Chapter 425

Lin Chuan’s plan is actually very simple. It is to allow those neighboring countries that dared to take advantage of the invasion by ghosts from the underworld to taste the taste of being invaded by ghosts.

The idea is very simple, but if it is really done, it is still a test of level.

First of all, ghosts are not fools and will not be easily led by him. How to lead ghosts to neighboring countries is a big problem in itself.

The ghost realm on the southern border that Lin Chuan came to was the closest to the border, which was considered the least difficult.

If the ghost is not enough, he still has to hide the repair management team.

Disasters are drawn to the east, allowing ghosts to toss those neighboring countries that take advantage of the fire. This is indeed a very pleasant thing for ordinary cultivators.

But at the national level, there are too many things to worry about.

Leading ghosts to neighboring countries is, after all, a relatively unscrupulous thing, and it destroys the image.

It would be great to go back with such revenge, but it is inevitable that other countries will have any thoughts about the celestial dynasty. This is definitely something that the repair management team does not want to see.

Lin Chuan was aware of this and didn’t make his plan public. He has been planning secretly and intends to proceed quietly.

In fact, he was a little hesitant in his heart when carrying out this plan.

After all, don’t do to others what you don’t want, he himself has experienced the pain of being invaded by ghosts, and then imposing it on people in neighboring countries is too cruel.

But when he saw the mischievous behavior of neighboring countries with his own eyes, the unbearable feeling in his heart disappeared completely.

The kindness to the enemy is cruel to oneself!

The practitioners of Annan were not allowed to feel the pain of their skin. They never knew that they could not afford to provoke the celestial dynasty!

“Senior, you are too polite. We are here to help. Why would you care about the environment.”

“I don’t think there are too many immortal cultivators in that direction to the south, or we will go to station there, just forming a horn with the camp.”

Lin Chuan responded to the person in charge very politely and put forward a little bit of his own opinion.

“Okay, your suggestion is quite pertinent. We really need people to block it in the south to prevent the ghost domain from spreading over there.”

“Old Lu, your current skills are okay, the people under your hands are smart and polite.”

Seeing that Lin Chuan was so polite, the person in charge had already felt good about him and readily accepted Lin Chuan’s suggestion.

“Is he polite?” Lu Yanliang’s mouth twitched when he heard the words, not knowing what to say.

If he knew that Lin Chuan had run away a group of primordial elders, I’m afraid he would not feel that way.

Lu Yanliang was also very strange to Lin Chuan’s performance just now. When did he become so polite, did he have any purpose?

Lin Chuan didn’t care what Lu Yanliang thought, seeing that his goal had been achieved, he winked at Fatty Yao and Pu Liqi, and set off again to station in the south.

The reinforcements have arrived, so it is natural to discuss how to enter the ghost domain and destroy the ghost domain here.

Lin Chuan didn’t get involved. After he was stationed, he ran around nearby, ran all the way to the border line, and got a clear picture of the surrounding mountains and rivers.

In fact, Lin Chuan wanted to participate in this meeting, but he had no chance.

Because Yun Zhongzi and the elders of Yuanying stage also came here as a supplement to their top combat power.

With their status and status, they are naturally qualified to participate in the discussion and even have the right to make decisions.

If Lin Chuan entered, they would probably be blasted out in minutes.

After these heads and minds had discussed the plan to destroy the ghost domain, they began to act vigorously.

In fact, the plan is not complicated. With reference to the experience on Mount Tai, the Nascent Soul stage boss carried out a beheading operation, and the ordinary cultivator had four breads to prevent the ghosts from escaping.

The seven Nascent Souls who participated in the Battle of Mount Tai before, plus the four Nascent Souls that already existed here in Southern Xinjiang, the top combat power here has reached eleven.

With this strength, if everything goes well, destroying the ghost domain here will not be a problem.

Of course, the prerequisite for all this is the blessing of the soul jade pendant.

Despite the unwillingness in his heart, Yun Zhongzi still approached Lin Chuan and asked for a jade pendant.

“I don’t want it in vain. This is Crane King Lingyu. I have collected these for hundreds of years. The magical effects are endless. I will give you all of them.”

Yun Zhongzi directly took out the good things he had hidden, pinched his nose and said.

“I only got five soul jade pendants here, you can discuss how to use it yourself.”

Lin Chuan took the Lingyu that Yunzhongzi handed over, which was already close to jade, and gave Yunzhongzi five pieces of soul jade pendant.

Seeing that Lin Chuan was so refreshed, Yun Zhongzi was a little uncomfortable, but didn’t want to talk to Lin Chuan more, so he could only leave with suspiciousness, thinking that Lin Chuan had changed sex.

In fact, he totally thinks too much. Lin Chuan’s attitude is because he doesn’t care about so much at all, but focuses on his plan.

There are many people stationed in the south, and it is impossible to complete the plan with the three of them alone. More people must be persuaded to join in.

However, this matter cannot be let the repair management team know, everything can only be carried out quietly, but the three of them are busy.

Soon after Yun Zhongzi left, the counterattack against the ghost territory of Southern Xinjiang officially started.

After Yun Zhongzi and the others were dispatched, ordinary immortal cultivators followed one after another, rushing into the ghost realm with enthusiasm.

Lin Chuan and the others rushed in naturally, but their momentum was much worse, and they often backed away in fright when they encountered small groups of ghosts.

Yun Zhongzi and their actions went smoothly, and they dealt with ten ghost kings under the blessing of the soul jade pendant, and quickly took them down and established the victory.

When the ghosts see that the situation is over, they will naturally not wait to die.

When they wanted to break through in which direction, they immediately thought of the southern side where the fighting will was the weakest.

“We rushed out from the south!” The ghosts immediately made up their minds, and the ghosts of Wuyang Wuyang rushed to the south frantically.

As soon as Lin Chuan saw them coming, he immediately withdrew to both sides, giving the ghosts a wide road to make them break through.

But when they were about to flee, they greeted Lin Chuan and the others.

The ghosts who couldn’t help but rushed to the south sullenly, crossing the border all the way, without any intention of stopping.

Soon, Annan’s spiritual practice received the news of the invasion of ghosts, which caused a panic.

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