My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 130


Chapter 130 Young Master Zhao of rich and imposing

There is a certain probability to shoot with 420 million Is the key to the Elite road expensive?

For most people, this price is really expensive. It's terribly expensive, at least for a civilian trainer like Lu Qingyun, which is temporarily unimaginable.

But for some Trainers who already have a certain strength and have made a name for themselves in the society, the price is okay, and it is still within the affordable range.

The entry condition of the intermediate rank auction requires 100 million yuan. Obviously, except for special guests like Lu Qingyun, those who can enter the intermediate rank auction are all family property.

420 million won't make them bankrupt.

However, this price is enough for them to be a little bit hurt. If they want to raise this money all at once, it is estimated that they need to throw out a lot of assets on hand and some low-pressure treasure.

Unfortunately, the personal wealth of a Trainer is always hard to beat the wealth of a Trainer family. When the auction price reached 500 million, most of the lone rangers on the scene finally had no choice but to withdraw.

Now, there are only three guests left in the entire intermediate rank auction site and they are still engaged in a fierce price war.

First is the Eldest Young Lady, the daughter of Dongfang Family.

The second is a two-star professional Trainer named Zhong Nanwang.

A third mysterious person wearing a mask.

The Dongfang Family is worthy of being the famous Trainer family in Guangcheng. In terms of wealth, most lone rangers are simply impossible to be their opponents.

After the bidding price was raised to 800 million by Dongfang Linglong, neither Zhong Nanwang nor the mysterious person dared to increase the price. Obviously, it was not because of lack of financial resources or because they thought it was too extravagant to spend 800 million for a probability.

"One billion!"

But just when Lu Qingyun thought the price war was about to end, a voice suddenly came from behind.

In an instant, everyone at the scene couldn't help but follow the source of the sound and shift their vision to the person who just spent a lot of money.

I saw a tall and tall young man appearing in the aisle, looking at Dongfang Linglong with a smile on his face.

The young man is dressed in designer clothes, looks very handsome, has a bullet head, sword eyebrows and star eyes, full of aura, and at a glance, he knows that he is not an ordinary person.

Behind him, there are two men and one woman. Judging from their dress and temperament, the three of them are either rich or expensive.

"It's him!"

Dongfang Linglong's face suddenly turned cold when he saw the young man, glaring at the young man, and said with gnashing teeth.

"Who is he?"

Lu Qingyun was very angry when she saw Dongfang Linglong for the first time, so she couldn't help asking curiously.

In fact, without Dongfang Linglong opening her mouth, some people nearby answered Lu Qingyun.

The young man who intercepted Dongfang Linglong at the last minute and took the Life Tree branch into his pocket is Zhao Jie. He is from Zhao Jie, the strongest Trainer clan in Guangcheng, and is also the Eldest of Zhao Family. Young Master.

Guangcheng has four major Trainer families, namely Dongfang Family, Lin Family, Sun Family and Jiang Family.

This Four Great Families is definitely a one-to-one Trainer family in Dragon Country.

But above the Four Great Families, there is this Peak family at the top of the Trainer family in Guangcheng and even the entire Guangdong Province, that is the Guangcheng Zhao Family.

Guangcheng Zhao Family is called Peak Trainer Family by trainer circles, the main reason is that Zhao Family is the only Trainer Family in Guangdong Province with a double Elite.

And the Pokémon Attributes that these two Elites are good at are different, so the Guangcheng Zhao Family is a Mega Trainer family with two complete Elite paths.

Although the two Elites of the Zhao Family have now abdicated, they are no more than sixty years old. With the average age of a Trainer, they are currently in their prime.

As a result, the strength of the Zhao Family can be imagined.

(Note: The Elite referred to here is the Elite Four.)

"How about Zhao Jie from the Zhao Family in Guangcheng? Linglong seems to hate him very much, and this person is very Looking at Linglong and showing that hypocritical smile, the two of them probably have some grudge."

Lu Qingyun heard the words of some people around him, and his heart suddenly whispered.

Lu Qingyun naturally heard the name Zhao Jie, at first when he was blowing water with Zhou Shengyun, and later he heard about this person from the class teacher Gao Xin.

I heard that this person is born precocious, can speak at the age of six months, has mastered all the basic characters and can read and write normally at the age of two. He belongs to the kind of person who has been called a genius since he was a child.

How talented is he?

When he was a freshman in high school, he published a research on Magikarp's ability to master Dragon Rage in the most famous academic forum "Pokémon House" in Dragon Country, and eventually won several well-known Pokémon Professors. 's approval.

Since then, he has published several research papers on various Pokémons in succession, all of which have been reviewed by the Pokémon House without exception.

Because of his amazing achievements, Zhao Jie is currently recognized as the most outstanding New Generation Trainer among the three Trainer High Schools in Guangcheng.

Xin Gao said to Lu Qingyun that Zhao Jie will definitely be one of his most powerful peers opponents to Lu Qingyun in the future.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, although Lu Qingyun was not shocked by his various auras and fame, he is now shocked by his boldness.

It is indeed the person who spent hundreds of millions of dollars to collect a large number of Magikarp from all over the world for research in order to write papers, that is, rich and imposing.

"One billion, this new guest called out a billion bid, is anyone else going to offer a higher price? If not, I count three times, and after three beeps, colorful The tree branch belongs to this distinguished guest."

On the auction stage, the beautiful Auctioneer almost jumped up happily when she heard Zhao Jie's bid, estimating her commission for this order. At the same time, how many zeros there are, loudly said excitedly.

All of a sudden, the price was increased by 200 million yuan. Zhao Jie, rich and imposing's price hike couldn't help many people at the scene secretly stunned.

Dongfang Linglong's face was very ugly at this time. The colorful branches that could have been won with 800 million suddenly changed, and the price suddenly changed to 1 billion.

And the person who caused the change was someone she hated so much, which made her even more angry and anxious.

One billion, which is a very huge wealth even for the Dongfang Family. The Dongfang Family can use it to breed a group of good Pokémon.

In fact, the upper limit of the auction funds that Dongfang Linglong father gave to Dongfang Linglong this time is 1 billion. If the price exceeds this price, the family will not put any more money into it.

After all, this key to the road to Elite is not 100% unlockable. Once you buy it and find that it cannot be used for a long time, the money spent will be wasted.

"1.02 billion."

Dongfang Linglong is a stubborn woman, she obviously does not intend to give up just like this, she gritted her teeth, decided to put her pocket money in it, and immediately raised it hand, loudly said.

However, Zhao Jie is clearly on the verge of winning the Life Tree branch on the auction block.

As soon as Dongfang Linglong asked to increase the price, he immediately said a number that made Dongfang Linglong feel desperate: "1.5 billion!"

(end of this chapter)

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