My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 164


Chapter 164 Return and Dragon Roar (Three Updates on Day 18) (Subscribe)

Lu Qingyun Is really planning to leave, not nothing serious.

From the cave to the foot of the mountain, he didn't look back, and took everyone away from the unbearably hot Volcano.


Vulpix was a little reluctant, mainly because she was a little reluctant to those shiny gems in the Turtonator’s lair that Zhao Jie said at the time, from time to time Yiyi Reluctantly to the direction of Volcano.

"You should obediently and honestly sense the life energy in the Miracle Seed. You must sense the life energy quickly, and then learn the Energy Ball. Thinking about last night, the showy Pokémon was not you."

Lu Qingyun saw Vulpix glancing in Volcano's direction from time to time, he naturally knew what Vulpix was thinking, and immediately poked her small head with his hand to let her concentrate on her work.

The head was poked, and Vulpix suddenly pouted and glanced at Lu Qingyun.

But when she thought about what she had experienced last night until now, she still closed her eyes obediently and honestly, and leaned on Lu Qingyun's shoulder motionless.

Through the battle last night and today, I realized that my weak creature is not just Lu Qingyun.

As a Pokémon directly involved in the battle, and a Pokémon protecting Lu Qingyun, Vulpix is more deeply aware of her weakness.

Also, although she has always insisted that she is the eldest sister of Cloyster and Shellder, she is actually very depressed.

Because in Vulpix's view, the first element of being a big sister is to be stronger than a little brother.

Honestly, if it wasn't for Shellder's obsession with her, she might not even be able to beat Shellder.

Vulpix deserves a big sister who can't even beat her younger brother, so that every time she acts as the big sister in front of Cloyster and Shellder, her heart is very empty.

Thinking of this, Vulpix immediately felt a strong desire to become stronger, and began to calm down and try to sense the life energy in the Miracle Seed that she held in her mouth.

According to what Lu Qingyun instilled in her before, as long as she can successfully sense the life energies of the surrounding environment and bring them together like controlling Fire Element Energy, then she will have the ability to fight against the Water Type. , Rock Type, and Ground Type are the attributes that restrain her Pokémon's power.

Vulpix believes in Lu Qingyun's words.

After a while, through Vulpix's efforts to sense and manipulate the life energy in the Miracle Seed, a pale green light particle with a hint of Life Aura began to radiate from her body.

Unfortunately, none of these pale green light particles re-gathered on Vulpix. Almost as soon as they appeared, they quickly dissipated all around, and then quickly dissipated into the air.

Vulpix is not discouraged in this regard, and continues to try to further enhance the sense of de-vital energy, and then try to manipulate them.

Gradually, some light green light particles began to slow down slightly and scatter all around, and began to gather around Vulpix.

"Not bad, it seems that I have gradually realized the knock on the door. Sure enough, only when there is pressure can the potential be stimulated." The ability to exude a light green, can't help nodding happily, thinking with satisfaction.

Even in Secret Realm, Lu Qingyun did not stop cultivating Vulpix.

Whenever he has free time, he will give Vulpix the Miracle Seed and the incomplete keystone to comprehend, hoping that she can comprehend the difference between Life Power and Curse from these two treasures as soon as possible. Power and the power of Imprison.

And the talented Vulpix didn't let him down.

Perhaps due to the current environmental pressure, Vulpix's potential is well stimulated, and progress is quite good in understanding the power of Life Power, the power of Curse and the power of Imprison.

When Lu Qingyun and the others came to look for the train conductor, Dongfang Linglong and the others, they were constantly attacked by various Wild Pokémons, but on the way back, they were unusually calm. and tranquil.

The reason for this is not that Lu Qingyun and the others successfully beat the Wild Pokémons, but because of the Slowbro beside Dongfang Linglong.

This pro-level Slowbro, given to her for self-protection by Dongfang Linglong's father Dongfang Jingyun, is really strong.

Although he has always maintained a stupid expression on his face, once he enters the combat state, his expression will change rapidly, but it looks extremely vicious.

Just like Zhao Jie's Arbok, he also has a protective film formed by Attribute energy, but the protective film on his body is of Water Type.

And because it also has the Psychic Type Attribute, Mental Force is very powerful.

It is precisely because of the intense pressure that he keeps exuding that makes the nearby Wild Pokémon not dare to act rashly.

Since they didn't encounter Wild Pokémon Block much on the way back, Lu Qingyun and the others returned to the seaside camp in less than half the time they arrived.

But at this time, the time was very quiet and it came to six o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun had already appeared above the sea level and was gradually setting.

The safe return of Lu Qingyun and the others made everyone in the camp very happy.

Especially when Lu Qingyun brought back the news that Totem Pokémon Turtonator in Pokémon Secret Realm was seriously injured and Dongfang Linglong, a man with a professional Pokémon in his hands, the people in the camp were even more happy .

At this time, the people in the camp finally no longer look lifeless, because they know that they and the others have a great hope of surviving

It's just, the deputy conductor Zheng Hong and the people he brought with him have not returned for a long time, which made the happiness of the people in the camp to dilute a little.

Before departure, Lu Qingyun and Zheng Hong agreed that they must return to the camp at sunset.

Now that the evening has already started, Zheng Hong and the others have not returned, which obviously means that something bad happened to them in the forest.

"Let's continue cooking, Young Lady Dongfang and I will go into the forest to have a look. We will be back soon."

Lu Qingyun saw that the sun was about to go down, He finally stopped waiting, stood up immediately, and said to the people in the camp.

Zheng Hong and other train staff are his comrades in arms. In the battle last night, if they hadn't been providing stable output at the back, attracting a lot of Wild Pokémon's firepower, he would have been impossible to survive. of.

Therefore, Lu Qingyun will try to find it anyway.

Lu Qingyun's prestige in the camp is now unmatched.

No one in the camp objected to his words, and some even stood up one after another, expressing that they would also join the search team.

"No, you guys have to stay and protect the camp, don't worry, I have Shellder, a Teleport-only Pokémon and Cloyster, and other elite Pokémon, plus Young Lady Dongfang's assistance. , even if you can’t beat him, it’s more than enough to escape, and the more people there are, it will reduce the Shellder’s role.”

Lu Qingyun saw Zhang Housheng and the others want to follow, and felt warm at the same time. Shaking his head explained.

Zhang Housheng and the others were relieved when they heard Lu Qingyun's explanation, so they stopped demanding and told Lu Qingyun and Dongfang Linglong to be careful and come back as soon as possible.

However, just as Lu Qingyun was about to enter and exit the forest with Dongfang Linglong, the ground beneath his feet suddenly shook violently.

Earthquake happened.

At the same time, a deafening dragon roar quickly came from Volcano's direction.

The next second, under the horrified eyes of Lu Qingyun and the others, a huge column of lava fire erupted from the Volcano in the distance, which was constantly Spit Up and a lot of Volcanic Ash.

A huge plume of lava rose into the sky, and then exploded high in the sky.

(end of this chapter)

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