Chapter 81 Self-cultivation as a servant

Curse? !

Lin Chuan frowned when he saw Happy Luohan’s reply.

He was just trying to ask, but he didn’t expect Happy Arhat to reply so forcefully.

Monkey King has the same curse, who knows the effect.

The lawless Sun Monkey, isn’t it just because of this tight curse that Xuanzang took care of him and obeyed him?

If it were used on Pu Liqi, it would really uphold him, and there is no need to worry about Pu Liqi’s second intentions at all.

Xiaoyao Xian: Happy Arhat, can you get the Curse?

Happy Arhat: Well…it’s a bit difficult. After all, this curse is a spell created by the Buddha, so you have to find him.

Xiaoyao Xian: …then why are you mentioning this!

Lin Chuan rolled his eyes.

In the end, it turned out to be nothing but joy.

Happy Luohan is also in a bad mood, and even wants to hit his own hand, it’s okay to send any news!

He mentioned the Tightening Curse, but he just happened to think of this. How could he have thought that Lin Chuan really wanted it.

But he had said everything before. If he didn’t give it, Lin Chuan would definitely think he was stingy, and I’m afraid he would really not forgive him.

He took the initiative to contact Lin Chuan in order to make up for the flaws in the Buddha’s mind caused by his guilt towards Lin Chuan.

It’s better now. Not only has the flaw in his Buddha’s mind not been compensated, it has a tendency to expand.

If it continues, his cultivation will be stagnant forever, and may even regress!

“It seems that the poor monk must help Xiaoyao Immortal Daoist to get a tight-fitting curse anyway!” Thinking of the seriousness of the matter, Happy Arhat gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Happy Arhat: Fellow Daoist, wait for me, I will find the Buddha Tathagata, and use the three-day lecture reward he has given me to exchange for a tight-knit mantra!

When Lin Chuan saw Happy Luohan’s statement, he was a little satisfied with him.

Regardless of whether he can do it or not, his attitude is still good.

Waiting for a bit bored, he raised his head and took a deep look at Pu Liqi, making Pu Liqi tremble all over, but he didn’t know why.

He didn’t know that his current life was actually entirely dependent on whether Happy Arhat could get the Tightening Curse.

It’s all about Happy Arhat getting the Tightening Curse, if you can’t get it, then Pu Liqi will have a dead end.

After all, it is impossible for Lin Chuan to have a servant who may betray at any time, nor to allow an enemy to leave.

Happy Arhat: Fellow Daoist, the Buddha promised me, I will send you the Curse!

After waiting for a while, Happy Luohan finally sent a message and swept the Curse of the Ring.

[Tight band: Tathagata Buddha refining Buddha treasures, which contain magical powers that can not be removed once worn, can be closely connected to the mind and mind. Once there is an unfavorable idea for the person who applied the bandage curse, it will immediately have a headache, and the mind will collapse]

【Hooping Mantra: Tathagata Buddha creates a spell. The first time he casts it, he can bind the Hooping Mantra, and continue to recite the mantra to activate the magical powers of the Hooping Boundary. 】

What appeared in front of Lin Chuan was a golden ring and a scripture.

Lin Chuan glanced at it and knew the attributes of these two items, and he was very satisfied.

With this thing, even if Pu Liqi is Monkey Sun, don’t even want to escape from his palm.

Xiaoyao Xian: Happy Arhat, you are really too strong, I forgive you for that thing before, and I will ask you to eat pistachios later!

“This fellow Daoist Xiaoyao is still very easy to get along with. You must get in touch more in the future. What kind of pistachios he said sounds delicious.”

Happy Arhat saw that Lin Chuan had forgiven him, he was relieved immediately, and the Buddha’s heart was fulfilled again.

“Pu Liqi, you said you would be my servant, right?” Lin Chuan finally took his eyes back from the phone and looked at Pu Liqi and said.

“Yes, yes, I am willing to be a bull and a horse for your host, and I have no complaints!” Pu Liqi Lima said.

“Well, put this on your head. After you put it on, you will be my servant.” Lin Chuan took out the strap and handed it to Pu Liqi.

“This is?” Pu Liqi looked at the tight hoop in front of him, always feeling hairy in his heart.

“Why, you don’t want to wear it?” Lin Chuan frowned when he saw him hesitate.

“Dai, the master gave the treasure, of course I want to wear it!” Pu Liqi panicked in his heart and quickly took the tightrope and put it on his head.

No way, the situation is stronger than that of people, and the seal of the mountain is in Lin Chuan’s hand. If he doesn’t agree, he will be smashed into a pool of flesh immediately.

As soon as the hoop was put on, it automatically expanded and contracted, firmly hooping Pu Liqi’s forehead.

“It seems that there is nothing special.” Pu Liqi felt for a while, without any special feeling, and he was slightly relieved.

But soon, he felt dizzy, as if his brain was about to explode.

This is because Lin Chuan is chanting the Tightening Mantra.

“Ah…it hurts, Master, help me!” Pu Li Qi’s entire face was distorted, and he lay on the ground calling for help frantically.

Lin Chuan watched his tragic situation and stopped chanting.

“Remember this feeling, if you have a hint of betrayal in your heart, it will be ten times more uncomfortable than it is now.” He said with a faint look at Pu Liqi.

“I know the master.” Pu Liqi, with a lingering heart, looked at Lin Chuan with horror in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chuan still has such a powerful means of controlling people.

When this was over, he was completely planted in Lin Chuan’s hands.

“You go and clean up, take these people from the rivers and lakes away and settle them, and come to me at night.”

“Also, you have to fix the flowers and plants on this mountain, or they will be messy and ugly.”

Lin Chuan glanced at the people behind him and continued.

Now he is not afraid that Pu Li Qi will run away, so he immediately starts to arrange tasks for him.

“Yes, Master!” Pu Li Qi obediently responded.

He had had enough of the suffering just now, and he didn’t dare to think of disobeying Lin Chuan anymore.

As for the flowers and plants on this mountain, Lin Chuan had actually ruined such things, he certainly did not dare to say.

The master did something, he came to wipe his butt, this is self-cultivation as a servant!

“As for you…” After finishing the cooking of Pu Liqi and the gangsters, Lin Chuan looked at the group of elder brothers again.

“Young Master Lin, Uncle Lin, we can also serve you as servants, please let us go, we will never dare anymore!”

“Yes, yeah, we are also willing to be a cow and a horse for you.”

“Please don’t kill me, or our family will end.”

The son-in-laws were glanced at by Lin Chuan, and they trembled all over, and then began to beg for mercy.

“To shut up!”

“You rubbish, are you qualified to be my servants?”

“Fuck me off, then I will change my mind and re-behave, let me hear of what you did badly, and be careful of your lives!”

Lin Chuan gave a cold drink, and said disdainfully.

If you want to be his servant, there is a threshold.

These sons are not worthy!


The son-in-law collectively autistic.

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