Chapter 87 Chuan’er, did you sell our house?

Lin Chuan didn’t know that his cousin was already floating, and he didn’t even pay attention to him.

After arranging things, he led a leisurely life again, and he had nothing to do with the growing fruits and vegetables in the vegetable garden, even if it was over.

Even if he was serving fruits and vegetables, he also thought of a lazy way.

Many of the poisonous insects and beasts conquered with platinum bowls can get into the ground, and Lin Chuan sent them to the vegetable garden to loosen the soil.

Often loosen the soil, that is the only way to make fruits and vegetables flourish.

There are also some poisonous beasts that can eat insects, and Lin Chuan also sent them to the vegetable garden to exterminate them.

In this way, he doesn’t need to use pesticides or the like at all.

The vegetables in the vegetable garden are now all natural vegetables, and they look more beautiful than the others.

When Ling Xiaoxiao was shooting a small video in the vegetable garden for publicity, many netizens couldn’t believe that these fruits and vegetables could look so beautiful without medicine.

There are more and more netizens asking where Qinghuang Xiaozhu is.

Ling Xiaoxiao’s series of propaganda has already dampened the appetite of many people.

If Lin Chuan announced the address of Qinghuang Xiaozhu, a bunch of old gluttons would rush over in minutes.

Unfortunately, they have no chance.

Lin Chuan didn’t want Qinghuang Xiaozhu to become an ordinary farmhouse with people coming and going, and insisted on taking the high-end route.

Otherwise, wouldn’t he be too busy!

While Lin Chuan was resting, Qinghuang Xiaozhu’s renovation project continued.

With the overtime work of the master workers, Qinghuang Xiaozhu’s renovation project has entered the final stage, and Fatty Yao has lost another circle.

However, Lin Chuan was very leisurely. During the period, apart from discussing with Baihua Fairy about opening an online shop, there was basically nothing else.

Let Ling Xiaoxiao massage him, and it’s okay to tease Yue Qin’er. Don’t be too comfortable.

“Xinxin, I’ll see your uncle right away, aren’t you happy?” Lin Juan looked at the BMW M4 that Lin Chuan gave to Lin Juan and asked, looking at Xinxin in her arms.

“Happy, I am the happiest to see Uncle Xinxin!” Xinxin smiled and said excitedly.

“Yes, you are happy when you see your uncle, but you are not happy when you see your father.”

“The daughter I said is my father’s little padded jacket. I think you are the little padded jacket of your uncle.”

Deng Wei, who was driving, said sourly.

“Chuck, Xinxin just likes her uncle!” Xinxin laughed like a silver bell upon seeing this.

Lin Dashan and Gao Ping, who were sitting in the back seat of the car, saw this scene with gratifying smiles on their faces.

Such a warm and harmonious picture would not have existed before.

They used to live in Deng Weilinjuan’s family, just like sending people under the fence.

Deng Wei’s unpleasant mother would come to look for things every three days, and it seemed that she would be uncomfortable if she didn’t pick something wrong.

And Deng Wei was also a person who couldn’t fart with three sticks. He listened to what the hell said, which made the house full of anger.

Lin Juan, who hates iron but not steel, would quarrel with Deng Wei from time to time, and there would be no time for harmony.

However, since Lin Chuan gave Lin Juan this BMW M4, everything has changed.

Deng Wei his mother saw Lin Juan driving this car back downstairs in the community, and asked if it was given to her by Lin Chuan, and his disgust with Lin Juan disappeared in an instant.

Not only is there no more yin and yang strangeness, but the sky is cold and warm, as if the evil mother-in-law was not her.

All this is just because Lin Juan drove back a car worth nearly a million!

Deng Wei is not a fucking demon, the core contradiction between Lin Juan and Deng Wei disappeared in an instant, and the relationship between husband and wife quickly recovered and became so harmonious.

Lin Juan wanted to continue to strengthen the relationship between husband and wife, but couldn’t stand Deng Wei’s damn diligence, so she wanted to take advantage of the holiday and take the family back to Taoyuan Village for a tour.

Deng Wei, who likes to drive, kept tying his driving position and drove all the way to Taoyuan Village, and then stopped suddenly.

“What’s the matter, Deng Wei, isn’t this still home? Why did you stop.”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been here, have you forgotten where our house is?”

Lin Juan looked out the window and found that there was still some way to her home. She couldn’t help but wonder.

“I recognize our house, I remember it was in the front position, but now it seems to have completely changed!”

“If you don’t believe me, see for yourself, is it completely different.”

Deng Wei pointed to the front with a grieved expression.

“Home is not home, how can it change? I think you just forget…”

Lin Juan ridiculed and looked to the front. Suddenly, she stopped talking as if she had seen a ghost.

“Mom and dad, look at it, is that still our home?” Lin Juan said with a trembling finger in front of him after being silent for a while.

“What’s the matter?” The old couple was a little puzzled, looked forward together, and then both were dumbfounded.

Not far in front, the place that should have been the old residence of the Lin family has become a magnificent complex of buildings.

Whitewashed walls, dimpled tiles, arched buckets and cornices, exquisiteness and simplicity are everywhere.

The whole building complex seems to be covered with a layer of mist, it looks like a fairy air, full of dust.

Just looking at it from a distance, everyone in the car can feel the grandeur of this mansion.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t match the somewhat dilapidated old mansion of their Lao Lin family at all.

I don’t know that it was the rich and powerful tycoon who set up such a magnificent house here.

“Parents, is this really our house?” Lin Juan asked in a hoarse voice, unbelievable.

“This… I’ll call and ask Chuan’er.” Lin Dashan, who had been in Taoyuan Village for decades, did not dare to assert that this was his home, but chose to make a call.

“Hey, Dad, are you calling me to find something wrong?” The call was quickly connected, and Lin Chuan’s lazy voice came.

“Chuan’er, did you sell our house?!” Lin Dashan asked in a trembling voice.

The house in front of him was completely different from the old house in his memory.

If such a house appeared on the homestead originally belonging to the Lin family, there was only one possibility that the old house would be sold by Lin Chuan.

This is the ancestral house, how could Lin Chuan sell it so easily!

“Ah, what are you talking about, dad?”

“Aren’t our homes in good condition? How could I sell our homes.”

Lin Chuan was asked by Lin Dashan this question inexplicably.

If the home is sold, where is he now?

“Don’t quibble, I’ve seen it all. In terms of our location, the old house is gone, and it has become a very magnificent house!”

Lin Dashan saw that Lin Chuan was still stubborn, and his tone was a lot harsher.

“Dad, that’s our house. I just remodeled our house. Why don’t you know it anymore.”

Lin Chuan understood what was going on after hearing this.

“This is our home?” Several people in the car looked at each other when they heard the words.

Such a magnificent house is actually their home!

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