outside the city gate, with countless iron cavalry stretching for a long time with no end in sight.

Some officers and soldiers shouted: "Hu Hanxie Shanyu enters Chang'an, the people should stay away!"

When Brother Liu was stunned, he was dragged to the side of the road by Zhaojun.

But I saw that team of tall horses marching slowly!

The leader of the majestic and majestic person is none other than Hu Hanxie Shanyu!

He is over 50 years old, wearing a felt hat, and his temples are slightly gray, but it has to be said that he has a tall and strong figure, a straight back, and his face looks like he is in his 30s.

He looked intently, and the courage of the nomads was clearly revealed!

Brother Liu exhaled slightly.

This Huhanxie Chanyu was just one of the forces of the Xiongnu. At this time, internal fighting among the Xiongnu continued. He was defeated by his brother Zhizhi Chanyu. He had no choice but to move south to the Guanglu Fortress outside the Great Wall, hoping to form an alliance with the Western Han Dynasty. good.

Although he looks a little downcast, he is also a person who knows how to judge the situation.

Submitting to the powerful Western Han Dynasty was the right choice.

Subsequently, with the help of Emperor Yuan of Han, he unified the Xiongnu.

Hu Hanxie Shanyu's team slowly passed by.

Brother Liu hesitated for a moment, "This Huhanxie Shanyu looks pretty good, Zhaojun, what do you think?"

"What does it have to do with me?"

The blue-haired woman shook her head slowly and added: "But he is indeed an important figure. If the emperor handles this meeting well, he may be able to end the war between the Han and the Huns."

Brother Liu was stunned, but he didn't expect that this woman could see clearly.

Immediately, Brother Liu smiled and said: "I heard that the emperor wanted to marry him, so he chose a palace maid to marry far away."

Zhaojun frowned, "What kind of woman is willing to marry the Huns? I heard that the environment there is not something the Han people can bear."

Brother Liu pursed his lips, "What if, I mean what if, the emperor chooses you?"

Zhaojun thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Mao Yanshou hates me so much. Even if my portrait flows into the palace, it will definitely be invalid. How could he choose me?"

Brother Liu pondered for a moment.

But suddenly he saw a trace of sadness on Zhaojun's face, and said from a distance: "If you really choose me, I am willing to go, like my parents. There are countless Han people who died fighting the Huns. If I can really end the war with my own strength." I am willing to sacrifice myself for all this.”

Brother Liu looked at the woman in confusion.

But Zhaojun rolled up his hair, looked at Brother Liu, and said lightly: "After all, no one is waiting for me in Chang'an City, and no one wants to keep me."

Brother Liu is haunted by all kinds of thoughts, but he hesitates to speak.

The Imperial Palace of the Western Han Dynasty, in Changle Palace.

Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty and Hu Hanxie Shanyu were already sitting in the court hall, sitting up and down.

Huhanxie Shanyu has also performed the courtesy of a monarch and his ministers.

Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty laughed loudly, "So, Hu Hanxie Chanyu agreed to marry me, a woman from the Western Han Dynasty, to create a prosperous world together?!"

Hu Hanxie Shanyu saluted, "If this matter can help me submit to the Western Han Dynasty and receive protection, I will be extremely happy!"

But he saw Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty laughing and at the same time ordering to the people around him: "I will be sad if the beauty in the palace is given to him. In this way, I will take the portraits from the missing palace and let him choose!"

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