Chapter 47 Missy arrived, all walked away!

The two of them had nothing to do anyway, and they did what they thought of, and immediately planned to set off to the scene of the motorcycle race.

Before leaving, Lin Chuan brought the bald hair on.

After all, he promised Xuanzang to help him find the king of the daughter country.

The bell is tied to the bald neck, so take it by the way.

When choosing a bitch, you can let it choose by itself.

It looks pleasing to the eye, and it is more motivated when it is bred.

Fatty Yao led the way, and the two did not enter the city, but went straight to a mountain.

“Isn’t this the Lion Mountain, what did you bring me here for?” Lin Chuan recognized the mountain and wondered a bit.

“Because the motorcycle race is held here, the trails of this Lion Rock are very steep, and you may fall off the cliff if you are not careful.”

“Because of this, those boys find it very exciting and want to hold a motorcycle race here.”

Fatty Yao introduced.

“Isn’t this playing with life? This group of elder brothers really have fun.” Lin Chuan, who heard about this kind of thing for the first time, was speechless.

“Isn’t it, these people are just being spoiled for too long, and they want to have fun all day, so they feel that their lives are rich and colorful.”

“But they do play. Let’s see the excitement. It’s quite interesting.”

Fatty Yao didn’t catch a cold with this behavior, and said with a curled mouth.

Lin Chuan felt that it made sense when he heard that those elder brothers took their lives to play, they watched the excitement, and it was pretty good, so they followed Fatty Yao up the mountain.

Not long after they walked, they ran into a blockade.

It turned out that the group of elder brothers, in order not to disturb them in the game, directly blocked the way up the mountain, and could not enter without being invited.

Fatty Yao still had a lot of face in Changzhou, so he just gave a young man a phone call, and they were let go and came to an empty field.

The venue was crowded and very lively.

Naturally, not all of these people came to the game, and more of them came to watch the excitement like the two.

After all, those elder brothers love to behave, and if they won the championship without the audience applauding, it would be boring.

Lin Chuan and Fatty Yao walked into the field and saw a powerful and domineering motorcycle.

These are not common light motorcycles on the road. They are all heavy-duty motorcycles with unique shapes. Fatty Yao’s body will look a lot smaller when he sits on it.

“Brother Chuan, you probably haven’t played a motorcycle before, let me introduce it to you.”

“It’s hard to say what the level of these brothers is, but they are really willing to spend money for fun.”

“The motorcycles here are all international brands such as Harley, BMW, and Dodge Tomahawk, and none of the cheapest ones are less than six figures.”

“Performance is also good for racing one by one. Watching these motorcycle races is no less exciting than watching a car race.”

Seeing that Lin Chuan was interested, Fatty Yao spittingly introduced the motorcycles on the field to Lin Chuan.

“That’s really interesting. These sons do know how to play.” Lin Chuan became more interested in this motorcycle race after hearing this.

“Oh, isn’t this Fatty Yao? You are Lin Chuan, how come you are here? Is this a place where you can come?”

When the two were chatting, a person suddenly came over and sneered at Lin Chuan.

“How easy it is, a dog is barking suddenly, and my bald hair clearly didn’t bark.” Lin Chuan touched the bald hair in his arms and said with a strange expression.

“Indeed, I just barked when I came here. Whose dog has no quality at all. It’s not as good as bald.”

Hearing the words, Fatty Yao also said something, his eyes were full of jokes when he looked at the man.

“Who do you say is a dog!” The man’s face changed instantly when he heard this.

“We didn’t say who it was. If you want to be seated, then we can’t help it.” Lin Chuan said with a helpless expression.

“Lin Chuan, don’t be too arrogant, don’t see where this is, and don’t forget who I am!”

The man’s face turned pale, and he said viciously.

“Who are you? Do we know each other? I don’t seem to remember you as a person. Fatty Yao, do you remember?”

Lin Chuan looked at Fatty Yao blankly.

“I don’t remember, it seems to be our university classmate.”

“But there are so many college classmates, that kind of transparent little people, it’s normal if you don’t remember.”

Fatty Yao was also addicted to playing, and said very cooperatively.

“Are you pretending to be confused? I’m Peng Jianfeng!” Peng Jianfeng immediately exploded when he saw that the two of them had been stabling him secretly.

“Oh, it turned out to be Peng Jianfeng, that is Peng Jianfeng, who is known as Chang Teddy, how is your kidney now?”

Lin Chuan shifted his eyes down and said sympathetically.

“There is no problem with my kidney!”

“Guardian, where is the security guard, please fork these two men out for me!”

Seeing that Lin Chuan doubted his dignity as a man, Peng Jianfeng was instantly mad and called the security guard to come over.

The sons and buddies around, heard the movement here and surrounded them. After understanding the situation, they had a very unkind attitude towards Lin Chuan, who was so arrogant from unknown origin.

“Brother Chuan, it seems to be a big game. We won’t really be kicked out?” Fatty Yao felt a little guilty when he saw this.

If they were really kicked out, they would have lost their adults.

“Don’t worry, they are not so capable yet.” Lin Chuan responded calmly.

Is he really that poor boy who is bullied?

“Boom boom boom…” Just as a few security guards came here, there was a roar of motorcycles in the distance.

Everyone followed the sound and found a girl with a very strong figure wearing a motorcycle uniform, riding a motorcycle that was extremely inconsistent with her body, rushing towards this side.

When it reached the blockade, the motorcycle didn’t mean to stop. It rushed through the blockade and rushed towards the crowd.

When many people saw this, they were immediately frightened and screamed to avoid them. The scene turned into a pot of porridge.

Only a few people such as Lin Chuan were calmer and stood still.

Lin Chuan was even curious about who it was that dared to run rampant in a group of elder brothers.

The car rushed through the crowd at high speed. When it arrived near Linchuan, it turned and drifted directly, and stopped in front of Linchuan sideways. The action was so cool!

The girl on the motorcycle turned over and got out of the car, took off her helmet, and her beautiful face appeared in front of everyone, making many people stare at her.

“Lin Chuan, my grandfather asked me to stay with you for a few months.” Yue Qin’er said coldly, looking at Lin Chuan with an unhappy expression.

Seeing that it was Yue Qin’er, Lin Chuan immediately understood why she dared to rush over directly.

In the identity of Yue Qin’er, this group of elder brothers at the scene is nothing!

Missy arrived, all walked away!

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