My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 131


Chapter 131 The Last Auction Items Waiting (Three Updates on Day 7) (Subscribe)

“ Zhao Jie, you bastard!"

Dongfang Linglong heard Zhao Jie's new offer, his mind jumped, he immediately stood up from his seat, turned around angrily and glared at Zhao Jie, gnashing teeth said.

1.5 billion, that's all she's currently able to use to bid on the Life Tree branches.

Now, Zhao Jie gives her a lore directly.

Really bully intolerably!

"You slut, what are you talking about, can you scold Jie's big brother?"

As soon as Dongfang Linglong finished speaking, before Zhao Jie could answer, there was a man behind him. A beautiful woman immediately helped Zhao Jie to go back, and as soon as she finished speaking, she became angry and wanted to go to Dongfang Linglong Theory.

If it wasn't for Zhao Jie's hand holding her, she looked like a cat with her tail stepped on, most likely she really wanted to have a daoist PK with Dongfang Linglong on the spot.

"Linglong, you and I are people with status, pay attention to the words you use, your words and deeds all represent the Dongfang Family, and here is the auction, the one with the highest price wins, I can I didn't do anything wrong to you.

Forget it this time, be careful next time you speak, I heard that the Dongfang Family's recent situation is not very good."

Zhao Jie grabbed the beautiful woman in time, whispered a few words in her ear, and continued to speak to Dongfang Linglong with a smile that even the etiquette teacher couldn't pick up on.

However, although his smile is still full marks, his eyes looking towards Dongfang Linglong are unusually cold, like a Smiling Face Tiger with a fierce light.

You can tear the guy who can't tell good from bad in front of you to shreds at any time.

Dongfang Linglong was naturally even more angry when Zhao Jie said this, but this time she held back, clenched her lips tightly and sat back in her seat, then lowered her head and remained silent. .

"It seems that the grievance between the two is really small. By the way, I remember Zhou Shengyun said that Dongfang Linglong used to study at Guangcheng No. 1 Middle School, and only transferred to the second year of high school. Now it seems that this is the reason.

I'm afraid it's from here.

Also, this Zhao Jie is cream of the crop in Guangcheng No. 1 Middle School, regardless of his family background or ability, and he is properly at the top of the food chain among the students of Guangcheng No. 1 Middle School. People.

Dongfang Linglong offended him, life in Guangcheng No. 1 Middle School is definitely not easy, and the transfer is probably compelled by circumstances.”

Lu Qingyun silently looked at Dongfang Linglong. The conflict with Zhao Jie and the others, thought to himself.

To be honest, he thought about supporting Dongfang Linglong.

But just thinking that the money he has on hand is not as good as that of Dongfang Linglong, his whole person is gone. This is a penny that beats a hero.

So, he still felt that it would be better for him to continue to be dumb.

But at this time, Lu Qingyun also secretly remembered Zhang Jie, and at the same time, his impression of this person was not very good.

Although he had only met him once, he had already discovered that this man looked down on him.

That's right, just look down on it.

Lu Qingyun found that this person didn't even look at him from start to finish, and seemed to completely ignore him, the person sitting next to Dongfang Linglong.

The supercilious gesture seems to be treating him as an unremarkable creature such as an ant.

It's so frustrating, this guy makes Lu Qingyun a little angry.

Just as this round of auction was about to end, suddenly, a message appeared on Lu Qingyun's phone.

Lu Qingyun opened it and looked at it, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

1.5 billion, this price has obviously far exceeded the price of its Life Tree branch in the minds of others in the auction. After Dongfang Linglong was unable to increase the price, the ownership of the Life Tree branch on the auction platform It seems the dust has settled.

However, what made Zhao Jie and the others absolutely didn't expect was that Dongfang Linglong raised his hand again.

"My God, this lady gave 1.6 billion."

The beautiful Auctioneer on the auction platform naturally hoped that the higher the auction price, the better, and said loudly immediately.

When Zhao Jie saw this, his face suddenly sank, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart. It seemed that it was a little light beyond his control.

He hated the feeling that this kind of thing was out of his control, and immediately raised his hand again to increase the price, and the rich and imposing raised it to 2 billion all at once.

"My God, 2 billion, this gentleman offered 2 billion, is there anyone who wants to increase the price?"

The beautiful Auctioneer saw this, lovable body couldn't help but be excited trembling, flushed yellowed.

Dongfang Linglong saw that Zhao Jie had raised the price so high again, and immediately bit the lips with her teeth, looking very embarrassed.

But when she saw the hand of the person beside her showing an OK gesture, she gritted her teeth and raised her hand again.

"2.1 billion, this lady offered 2.1 billion."

The beautiful Auctioneer's eyes were now fixed on Dongfang Linglong and Zhao Jie. As soon as Dongfang Linglong made a move, She followed up immediately.

"2.1 billion, huh, that's quite a lot of money. I'd like to see if your Dongfang Linglong has that much money to pay."

Zhao Jie was hearing this, clenching his fists slightly Tight, there was no smile on his face, staring at Dongfang Linglong, as if he wanted to kill Dongfang Linglong with his eyes.

2.1 billion, which is also a very huge number for him.

Even if Zhao Family took out so much money all at once, it would be a bit traumatic.

Where did Dongfang Linglong get so much extra money? The person he placed in Dongfang Family clearly told him that Dongfang Family's available funds for Dongfang Linglong were one billion, plus Dongfang Linglong's own money. Five hundred million.

1.5 billion is the limit of Oriental Exquisite.

Therefore, Zhao Jie, who is very clear about Dongfang Linglong's trump card, only brought 2 billion this time, and the extra 500 million is what he plans to use for the Top Rank auction later.

But absolutely didn't expect it was not enough in the end, which was really beyond Zhao Jie's expectations.

Without Zhao Jie's continued price increase, it is obvious that no one else can compete with Oriental Linglong in this auction.

Soon, Oriental Linglong successfully photographed the Life Tree branches.

Because the amount of this auction is too large, the auctioneer requires Oriental Linglong to complete the fund transfer on the spot.

Dongfang Linglong had no objection to this, and finally, under Zhao Jie's unwilling eyes, she successfully transferred the 2.1 billion funds to the auction account.

The money was confirmed, and the people from Auction House naturally sent the Life Tree branches to Dongfang Linglong immediately.

Dongfang Linglong took the Life Tree branch, with a happy smile on his face, and then shook his face like a demonstration to Zhao Jie, whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"hmph, let's go."

Zhao Jie was furious when he saw this, but he finally held back and walked away.

Dongfang Linglong laughed even more happily when he saw Zhao Jie's embarrassed gesture.

Afterwards, she sat down again and said to Lu Qingyun with a complicated expression: "Thank you, I will pay you back the money as soon as possible."

"No need to pay it back. , then the Life Tree branch can be divided with me."

Lu Qingyun hearing this, Faintly smiled and said.

Yes, it was Lu Qingyun who helped Dongfang Linglong defeat Zhao Jie in the end.

At this moment, Lu Qingyun has become a local tyrant.

Not long ago, Gao Qiaoqiao sent him a message saying that Fortune Stone Company was willing to pay 1 billion to let Lu Qingyun not get involved in Fortune Stone Company's business for five years.

For this price, Lu Qingyun said that he was not particularly satisfied.

But for the sake of the Life Tree branch, for the help of Dongfang Linglong, and for Zhao Jie, who looked down on him, to shame, he still decided to agree.

In this way, Lu Qingyun stood up in front of Dongfang Linglong this time.

The auction will not end just because someone leaves. After the Life Tree branches, new auction items will be put up soon, and a new round of auctions will start again.

In just ten minutes, after the Life Tree branch passed, there were five more rounds of auctions, among which Lu Qingyun high-grade moonstone appeared.

What Lu Qingyun didn't expect was that his high-grade Moonstone was unexpectedly welcomed, and two trainers present started a short bidding period for this.

In the end, Lu Qingyun's high-grade moon stone actually sold for 56 million, which instantly made Lu Qingyun's wallet bulge.

It was a stone, but it was just a missing corner of a certain slate, and the surface was covered with traces of various years.

PS: Three changes on the seventh day, please subscribe.

(end of this chapter)

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