Chapter 46 Give birth to two babies in one year, break a hundred puppies in two years?

“Tingling bell… Jingling bell…”

When he woke up, Lin Chuan began to play with the bell he got from Xuanzang.

As for the cultivation level, Lin Chuan no longer cared about it.

Anyway, I can’t figure it out anyway, as long as my cultivation base can keep increasing, that’s enough.

As for the spells on Xuan Tianzhen’s solution, Lin Chuan also took a look at it. What nine days of thunder, fractal scattered shadows, and boundless burning sky were more powerful than one.

Unfortunately, his mana is so low that he can’t use any of them…

Even the simplest palm thunder, his spiritual power and divine consciousness are not up to standard.

It wasn’t until this time that Lin Chuan realized that having a very powerful exercise technique had some drawbacks.

The master who created this technique probably didn’t even look at practitioners below the level of the immortal, and didn’t provide any assistance at all.

So Lin Chuan is now equivalent to a cultivator with empty mana and no real combat ability.

After understanding this, Lin Chuan temporarily extinguished his thoughts of finding the Baidu Sect to settle accounts, and was ready to wait until his cultivation level was improved to be able to use palm thunder.

“Wow… Master, what are you holding in your hand? It looks so interesting.”

At this time, Bald Mao heard the ringtone and ran into Lin Chuan’s room.

“You stupid dog is quite discerning. This is a very powerful magic weapon. I finally got it.”

Lin Chuan looked at the bald hair, his eyes moved slightly, and said with a smile.

“Is it so powerful? No wonder the sound is so nice. Master, can you play with me?”

Bald Mao was even more greedy when he learned that the bell was of extraordinary origin.

“It’s not impossible. I can hang it on your neck. Then you will not be an ordinary dog, but a dog with magical weapons. You need to pull the wind and the wind.”

When Lin Chuan saw this, the smile on his face grew thicker.

“Okay, master, please help me take it!” The bald eyes immediately began to shine, looking at Lin Chuan with a look of eagerness.

“How can you wear such a precious thing casually?”

“Unless you promise me, when I bring the bitch back, I will breed honestly, and strive to have two births a year and break a hundred puppies in two years.”

Seeing that it had been hooked, Lin Chuan immediately began to make demands.

“Birth two babies in one year, break a hundred puppies in two years?” Hearing this, Bald Mao couldn’t help but step back a few steps, his expression terrified.

This is to use it as a breeding pig, it is not so suitable for breeding!

If you agree, I’m afraid it will either be breeding in the future, or on the way to breeding, no dog will be able to eat it.

“Tingling bell…Do you want this bell?” Lin Chuan shook the bell on his hand looking at bald hair in horror.

In fact, when he said yesterday that he was going to find a bitch for bald hair, he saw that he was unhappy.

If baldness does not cooperate, it would be very difficult to let him breed puppies.

But Lin Chuan is serious about breeding. Thinking about having a group of sacred dogs at home, he feels very emotional.

He saw that Bald Mao was very interested in bells, so he thought of such a trick.

“Bell…Well, isn’t it just a breeding? Isn’t it good for Ben Wang to match?!”

Bald Mao really liked the bell very much, made up his mind and said with a sad expression on his face.

“That’s right.” Lin Chuan patted his bald head, looking like he was teachable. He found a rope and tied the bell to his bald neck.

“Dingling bell…dingling bell… this sound is so nice!” As soon as he tied it up, the bald hair couldn’t help but jump up, and he looked intoxicated when he heard the bell.

Lin Chuan also thinks this sound is very nice, it’s like Xianle.

Before, he needed to keep shaking to hear the ringtone, but now it’s just perfect to make the bald hair jump.

As for whether the bell was a token of looking for the king of the daughter country, Lin Chuan didn’t care at all.

Bald, a stupid dog likes to run around, has a larger area of ​​activity than him, and the probability of encountering the king of the daughter country is naturally greater than him.

Therefore, tying the bell to the bald hair is the right choice.

The silly dog ​​who got the bell was happily jumping around in Qinghuang Xiaozhu, showing off the bell on his neck.

The workers’ masters were refreshed when they heard the bell, and they worked harder.

At this time, Qinghuang Xiaozhu had a different appearance compared to before.

The original dilapidated old house, under the decoration of the workers, has become simple and elegant, and it looks very tasteful.

The exterior decoration has basically been completed, and only the interior renovation is left.

After waiting a few more days, the workers will complete the internal renovation, and Qinghuang Xiaozhu can officially open!

“I have to think hard about how to solicit customers after Qinghuang Xiaozhu opens.”

“If I spend so much time and energy transforming Qinghuang Xiaozhu and there are no guests after the opening, it would be embarrassing.”

After checking the renovation progress, Lin Chuan began to think about the opening of Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

“Brother Chuan, my decoration is pretty good.”

“In order to fix your Qinghuang Xiaozhu, I am staring here every day, and I haven’t been so serious when decorating my house.”

Fatty Yao saw that Lin Chuan had been watching the worker’s work, and he came over and said.

He has done his best for the decoration of Qinghuang Xiaozhu, and he has lost a few catties from hunger these days!

“It’s really good, you worked hard.”

“When the decoration is finished, I will cook a few meals for you personally to make up for the meat you lost these days!”

Lin Chuan looked at Fatty Yao, who had been dark for several times, and said with some emotion.

Fatty Yao did his best for his affairs, and he saw it all in his eyes.

But they are all brothers. It would be hypocritical to say it. Lin Chuan intends to repay this buddy with practical actions.

“Fuck, Brother Chuan, you are poisonous, I finally lost a few catties, you are thinking about making me fat back?”

Fatty Yao couldn’t help but vomit when he heard the words.

“If you lose weight, what do you call Fatty Yao?”

“All I plan to cook for you is a big meal, if you don’t want to eat it, then forget it.”

Lin Chuan patted Fatty Yao’s belly, and curled his lips when he saw that he didn’t appreciate him.

“Don’t don’t, you still have to eat, the big deal is I will eat less.” How could Fatty Yao miss the opportunity to eat good food, and immediately changed his mouth.

As for whether he can control his mouth and eat less by then, that doesn’t necessarily matter.

“Eating is a future thing. Today I plan to go to the city for a tour. Do you know any gatherings? I want to get to know more people.”

Lin Chuan asked aloud about soliciting guests.

“Of course there are parties. There are so many people in Changzhou who are full and have nothing to do. They like to engage in parties and other empty-headed things.”

“Today, I remember a group of princes organized a motorcycle racing, and it was quite exciting. Why don’t we go take a look together?”

Fatty Yao thought for a moment, and he thought of an event in Changzhou today.

“Okay, just go there and have a look. I want to see how exciting it is.” Lin Chuan nodded and said.

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