Chapter 57 Young Master Scared Himself

Seeing that Lin Chuan wanted to break into her room directly, Yue Qin’er immediately turned his doubts about Lin Chuan into a certainty, stretched out his long legs and kicked him with a very clear goal.

Lin Chuan was taken aback when he saw this.

Yue Qin’er moved too fast, he had no time to evade at all, so he could only subconsciously change the hardness and thickness of the heavenly clothes in the lower position.

“Bah…” Yue Qin’er’s long legs hit the target and made a sound.

Don’t get me wrong, Lin Chuan’s descendants are still safe and sound, and the voice comes from Yue Qin’er’s leg.


Just hearing a scream from Yue Qin’er, Jiaohao’s face became a little sullen, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he fell on the sofa holding that leg.

“Are you okay?” Lin Chuan, who was kicked but felt nothing, looked at Yue Qin’er’s miserable state, and his heart became dazed.

What’s the situation, how can it make it seem like I kicked her?

“What is hidden in your place, why do I feel like I hit a steel plate!”

Yue Qin’er clutched her painful feet, looked at Lin Chuan with misty eyes and said.

Originally wanted to teach Lin Chuan, it turned out that he was unlucky. Lin Chuan seemed like a okay person.

This girl can’t stand this grievance!

“Hid something, just like a steel plate?” Lin Chuan subconsciously lowered his head and glanced when he heard the words, and suddenly understood what was going on.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and when he changed the heavenly clothes, he straightened up the thickness and hardness.

As a result, accidentally, it seemed that the hardness was overdone, which made Yue Qin’er feel like he was kicking on the steel plate.

“It seems that this day clothes can actually be used as armor. Thank you Yue Qin’er for helping me develop new features!”

Lin Chuan, who discovered the new function of Tianyi, suddenly lost his anger when Yue Qin’er was inexplicably attacked.

This girl Yue Qin’er is a good person!

“If you don’t kick me, how can you hit what I hide in my crotch?”

“I also said that I covet your beauty, but you can’t figure it out.”

“If I really want to covet you, isn’t it the best time now?”

Lin Chuan, who was in a wonderful mood, had a better attitude towards Yue Qin’er.

But what he said was still harsh in Yue Qin’er’s ears, making her blush.

She also understands now that she overreacted just now.

But she was also punished, and her feet were about to be taken off. Lin Chuan still satirized her so much that Yue Qin’er was about to cry when she was wronged.

“Wait, the stuff in your crotch shouldn’t be there, but it was moved there because you were in danger.”

“Grandpa said that you have a magical body protector given by a practitioner, and that seems to be the case.”

After being wronged for a while, Yue Qin’er suddenly wanted to understand, staring at Lin Chuan’s crotch.

“You are from a girl’s family, is it appropriate to look at a boy in this way?”

“Rather than caring about me, you might as well care about yourself. Are you really afraid that that leg will be abolished in the future?”

Lin Chuan didn’t expect Yue Qin’er to be quite alert, turned around a little awkwardly and said.

“People who practice martial arts, what kind of injury is this.” Yue Qin’er, who felt that he had found Lin Chuan’s secret, no longer cared about the pain on his leg.

She grabbed the red and swollen foot and kneaded it after suffering the pain, then suddenly grabbed the two sections of the foot with both hands, gritted her teeth and broke it.

Just hearing the sound of “pop”, the pain on Yue Qin’er’s face suddenly disappeared a lot.

“Did you break your own bones back?” Lin Chuan said in surprise when he saw her behavior.

He also had an ankle, knowing how painful his ankle is.

As a result, Yue Qin’er was able to endure the pain of the heart, and it was too vigorous to reset the bones by himself!

“All said, people who practice martial arts, this is nothing.” Yue Qin’er responded calmly.

She stood up and moved a bit, and was quite satisfied with the effect of bone reduction.

“Sure enough, I was overwhelmed. With her fierce personality, she looks like a fairy of Baihua.” Lin Chuan couldn’t help muttering when she saw her behavior.

When he came to Yue Qin’er, he still had some doubts whether Yue Qin’er and Fairy Baihua had any relationship.

At first glance, the two of them have completely different personalities, and it is strange that they have a relationship.

“What did you say?” Yue Qin’er, who was moving, heard the voice faintly.

“It’s okay, isn’t you hurt? I said I’ll cook two dishes and make up for you.” Lin Chuan casually perfunctorily said that he was going to cook.

“I don’t want to eat it. Don’t make braised pork stewed pig’s feet or something like that. I don’t know how to eat it!”

Yue Qin’er was very stiff, but in her words, she clearly revealed that she wanted to eat.

Lin Chuan, who was in a good mood, really fulfilled her wish, using the vegetables in the vegetable garden as a side dish, and then using the superb cooking skills of the Kitchen God’s Book to cook her some delicious dishes.

Yue Qin’er, who was yelling not to eat, almost swallowed his tongue.

Nothing happened the next day. Lin Chuan played with the fruits and vegetables in the vegetable garden, quarreled with Yue Qin’er, enjoyed Ling Xiaoxiao’s service, and had a happy life.

But the group of brother-in-laws who knelt down and called Dad yesterday were in a very bad mood.

Most of them have never lost such a big person.

When they slept yesterday, they felt very uncomfortable when they thought of the scene called Dad. It was awake all night.

No, at dawn, a group of young masters gathered in Wang Xi’s villa to discuss a plan of revenge.

“Yesterday I asked you to investigate Lin Chuan’s details, have you checked it all out?”

Wang Xi, who hadn’t slept the same night, swept across the young master present with bloodshot eyes and said.

“We investigated separately, and then compiled Lin Chuan’s information.”

“Lin Chuan is from Taoyuan Village, Changzhou. Both parents are ordinary people. He has an older sister and the husband who married in the past is also ordinary.”

“But Lin Chuan didn’t know any luck recently, he suddenly became rich and bought the Langqin Royal Court No. 9 Villa.”

“That’s roughly it, except for suddenly becoming rich, nothing special.”

A young man responded.

“Ordinary? An ordinary person, does he dare to humiliate us so much?”

“An ordinary person, might he meet someone related to the Huang family? That’s how you investigated it?”

Upon hearing this, Wang Xi was outraged and felt that this group of elder brothers was simply insulting his IQ.

If an ordinary person humiliated him like this, Wang Xi couldn’t accept it at all.

“By the way, yesterday I contacted the Huang family and asked about the identity of Yue Qin’er. There was no mention of that, but it just warned me not to provoke her, otherwise we will die miserably.”

When a young man heard him mention the Huang family, he immediately told another news.

“The Huang family has always disdain to lie, what they say should be true.”

“But if that’s the case, can we provoke people that we can’t provoke to follow?”

Upon hearing this, Wang Xi’s pupils shrank suddenly and murmured.

“…” The other brothers were silent.

The more ordinary Lin Chuan’s identity is, the more shocking they are.

This shows that they tried their best to dig out Lin Chuan’s true identity.

The power behind Lin Chuan is definitely terrifying!

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