Chapter 82 Cowboy: Brother, where is my baby?

This group of princes have always been pretentious.

Now for the sake of their lives, bowing to their knees and willing to serve as slaves has caused them great psychological pressure.

As a result, Lin Chuan still looks down on them, saying that they are not even qualified to be his servants!

Are we really that bad?

Are we really waste?

The son brothers, all began to doubt life.

“Young Master Lin, if you don’t accept me today, I won’t get up!”

Wang Xi, who couldn’t accept this result, simply started playing the trick of being unable to kneel down.

In any case, Lin Chuan had to accept him, otherwise he would really have no face to go out in the future.

“Let’s not get up either!” Seeing this, the other brothers also expressed their opinions.

When Lin Chuan saw this group of elder brothers, who had not become his servants, and actually started playing tricks, he was speechless.

What is going on with these people, is it really that attractive to be his servants?

Isn’t it good to be a free man?

Where did he know the mentality of these brothers.

After seeing Lin Chuan and Pu Li Qi Doufa, they felt the strength of Lin Chuan crushing them, and they didn’t dare to have the slightest idea of ​​confronting Lin Chuan in their hearts.

After witnessing Lin Chuan’s control of Pu Liqi, they couldn’t afford to leave Lin Chuan.

When Lin Chuan let them go so casually, they felt very guilty, for fear that Lin Chuan would have some means to clean up them and prepare to settle accounts after the fall.

After much deliberation, becoming Lin Chuan’s servants makes them feel at ease.

“I still said that, to be my servants, you are not worthy.”

“If you insist on finding a sense of belonging from me, then recognize Fatty Yao as the big brother. You should know the relationship between me and him.”

Lin Chuan thought for a while, guessed some thoughts of this group of elder brothers, pointed at Fatty Yao and said.

He didn’t bother to accept these brothers as servants and threw them to Fatty Yao.

“Ah, is this okay?” Fatty Yao was suddenly pushed out by Lin Chuan, a little confused.

“Big brother is here, please be worshipped by younger brother!” Lin Chuan didn’t say anything yet, but the group of elder brothers quickly saw the opportunity and directly bowed down.

“This… that… Since you will be my little brother in the future, then you have to listen to Brother Chuan, change your mind, and be a new man. I will stare at you!”

Fatty Yao had seen the world anyway. After a flustered in his heart, he gradually calmed down and spoke to the young man in a decent way.

“Understood!” The group of elder brothers responded in unison, looking up at Lin Chuan, their eyes full of fiery.

They finally found the organization.

Following Fatty Yao, isn’t it about following Lin Chuan?

“Fatty Yao, take all these people away and supervise them well.”

“You guys go too, remember to tidy up here.”

Lin Chuan, who was impatient, waved his hand and drove all these people away.

Then he thought, and the little demon and the group of poisonous insects and beasts all gathered.

“Those poisonous insects are back!” Ling Xiaoxiao was shocked when he saw the poisonous insects and beasts coming back.

“Don’t panic, now these poisonous insects and beasts are under my control, there will be no problems.”

“Let them stay near Qinghuang Xiaozhu, we are equivalent to an extra layer of protection.”

Lin Chuan soothed Ling Xiaoxiao and talked about the arrangements for these poisonous insects and beasts.

Pu Liqi, who had not left, was not surprised at Lin Chuan’s control of the poisonous insects and beasts.

Even he is now under Lin Chuan’s control, and controlling these poisonous insects and beasts is normal.

The two groups separated. After Lin Chuan returned home, he was surrounded by Yue Qin’er and Ling Xiaoxiao.

“How can you get such a powerful spell?”

“Just tell the ancestors, I won’t tell others.”

“You are really amazing. When I was studying before, I didn’t notice it at all.”

“Besides this one for attacking, you should have a baby for protection, can you take it out and have a look?”

A bunch of questions came over, and Lin Chuan’s head was a little dizzy as he listened.

“Stop! Stop talking, let me do it!”

“The origin of my cultivation, you don’t need to worry about it. This is a great secret.”

“Anyway, you know that I am very good. As for how many methods I have, you will gradually know in the future.”

“Anyway, I will still be the one in the future, and the related topics will stop here. Anyway, the world has nothing to do with you.”

“You know, curiosity is more than just killing cats!”

Lin Chuan interrupted them directly, said a word, and ended the topic.

He took a few people to see the world of practitioners in order to give them a bottom, but he didn’t want to tell all his secrets.

Fortunately, Ling Xiaoxiao said that he didn’t understand the affairs of the spiritual world at first, but was shocked by what he saw just now.

Yue Qin’er’s purpose here is not pure, most of Lin Chuan’s words are actually directed at her.

“What? Let’s see it, and it’s not completely interesting for us.” Yue Qin’er heard the warning in Linchuan dialect and muttered a little dissatisfied.

She didn’t ask any more questions, anyway, after coming to Japan, she will be able to see through Lin Chuan’s secret one day!

“Stop mumbling, let’s cook quickly. After so long, don’t you feel hungry?”

Seeing that Yue Qin’er had stopped, Lin Chuan urged her to cook.

“Want me to cook for you? You are afraid that you are thinking of peaches!” Yue Qin’er said with wide eyes, Tsundere very much.

Even if she knew that Lin Chuan was very strong, her attitude towards Lin Chuan remained the same.

“I’ll do it, you can just wait and eat.” Ling Xiaoxiao looked at Yue Qin’er amusedly, and said softly.

“It’s still Ling Xiaoxiao Xianhui, whoever marries her in the future will be blessed.” Lin Chuan said to Ling Xiaoxiao, raising his thumb.

“How can it be as exaggerated as you said.” A shy look appeared on Ling Xiaoxiao’s face, and he trot away.

Upon seeing this, Yue Qin’er didn’t want to stay with Lin Chuan, so he just followed.

Lin Chuan arranged the poisonous insects and beasts, and let the little demon go back to the room to rest after Qinghuang Xiaozhu’s random activities.

After doing this whole thing today, he is actually very tired and needs a good rest.

But God seems to be joking with him, today he just won’t let Lin Chuan go away.

As soon as he lay down, the phone rang.

I picked it up and found that it was from Cowherd.

Cowboy: Brother, haven’t my baby been ready yet? I’m very anxious! ! !

Seeing Niu Lang’s exclamation marks, Lin Chuan deeply felt Niu Lang’s urgency.

It’s really hard to be lonely for so long.

It’s hard to be a man!

It’s even harder to be a man who can only see his wife once a year!

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