My Pokemon Is Too Strong Chapter 118


Chapter 118 Initial Negotiations Failed

As the security Captain of Fortune Stone Company, Gao Qiao Qiao is no longer the one Trainer, a fledgling college student, conducted a detailed investigation on Lu Qingyun through the company's intelligence network before she came to talk with Lu Qingyun.

After carefully reading the investigation report, Gao Qiaoqiao came to the following three conclusions about Lu Qingyun:

The first is the innocent trainer.

The second is the talented Trainer from Guangcheng No.2 Middle School.

The third is the Psychic who is suspected of awakening Psychic.

Among the three conclusions, the first point is to let Gao Qiaoqiao know that Lu Qingyun is accessible and that he will have the opportunity to win over Lu Qingyun.

The second point makes Gao Qiaoqiao know that Lu Qingyun cannot be threatened or hurt. Once Lu Qingyun is threatened and hurt, it is very likely to arouse the dissatisfaction of the boss behind Guangcheng No. 2 Middle School.

The third point made Gao Qiaoqiao envious, but she also deeply realized that Lu Qingyun was very likely to grow into a strong trainer that Fortune Stone Company needs to look up to in the future.

His potential is immeasurable.

Although Lu Qingyun's identity as a Psychic has not yet been confirmed, but through Lu Qingyun's most recent signs of amazing progress, there is a high probability that Lu Qingyun is a Psychic.

In fact, in Gao Qiaoqiao's heart, Lu Qingyun is already a genuine Psychic, and has mastered the means of using Psychic to screen fortune stones.

Otherwise, Gao Qiaoqiao couldn't figure out why Lu Qingyun, who had never been in contact with the fortune stone before, could accurately find the three fortune stones that were labeled by the company.

After learning about Lu Qingyun and making certain conclusions, Gao Qiaoqiao knew that Lu Qingyun was not something she could deal with alone.

So, she reported the matter of Lu Qingyun to her immediate supervisor, and then she came, with the goodwill of Fortune Stone Company.

But from now on, the negotiation is not very smooth, Lu Qingyun seems to have a deep misunderstanding of her and the Fortune Stone Company behind her.

She had to explain her intentions immediately to avoid further misunderstanding.

"Cooperation agreement?"

Lu Qingyun saw Gao Qiaoqiao's actions at this time and heard what she just said, his nervous mood was relieved, and then he asked again in confusion.

It turned out that he wasn't here to arrest him. I should have said it earlier, which made him very nervous just now.

Since being hit by a stone to get the memories of many other people, Lu Qingyun actually lived a little bit nervous every day, for fear that his secret would be known to others, and then he would be caught and sliced.

From memory, he's well aware that some Psychic Type Pokémon can easily get other creatures to say everything he knows, and it's impossible to be tight-lipped.

One of the main reasons why he has worked so hard to improve his strength during this time is to give himself a little more security.

If he lived in fear every day, he would go crazy.

But what is this partnership agreement? Could it be that you want to incorporate him!

"Yes, a mutually beneficial and fair and equal cooperation agreement, you can take a look now."

Seeing Lu Qingyun's expression relaxed, Gao Qiao Qiao replied, and then He took out a document from his bag and threw it to Lu Qingyun.

About half an hour, the artificial island where the market event was held, the auction area in its central area.

"Elder sister Gao, thank you for sending me here. We will meet later."

Lu Qingyun took the Vulpix out of a sports car and walked towards the auction ahead. However, he stopped before taking a few steps, turned his head and smiled and waved to Gaucho Qiao in the driver's seat of the sports car.

As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly entered the giant goose Auction House in front of him with Vulpix also waving goodbye to Gaucho Joe.

"Maybe this is the life of the open hanging."

Gao Qiaoqiao also waved to Lu Qingyun and Vulpix, waiting for Lu Qingyun to bring Vulpix to the giant goose group's Auction safely House, her eyes shifted to the passenger seat.

At this time, there is a Twisted Spoon and a few fortune stones placed on the front passenger seat.

Half an hour ago, after she threw the documents of the cooperation agreement to Lu Qingyun, the matter that she came to discuss with Lu Qingyun this time became easier.

It's just that Lu Qingyun is obviously not a timid person. After he glanced at the compensation amount offered by Fortune Stone Company, he threw away the agreement as garbage, then turned around and left.

Although she has always told Lu Qingyun about the various benefits of joining the Fortune Stone Company along the way, Lu Qingyun is still unmoved and does not agree to sign the cooperation agreement at all.

Fortunately, her role as Lu Qingyun's driver along the way is not without gain. Lu Qingyun is very smart. He proved his worth with practical actions and made her initial suspicions come true.

Lu Qingyun is indeed a Psychic person, and also has the ability to use Psychic to identify the wealth stone.

All this was proved by the spoon and the ten fortune stones in front of her.

Gao Qiaoqiao saw Lu Qingyun's eyes suddenly glow with blue glow like other Psychic's, and then used Confusion to bend the spoon in her hand.

Next, she saw Lu Qingyun glanced at the ten fortune stones she took out with her blue glowing eyes, and then accurately distinguished those stones that the company's internal stone experts had always thought were great.

probability is the fortune stone of the evolution stone.

After seeing these things with his own eyes, Gao Qiaoqiao already believes that Lu Qingyun is a Psychic who has the ability to use Psychic to identify the fortune stone.

If anyone dares to question, she must be anxious with this person.

"Unfortunately, the company is willing to give too few things this time, and it can't impress him at all.

Also, things that people can easily get by relying on ability, those of the company It's ridiculous that people want to use these things to put a spell on people's heads."

Gao Qiaoqiao took the fortune stone back into the space equipment given to her by the company, and then picked up the Lu on the passenger seat. The cooperation agreement document left by Qingyun, said with a bitter smile.

To say that this cooperation agreement document is not good, it is not the case.

At least at the beginning of Gao Qiaoqiao's view, this cooperation agreement is a very well-paid agreement for a civilian trainer like Lu Qingyun.

After all, as long as Lu Qingyun promises not to participate in the trading of Fortune Stones under the Fortune Stone Company in the future, he can easily earn 10 million yuan per youth without any additional conditions.

And the amount will increase every year by 10%.

The effective date of this cooperation agreement is fixed until the death of Lu Qingyun or the bankruptcy of Fortune Stone Company.

However, when Gao Qiaoqiao saw Lu Qingyun take out the three evolution stones of Water Stone, Grass Stone and Thunder Stone from his space equipment, and said that he had just spent 30,000 yuan from the three evolutionary stones. When the Fortune Stones bought from the Fortune Stone Company were opened.

She immediately realized that this cooperation agreement was simply not fair to Lu Qingyun, and the fair cooperation she just emphasized was a joke.

She still remembered what Lu Qingyun said to him at the time, which left her speechless and deeply frightened.

At that time, Lu Qingyun said: "The senior management of the Fortune Stone Company thinks too highly of themselves, and they want to buy me for 10 million yuan and let me wash my hands. It's really stingy.

Think about how many trainers you have cheated so far, as long as those trainers know what good things you have done, your fortune stone company will be smashed."

(End of this chapter)


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