Chapter 56 Yue Qin’er is exactly the same as Baihua Fairy!

“Fairy, we are our own people, don’t make such a joke!” Lin Chuan listened to her voice, froze for a while before responding.

He didn’t know what was wrong with Fairy Baihua, he was about to come out suddenly.

You, an old aunt who has lived for so many years, want to soak my gorgeous little fresh meat. Is it really appropriate?

Besides, Xianfan is now isolated, and if you fall in love, you won’t even have a chance to hold hands.

I can’t keep dating online, isn’t that worse than Cowherd?

Cowboy: I was offended!

Fairy Baihua: (Shy) Fairy friend, I’m not kidding, your mask is so easy to use, my face becomes smooth and tender after using it.

If I became your girlfriend, wouldn’t I be able to use this mask every day? This is simply what I dream of!

Lin Chuan knew why Baihua Fairy had a sudden convulsion.

It turns out that the effect of the mask is too good.

This Baihua Fairy, in name, wants to be his girlfriend, but in fact it is for gluttonous facial masks.

These gods are so depraved, they are willing to be girlfriends for others for a few pieces of facial masks!

“You don’t need to be a girlfriend. With our relationship, as long as you do me a favor, the mask will be fine!”

Lin Chuan responded boldly.

There must be a lot of good things in Baihua Fairy. Since she is so interested in facial masks, the chance of getting good things from her must be indispensable.

Fairy Baihua: (eyes are shining) That’s great, fairy friend, what do you need, just tell me, I promise to help you do it beautifully.

Xiaoyao Xian: Recently, there happened to be one thing that I told you before, and you helped me to hand over my gift to the Queen Mother.

Fairy, what do you think of me using a facial mask as a gift for the queen mother?

Fairy Baihua: That’s great. The Queen Mother will definitely like it. When she is happy, she might be able to give you a flat peach!

Flat peach?

Knowing that he had a chance to get a flat peach, Lin Chuan’s little heart couldn’t help beating quickly.

He gave gifts to the Queen Mother, but simply wanted to make a good relationship first, so that he would have the opportunity to profit from the Queen Mother in the future.

He hadn’t even thought about flat peaches or something.

Now Baihua Fairy said that he had a chance to get flat peaches, which naturally surprised Lin Chuan.

Pan Tao is a good thing that all the gods are thinking of, even if the Great Sage Qitian makes trouble in the heavenly palace.

A flat peach that has been ripe for three thousand years can become a god and become a Taoist if one eats it.

A flat peach that has been ripe for six thousand years, one can eat it and rise to the sky, and live forever.

The flat peach that has been ripe for 9,000 years is even more powerful. People eat it and live with the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon are the same!

Lin Chuan didn’t need a flat peach of 6,000 to 9,000 years. A flat peach of 3,000 years was enough to greatly improve his cultivation base and go wild!

“Fairy, is it true that what you said is true. Give the queen mother a mask, really have a chance to get a flat peach?” Lin Chuan asked, clutching his beating heart.

Fairy Baihua: (Left humming, right humming) Fairy friend, you don’t believe me, or underestimated the power of the mask, I will send you the effect of the mask directly.

With that said, Fairy Baihua sent him a photo.

Lin Chuan clicked and took a look, and was immediately taken aback by Fairy Baihua’s beauty.

Fairy Baihua is dressed up in ancient costumes, and she has a fairy spirit.

White Saixue, with affectionate eyebrows, exquisite facial features seem to be gifts from the Creator, everything is just right, much more beautiful than those female stars who are exclaimed by a large group of people.

“Wait, how come I feel that Fairy Baihua is a bit familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere?”

After Lin Chuan appreciated the beauty of Fairy Baihua, he suddenly found a problem.

He stared at the photo again, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became.

If you ignore Baihua Fairy’s dress, and the filter bonus attached to the fairy, Baihua Fairy’s appearance will be exactly the same as Yue Qin’er!

Lin Chuan was shocked by his own thoughts, and carefully observed it several times, the more it looked more like it!

Fairy Baihua: Friends of the fairy, why don’t you reply? Are you obsessed with my beauty (shy)?

Lin Chuan came back to his senses when he saw this news.

Xiaoyaoxian: Fairy, have you ever left offspring in the mortal world?

He hesitated for a long time, but couldn’t help asking this question.

Fairy Baihua: (shame and annoyed) What are you talking about, I have never even had a Taoist couple before, how can I have offspring!

Fairy Baihua has no offspring?

Then why is she and Yue Qin’er so alike?

Is it just a coincidence?

The doubts in Lin Chuan’s mind not only failed to be answered, but more doubts arose.

What is going on with f*ck, is it really just a coincidence?

Xiaoyaoxian: Fairy, I didn’t mean to offend you, but I just feel like I’ve seen someone who is similar to you in the mortal world.

Fairy Baihua: So that’s it, the world is so big, there are no surprises, and it is normal for mortals who look like me to appear.

If that mortal had me a bit of beauty, I’m afraid it would be another confidante, and it would be sought after by thousands of men, right?

She was pretty stinky, and she started to think about the troubles of her beauty.

But what she said is somewhat reasonable, just because she looks alike, it doesn’t mean it must have something to do with it.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

If Yue Qin’er really had something to do with Fairy Baihua, just thinking about what might be involved would make his scalp numb.

Xiaoyao Xian: Indeed, just like the fairy you guessed, I have also seen the effect of the mask. When the Queen Mother and Empress Pan Peach feast day, I will send the gift over and ask the fairy to pass it on.

Fairy Baihua: How come you have to wait, can you just give me it?

Xiaoyaoxian: Let’s wait until that day, I have something else, and I’ll talk next time.

Lin Chuan turned off his cell phone after speaking.

If you give her the mask today, with Baihua Fairy’s enthusiasm for the mask, it is estimated that she will immediately embezzle part of it.

Lin Chuan would not give her this opportunity.

After talking with Fairy Baihua, Lin Chuan realized that it was completely dark outside, and his stomach groaned.

However, Lin Chuan didn’t have time to cook, he opened the door directly, rushed to the door of Yue Qin’er’s room, and knocked on the door.

“What are you doing?” Yue Qin’er opened the door and frowned when he saw Lin Chuan.

She and Lin Chuan were angry. They hadn’t eaten yet, so they were naturally upset when they saw him.

At the same time, she also doubted Lin Chuan’s motives for knocking on the door.

Lin Chuan didn’t show any interest in her before, but he knocked on her door in the middle of the night. It was suspicious no matter how you looked at it!

“You let me in first, I have something to tell you.” Lin Chuan didn’t know that Yue Qin’er had so many inner dramas, and he was about to enter Yue Qin’er’s room.

“I knew you must be coveting this girl’s beauty, to prevent wolves from licking your yin legs!”

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