Chapter 86 Lin Chuan? Little role!

“Hundred Poison Gate?”

“I have never heard of this sect in the cultivation world. Maybe this is a secret sect. Do you need me to investigate it, Master?”

Pu Liqi, who was beaten with blood, was naturally very concerned about Lin Chuan’s problems.

But he thought about it for a long time, but he didn’t think about the information related to Baidumen, and suddenly felt very ashamed.

Lin Chuan had just entrusted him with a heavy responsibility and gave him such a precious pill, but he didn’t even know the family sect, which is really too much.

“No, I just asked casually, you just need to do your own thing.”

“I don’t have anything to tell you, you should do what you should do first.”

Lin Chuan waved his hand and said.

Instead of letting Pu Liqi bother to investigate, it’s better to ask Yue Qin’er directly.

“Yes, Master!” Pu Liqi nodded solemnly before getting up and leaving.

After a while, Ling Xiaoxiao and Yue Qin’er came over with a bunch of food.

“Where is Pu Liqi, we just made breakfast, why did he disappear?”

Yue Qin’er scanned the living room several times, but did not find Pu Liqi’s figure, and said a little depressed.

“It seems that you are very concerned about Pu Liqi.” Lin Chuan said with a deep-sense look at Yue Qin’er.

“I’m an ordinary person. It’s normal to be curious when I meet a monk during the foundation period.”

Seeing that Lin Chuan seemed to have discovered something, Yue Qin’er panicked and hurriedly asked for help.

“It turned out to be so, it seems I misunderstood.”

“Hurry up and put things down, I’m so hungry, I didn’t eat last night.”

Lin Chuan retracted his gaze and said while sitting at the table.

A pile of food was put on the table, and the three of them ate immediately, and the whole pile was eaten in a short while.

“Yue Qin’er, stay for a while, I have a question to ask you.” When Yue Qin’er was about to leave, Lin Chuan called him.

Ling Xiaoxiao consciously packed up the dishes and left directly.

“What are you asking?” Yue Qin’er said with some caution.

“Of course it is to ask you about the Baidu Sect. Don’t forget that Grandpa Yue asked you to come over so that you can tell me the relevant situation.”

“But you are fine, I don’t ask, you just don’t say a word.”

Lin Chuan was a little unhappy.

This Yue Qin’er didn’t eat less of all kinds of delicacies, but he didn’t say anything when he encountered things.

If she didn’t know a lot, Lin Chuan would want to drive her away.

“As a client, you don’t take the initiative to ask. I thought you didn’t care. Can you blame me?”

Yue Qin’er didn’t think there was anything wrong with this, so she said with confidence.

“…I won’t talk to you about these things, and quickly tell me about the Baidu Sect.” Lin Chuan didn’t want to say anything.

“If you are so anxious, isn’t your heart swelling, ready to give the sect of the Baidu Sect, right?”

“I advise you to dispel this idea. The Baidu Sect is not well-known in the spiritual world, but it is actually a sect with a long heritage, but it is relatively declining today.”

“The contemporary master of the Baidu Sect is named Sha Litian. It is said that he broke through the Golden Core stage ten years ago, and he wants to talk about the Baidu Sect’s renewed development.”

“For this reason, he would walk out of the sect from time to time and search for the good seedlings of Luo Xiu. That’s how your cousin is favored by him.”

“Your cousin calculates that you are unsuccessful, and he will definitely hide in the Baidu Sect in the depths of Maoshan.”

“And the Baidu Sect has been in the spiritual world for thousands of years, and it is good at making poison. The dangers within the sect can be imagined.”

“Even if the mighty man behind you goes, I’m afraid he will be planted there if he doesn’t give up.”

Yue Qin’er was also happy, and directly told Lin Chuan about the Baidu Sect.

But when she was speaking, she was still probing, wanting to dig into Lin Chuan’s background.

“It seems that my cousin is promising, and he has been spotted by a big Jin Dan. He has a promising future.”

Lin Chuan narrowed his eyes without showing the slightest expression on his face, as if he was heartily blessing Lin Jun.

“You really don’t care?” Yue Qin’er asked in surprise.

Lin Chuan just beat Pu Liqi, a monk during the foundation-building period, to the ground. It stands to reason that it should be the most ambitious time.

Asking her about the Hundred Poison Sect at this time, she didn’t want to retaliate, it was outrageous!

With such a calm expression, when will she be able to find out the bottom of Lin Chuan!

“Of course I don’t care, after all, he is my dear cousin.” Lin Chuan’s smile was extremely bright, it seemed that he really put down the previous things.

That’s it!

If Lin Jun dared to appear in front of him, he would slap him to death with a slap, and it would be useless even if he was covered by a Golden Core cultivator!

It’s not worth it to take revenge for such a person.

Or, let Pu Liqi open the sect to Maoshan and have fun with Baidu Sect?

“Congratulations, Junior Brother Lin, your cultivation level has broken through again.”

“In a short period of time, he has become a cultivator of the fifth level of Qi training, and he is indeed a cultivating genius discovered by the master!”

A beautifully dressed girl at the gate of a beautiful cave mansion, looked at Lin Jun with spring eyes and said.

“Senior Sister Yun is absurd. If you want to say that you are a cultivator, so are you. I heard that you are about to build a foundation.”

Lin Jun felt the power surging in his body after the breakthrough, and said with a smile.

At this time, Lin Jun’s temperament has changed drastically, and his whole person has become extremely confident.

If his parents saw him at this time, I am afraid they would not recognize him.

“Coco, Brother Lin’s news is really well-informed, and I am indeed about to build a foundation.”

“Junior Brother Lin, you have to hurry up, they are waiting for you during the foundation building period.”

The Senior Sister Yun covered her mouth and chuckled, her eyebrows full of deep meaning.

“Sister, wait, I will be able to build the foundation in less than three years!” Lin Jun’s heart was shaken, and he said with great enthusiasm.

“Junior Brother Lin, you have this mentality. It seems that you have already walked out of the shadow of your cousin Lin Chuan.”

Senior Sister Yun’s eyes flashed, and she suddenly mentioned Lin Chuan.

“Lin Chuan? Humph, that’s just a small character!”

“I am destined to break through the foundation-building period and impact the existence of the Golden Core period, so why bother to take this person to heart.”

“When I break through the foundation-building period, one day I have to pass by and kill him casually, so I understand this grievance.”

When Lin Jun heard the name Lin Chuan, the fierceness in his eyes was fleeting, and he said in a very flat tone.

Now he has become an immortal cultivator, with a bright future, and beautiful senior sisters are enamoured of him.

And Lin Chuan was just an ordinary person covered by immortal cultivators, so what right did he have to fight him.

Even if Lin Chuan also embarked on the road of cultivating immortals, can he practice at his speed?

He is definitely a man who can become a master in the foundation period!

Lin Chuan doesn’t deserve to be compared with him at all!

“Junior Brother Lin, when you said this, you were so handsome, as handsome as when you gave me the middle-grade pill!”

Senior Sister Yun held her heart like Xizi and said with a look of admiration.

“Hahaha, Senior Sister Yun, I also have a middle-grade pill here, and I will give it to you too!”

Lin Jun was very helpful to Sister Yun’s state, feeling very refreshed, and enduring the pain, he took out another pill.

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