My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 119


Chapter 119 The Phone in the Treasure Room (Three Updates on Day 3) (Subscribe)

Right here When Gao Qiao Qiao, the beautiful security Captain of the Fortune Stone Company, fell into self-defense, Lu Qingyun was waiting patiently in the waiting room of Jian Baohou of the auction under the Giant Goose Group.

At the same time, he was also reflecting on whether he was too blunt in rejecting the cooperation agreement proposed by Fortune Stone Company.

However, in Lu Qingyun's opinion, this Fortune Stone Company is really too greedy and has no sincerity at all, and actually wants to spend 10 million to get rid of him.

Isn't this an obvious desire to take advantage of one's position to bully people.

Okay, let's come, Lu Qingyun said that he was not panic at all.

In fact, Lu Qingyun didn't take the Fortune Stone Company seriously at all. He only reluctantly agreed to read the agreement in consideration of the country.

A liar company, a paper tiger, what the hell.

Do you still dare to come and threaten him? What a joke.

The executives of the Fortune Stone Company are really lost in the money pile, and they can't see their own situation at all.

Do they really not know what kind of terrifying thing it will be once their behavior of deceiving the majority of Trainers is exposed?

You must know that although the majority of Trainers are basically just some civilian Trainers with relatively low strength, this is definitely a force that cannot be ignored.

Once they make trouble, the entire Dragon Kingdom society will be in turmoil.

Of course, Lu Qingyun estimates that the top executives of Fortune Stone Company must be all idiots, maybe it's just that Gao Qiaoqiao, the beautiful bodyguard's boss, is an idiot.

The boss of hers was probably parachuted down. He was the kind of guy who knew how to make money without knowing anything. That guy must have seen him young and thought he was ignorant and easy to bully.

"Ten million, hehe, it's so interesting, what is the person thinking about who made this condition? Do you really take me for a fool?"

Kam In the treasure room, Lu Qingyun continued to complain in his heart.

Only 10 million, he Lu Qingyun signed it with impossible anyway.

Signed, he is a fool, he is still preparing to take this skill and continue to pluck the wool of this Fortune Stone Company, how can he sign.

If the top executives of this Fortune Stone Company are all such idiots who throw their eyes on the money pile, then this Fortune Stone Company will have an accident sooner or later.

All in all, it is absolutely impossible for him, Lu Qingyun, to throw away the valuable knowledge of Steven, a champion trainer, just for this trifling 10 million.

Absolutely impossible!

The auction's Treasure Appraiser is very efficient. Lu Qingyun was called by the staff here to appraise the treasures in the treasure appraising room not long after he worked in the waiting room.

The auction arranger to appraise Lu Qingyun's treasure is a middle-aged Treasure Appraiser, a very serious person with sharp, eagle-like eyes.

As soon as Lu Qingyun came in, Zhang Baoqi started his daily professional interest. He quickly used his savage eyes to make an appraisal and price evaluation of Lu Qingyun's whole body.

Jianren is like a treasure, this is his personal professional saying.

In less than ten seconds, he could see that Lu Qingyun had nothing more than a small space ring on his right hand, which was worth a little money. thousand dollars.

From the point of view of dress, Lu Qingyun is undoubtedly a civilian trainer, but he has a relatively rare space equipment such as space ring.

In addition, when Lu Qingyun came in, he was very confident and calm, and he didn't have the temperament that most commoner trainers had when they saw him with some submissiveness and inferiority.

Zhang Baoqi finally came to a conclusion that the youngster named Lu Qingyun should be a talented Trainer from a certain Trainer High School.

For his vision, Zhang Baoqi is undoubtedly very confident.

After he came to the conclusion, his eyes re-looked towards Lu Qingyun became much softer, and he decided to try his best to say something nice to the things Lu Qingyun brought.

If things are okay, he will consider asking a price to let Lu Qingyun's things pass.

However, Zhang Baoqi didn't think that someone like Lu Qingyun would have good things in their hands.

After all, Lu Qingyun is missing something that most trainers who come here to appraise should have.

However, Zhang Baoqi was obviously looking for something wrong this time. When Lu Qingyun took out the high-grade moon stone, his mouth opened slightly, and then he looked at Lu Qingyun in disbelief.

“Master Zhang, help me to look at this moon stone, do you think it can be included in the auction list of the next intermediate rank auction?”

See Lu Qingyun The Treasure Appraiser in front of him was a little surprised that he took out a high-grade moonstone as soon as he came up, smiled slightly, and asked.

"No problem at all, this moon stone is of very good quality, it has entered the high grade quality, and it is more than enough to be included in the auction list of this intermediate rank auction."

Zhang Baoqi heard this and immediately recovered. After he lowered his head and carefully appraised the moon stone on the table, he gave Lu Qingyun an affirmative answer.

Lu Qingyun got a positive answer and was overjoyed, and then immediately threw his second purpose of auction to Zhang Baoqi: "Can I take this opportunity to participate in the intermediate rank auction?"

Obviously, the question raised by Lu Qingyun at this time is not within the answer range of Zhang Baoqi, a Treasure Appraiser.

However, since Lu Qingyun is a talented trainer worth investing in, Zhang Baoqi patiently explained to Lu Qingyun:

"As far as I know, I want to participate in The intermediate rank auction must have a fund of 100 million. Although the moonstone you bring is of high quality, the final transaction price is estimated to be around 40,000 to 50 million.

The transaction amount cannot be reached The item with the upper limit of 100 million, according to the rules here, the seller of the auction item cannot participate in the intermediate rank auction, I am sorry, I can't help you either."

Lu Qingyun actually did it before asking the question He was mentally prepared, but at this time, he still felt very uncomfortable when he received a positive rejection reply from Zhang Baoqi.

But rules are rules, Lu Qingyun had no choice but to accept the other party's explanation.

Just when Lu Qingyun was about to leave, the phone on the table rang.

"Wait a minute, sir, here's your phone number."

Zhang Baoqi quickly answered the phone when he saw this, and then his expression changed suddenly, and he quickly realized that he was about to walk there. Lu Qingyun at the door said.

(end of this chapter)

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