My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 163


Chapter 163 If you don’t play, you won’t play, who is afraid of who?

“Student Zhao, don’t always take Others see it too low. In today's Pokémon Secret Realm, your threats mean nothing to me. Even if I go out, the Zhao Family behind you can't help me.

Don't forget Now, I'm a student of Guangcheng No. 2 Middle School, and I'm still the first grade student of Guangcheng No. 2 Middle School. There is an old Principal behind me who decides for me.

Also, I'm a Psychic, Guangcheng Zhao No matter how strong the Family is, can it still be stronger than Dojo? Do you still want to be the enemy of Dojo?"

Facing Zhao Jie's threat at this time, Lu Qingyun seemed unusually calm, He stood up from the ground, looked at Zhao Jie condescendingly, and said neither arrogantly nor humble.

In Lu Qingyun's opinion, besides being supercilious, Zhao Jie is a bit too believe oneself infallible.

He is too arrogant, plus he can have a good life, everything goes well, and he can always rely on his family background to overwhelm other people. Gradually, he gave birth to a kind of thing that is always under his control. illusion in.

However, in the current Pokémon Secret Realm, family background is no longer so useful.

This is especially true for Lu Qingyun, a psychic with wild ambition.

Maybe Zhao Jie couldn't even think that the nasty guy who lent money to Dongfang Linglong and let him miss the Life Tree branch was Lu Qingyun, a civilian trainer.

When Lu Qingyun did this, he had already lost his respect for Zhao Jie, to be precise, he lost his respect for the Zhao Family in Guangcheng behind Zhao Jie.

As Lu Qingyun stood up and said these words, Zhang Housheng and the others also stood up quickly, and walked behind Lu Qingyun to show their attitude in this way.

Dongfang Linglong was not idle either, and quickly came to Lu Qingyun's side, standing side by side.


Zhao Jie’s face became more and more gloomy when he saw this, but he remained silent in the end.

As Zhao Family Young Patriarch, he is still very rational and knows that some things cannot be said.

And judging from the current indications, he was stunned to find that he really couldn't help Lu Qingyun.

Where did this guy come from, how could he be on an equal footing with him all of a sudden.

Seeing Zhao Jie's silence, Lu Qingyun sat down again and said with a blank face, "Student Zhao, do you still think you can take the Turtonator and Pokémon eggs?"

"hmph, Lu Qingyun, Dongfang Linglong, listen to me, these Turtonator and Pokémon eggs, I really can't take them now, but you can't take them either.

Without the poison of my Arbok, It's impossible for you to defeat the Turtonator and the few professional Pokémons under him, so we'll just wait here.

I'm not in a hurry anyway, as you Lu Qingyun said before, this Turtonator has been seriously injured, and it is impossible to take action in a short period of time. We will patiently wait for the people outside to come in.

But when the time comes, you people probably won't even be able to drink soup."

Zhao Jie knew that he already had the initiative in this cooperation. In the face of this situation, he simply flipped the table and stopped playing.

He's the kind of person who, once he finds out that he can't get what he wants, he'd rather destroy it than let someone else take it.

Moreover, Zhao Jie knew very well that his father must have been out with a kind of go-getter at home.

As long as his father can bring people into Pokémon Secret Realm, then Turtonator and Pokémon eggs are still his own, and even the treasure in Turtonator's nest is his.

He's in no hurry, he can just drag it on.

An army of anti-generals.

At this moment, the problem of choice returned to Lu Qingyun's side.

"People are expensive and can't get it, so we don't force it, it may make you laugh. In fact, my companion and I came here, at first, to live. That's all, finding a baby is just an accident.

Now that I know that my life is safe, this is already the biggest gain. Since classmate Zhao is unwilling to cooperate, then forget it, there will be a period in the future, let's go."

Facing the problem that Zhao Jie threw over by flipping the table, Lu Qingyun still seemed very calm at this moment, and made a choice without much thought.

As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up and walked towards the exit of the cave without looking back.

Seeing this, Vulpix secretly spit out her pink tongue at Zhao Jie, then quickly followed Lu Qingyun, and then jumped onto Lu Qingyun's shoulder.

Seeing this, Shellder immediately displayed his Teleport and appeared at the cave exit with the Cloyster under him.

Zhang Housheng and the others saw this and followed suit.

Before leaving, they all looked at Zhao Jie and the family members beside him with a playful look.

At this time, Zhao Jie and the others' faces were as black as the bottom of the pot, and they all had incredible eyes, totally didn't expect Lu Qingyun to just leave .

And go so neatly.

Even the descendants of the Trainer he brought with him were the same, none of them chose to stand up to refute Lu Qingyun's decision.

Where is this Lu Qingyun sacred?

How could Zhang Housheng and other Trainer descendants be so convincing to him.

Oriental Linglong also didn't expect Lu Qingyun to give up cooperation in the end. Turtonator, Pokémon and those priceless treasures, if you don't want them, don't want them.

This courage to give up at any time has given Dongfang Linglong a new understanding of Lu Qingyun.

In fact, her new understanding of Lu Qingyun was only ten minutes ago, and now she has added a new one.

She also did not object to Lu Qingyun's decision.

Not only that, when Lu Qingyun and the others stood up one after another and walked towards the cave, she quickly came to the tent that belonged to her in the camp, and then tidied it up and put it in herself at a very fast speed. in the space equipment.

Immediately afterwards, she didn't have the slightest nostalgia for Zhao Jie and the others, and directly took Slowbro in the direction of Lu Qingyun's departure.

"Dongfang Linglong, do you really want to be with those guys? Remember your identity, I'm a fiancé!"

Zhao Jie saw Dongfang Linglong was about to leave, but he finally couldn't bear the suffocation in his heart, and roared at Dongfang Linglong angrily.

When Dongfang Linglong heard Zhao Jie's words, his footsteps suddenly stopped, his face quickly turned cold, he turned his head, looked at Zhao Jie with cold eyes, and said, "It's long gone, don't talk nonsense outside in the future. ”

As soon as she finished speaking, she stepped up her pace and quickly left the cave with Slowbro, then followed Lu Qingyun's team.

Zhao Jie looked at Dongfang Linglong's departure with a very cold face.

Gradually, he looked towards Dongfang Linglong's eyes began to reveal a stern murderous intention.

If you can't get it, destroy it.

On the other side, when Lu Qingyun returned with Dongfang Linglong and the others.

On the beach on the west side of the island, a Space Crack pops up, and a middle-aged man with multiple paints falls from it.

"Damn, I almost died. What the hell did that little girl do? She led the way halfway and disappeared. Fortunately, I am blessed."

The middle-aged man glanced at the rapidly disappearing Space Crack with lingering fears, and complained wildly in his heart.

(end of this chapter)

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