Chapter 426 Many injustices will kill themselves!

“My sons and sons, all the things snatched from the north are here, so let’s share it with you.”

In a cave full of snakes, insects, rats, ants and other poisons, a man with meat bumps on his face sat on a snakeskin chair and said boldly.

“Thank you, Master.”

“Thank you, Master.”

“Those immortal cultivators in the north really have a lot of good things, this one is too worthwhile to grab.”

“Don’t stop me from anyone. I’m going to grab resources. This time I will be promoted to a lowered head teacher.”

The other people in the cave immediately cheered upon hearing this person’s words, and rushed to the pile of treasures piled in the middle of the cave like crazy.

In order to grab good things, some people even fought and made a mess.

“Senior Nephew Ruan, this is something I like for your uncle, you should put it down quickly.”

“Uncle Li, don’t ask for any good things, you old and immortal, and wait for it to enter the coffin peacefully. Keep the good things for us juniors.”

“Whoever got a Gu worm on me just now, believe it or not, I blew myself up, let all of you die with me!”

“Don’t be fatal, hand in everything you grab quickly!”

A group of people gathered around a pile of treasures, you vie for me, there was no sense of being close to the same door.

The unlucky person was even black handed by several people at the same time, lying on the ground dying, but no one wanted to look at him more.

The person sitting in the snakeskin chair saw this scene, not only did not stop speaking, but laughed, hoping that the scene would be more tragic.

“This is Annan’s sect?” Lin Chuan, who was secretly investigating outside the cave, was very surprised when he saw this scene.

These are people of the same clan. It doesn’t matter if they don’t help each other, they still attack each other, which is even more crazy than the legendary magic door.

“You are wrong about this. There is no sect in it. To be precise, Annan doesn’t even have a serious sect.”

“Each of Annan’s spiritual forces is supported by a powerful figure.”

“Everyone in the power is his disciple and grandson.”

“Once there is an accident with this character, the entire force will fall apart in an instant.”

“You know so little about Annan. I said you’ve been to Annan before. It’s enough to investigate by yourself. It’s simply too unreliable.”

A person next to Lin Chuan listened to Lin Chuan’s words, explained aloud, and vomited again.

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Lin Chuan’s face.

He did come to Annan before, but he only carried out a beheading operation, and there were indeed a lot of Annan practitioners killed.

But like a dragonfly, I touched Annan’s practice world a little bit, and I really didn’t understand it.

How could he think that if it is a neighboring country, there would be such a big difference in the spiritual world.

“Elder An Hai, you are from the Sky Worm Valley, and you often come to suppress the Annan cultivation world. How can I compare my understanding of Annan Kingdom to you.”

“Why don’t you take this opportunity, you can give me more introduction, so that I can learn more about this group of enemies.”

Lin Chuan also had a big heart. He didn’t pay much attention to this, but followed An Hai’s words.

This elder An Hai was also the immortal cultivator stationed in the south, and the captain of the group of immortal cultivators stationed in the south.

Lin Chuan naturally needs his help if he wants to bring disaster to the east.

An Hai, who was born in Tian Chong Valley, was very angry at the incident of the Annan practitioners taking advantage of the fire and robbed him, and he naturally agreed with Lin Chuan’s plan.

But he didn’t believe in Lin Chuan’s ability. When Lin Chuan offered to come over for Annan’s investigation, he strongly demanded to come together.

Lin Chuan had no choice but to take him with him and ran all the way here.

“Are these beasts worthy of being our enemies? They say that the enemies have exalted them!”

“You have also seen that these Annan practitioners are very affectionate and indifferent.

“Annan practitioners like to raise Gu. In my opinion, the entire Annan practice world is a big Gu field, and all practitioners are opponents to each other.”

“They are fighting each other and plundering each other in order to make the strongest Gu worm.”

“Annan’s Da Jiangtou Master Huqi was trained in this way.”

“The division of stages in the practice world here is also different from ours. It is divided into Gu Master, Wizard, Head-Down Master, and Great Head-Down Master.”

“Gu Masters and Wizards are actually two cultivation paths, and their cultivation levels are uneven. They are roughly the strengths of the two stages of Qi training and foundation building.”

“When they reach the top in their respective cultivation paths, they may be promoted to the head-down division, and their strength can be comparable to our Golden Core Immortal Cultivators.”

“Meng Qi is Annan’s only great head-down master, and his strength is comparable to Yuan Ying, but no one knows how he cultivated such strength.”

An Hai was praised by Lin Chuan, a little fluttering, like a bamboo tube falling into beans, telling him all about his understanding of Annan’s practice world.

Lin Chuan was speechless when he heard this.

The entire world of practice is a big gu field, and the cultivators in it are in a difficult situation.

Wanting to be a salted fish in this kind of place is simply a dead end.

This made Lin Chuan a little grateful. Fortunately, he was born in the heavenly dynasty, and he could cultivate as he pleased. No one would deliberately be an enemy of him and feel comfortable.

“It is already certain that this place is one of the forces in the Annan cultivation world who took advantage of the fire and robbed us. We can go to the next place.”

When Lin Chuan was feeling emotional, An Hai patted him on the shoulder and motioned him to leave here.

They came to Annan to investigate, just to determine the course of the ghosts.

Those ghosts and monsters who entered Annan, scurrying around like headless flies are definitely not acceptable. They must be guided and focused on attacks to achieve the greatest effect.

The Annan practitioners who came to the heaven to take advantage of the fire before are naturally the targets that should be focused on.

This trick is called killing with a knife!

Those who dare to come to the celestial dynasty to do things must pay the price!

Lin Chuan and An Hai continued to set off, and under An Hai’s guidance, they found several more strongholds of the Annan forces and circled them in the range of attack.

After doing this, they immediately withdrew back to the territory of the Celestial Kingdom, meeting with the cultivators who were guiding the ghosts to advance.

Under the guidance of the immortal cultivators, the ghosts of Zhengwuyang Wuyang rushed towards the territory of Annan at a rapid speed.

Lin Chuan set out again, and together with some immortal cultivators, led the ghosts to the vicinity of the cave before, and then quietly withdrew to the territory of the Heavenly Dynasty.

They did not leave any traces in Annan, but the tide of ghosts will quickly make the whole Annan feel the arrival of natural disasters.

Standing on the edge of the border, Lin Chuan looked at the extremely quiet An Nanguo in the distance, with a sharp light shining in his eyes.

This time, he wants to let Annan practitioners know that what is meant by multiple acts of unrighteousness will kill themselves!

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