Chapter 385 Red Boy’s Football Skill

[Xiaoyao Xian: What I said is true. I have learned the Kitchen God’s Book and have a little cooking skills.

Today I made a special meal to entertain the king of the daughter country, and the cooked meal was eaten up by her.

Xiaoxian’s family is weak, and if the king of the daughter country eats like this, he will be bankrupt. 】

Regardless of what Xuanzang thinks, Lin Chuan will continue the miserable sale to the end.

[Xuan Zang: That’s really embarrassing for you…

Or the poor monks will give you some spiritual medicine and make up for it. 】

From Qingyinling, I heard all the movement of Xuanzang on Lin Chuan’s side.

This is so thick-skinned that he dare to ask him for benefits when only consuming some ordinary ingredients in the world.

With Lin Chuan’s current family, even if he eats like this every day, he can’t be eaten up!

Needless to say, the mine that Lin Chuan had just acquired, after being handed over to Qian Shichang for management, can bring him a large amount of income every month.

Xuanzang knew everything, but he couldn’t expose this, he could only pretend to be confused and give Lin Chuan a little compensation.

Otherwise, with Lin Chuan’s character, he would definitely continue to sell miserably until he gave something.

He didn’t want to be annoyed by Lin Chuan anymore, so he directly sent a bunch of spiritual materials and elixir in the past.

These things can be considered as carefully selected by him. They are either good for the body or good for the eyes.

Good to the king of the daughter country, Xuanzang is serious.

[Xiaoyaoxian: How embarrassed it is, it is Xiaoxian’s honor to help the holy monk raise a woman.

But the elder didn’t dare to give up. Since you have sent all the holy monks, then I reluctantly accepted them. 】

Lin Chuan was happy when he received the pile of things, and he pretended to decline.

[Xiaoyao Xian: By the way, I have placed the King of the Kingdom of Daughters in a very relaxing and joyful environment, and she should be able to restore her eyesight soon.

The photos I showed you before are actually not her real face, the real look is very beautiful.

Holy monk, would you like to show her a video to see how similar she is to the original king of the daughter country. 】

After receiving the benefits, Lin Chuan’s attitude immediately changed. He talked about Liang Xi’s current situation and actively suggested Xuanzang to chat with Liang Xi.

Anyway, Liang Xi’s eyes didn’t recover, and she couldn’t see anything.

But he was able to observe Xuanzang carefully through the video.

Lin Chuan always feels that Xuanzang and Xitian have any calculations for him, and more observations can be used to prevent accidents.

[Xuan Zang: Well… the poor monk suddenly remembered, and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva informed me that there might be changes in the underworld.

The football game also happened to have a very crucial game, and the poor monk had to be there.

You see, the poor monk is very busy now, there is really no time to video chat with her, let’s talk about it next time. 】

Unexpectedly, after Xuanzang read his words, he seemed to panic, saying a lot of things, it seemed that he was really busy.

After sending him these words, Xuanzang was gone, and he didn’t know if he was really busy.

“I just asked Xuanzang and Liang Xi to have a video chat, why did he react so much?”

“Looking at it this way, Xuanzang, a monk who doesn’t know how many years he has lived, seems to be quite innocent.”

Lin Chuan looked at Xuanzang’s words, guessing his expression at this time, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

An innocent Xuanzang is much closer than the previous eminent monk.

Moreover, with Liang Xi by his side, he seemed to be holding Xuanzang’s handle, so he didn’t have to worry too much about his calculations.

Lin Chuan, who suddenly felt relaxed, remembered the excuse Xuanzang had made and planned to see the football game.

As for Xuanzang’s earlier talk about the abnormal changes in the underworld, Lin Chuan didn’t care much.

What if there is a change in the small underworld?

Heavenly Court is not worried, and there is no need for him to worry.

Lin Chuan went to watch the football match and immediately knew why Xuanzang had to be there in person.

Because the team in today’s game is the Dongfang team led by Honghaier, against the Luohan team composed of Xitian Luohan.

These two teams can be regarded as strong teams in the fairy world football game, and the victory or defeat of the two sides can determine a lot of things.

It is not surprising that Xuanzang was so concerned that he even had to go to the scene to cheer for the Luohan team.

The gods of the fairy world are also very concerned about this game. The football stadium is full of people.

Soon the game began, and the Luohan team showed their unity. A football is like alive under their feet.

Well-trained, they dispersed to different positions on the field at the beginning of the game, and then continued to shoot from long distances to pass the football across the field.

And the Red Boys can only chase the football all over the field, exhausted for their lives.

“This won’t work, we have to use our previous tricks to break their plan!”

Hong Haier is also a courageous master, and soon discovered that the Luohan team was consuming their physical strength, and they could no longer be led by the nose, and made a decisive decision.

“Do you use the trick now?”

“This trick is what we used when we stayed in the finals. It works well once or twice. No matter how much it is, it will be useless.”

Nezha was a little unwilling to say.

“The trick is to be used, do you want us to lose to those bald donkeys this time?”

“Big deal, let’s go back and think about other tricks. Anyway, I don’t want to be sneaked by them like a stupid dog.”

Red Boy’s attitude is very determined.

“Alright, let these arhats see our ability!”

Nezha was persuaded by the red boy, and he made a gesture, and immediately several players rushed to them.

They put their hands together and stood in a circle, leaving only one space in front of the red boy.

“What are they doing?”

“Why don’t you chase the ball, why do you gather around? Come on and cheer?”

“Perhaps they are making a formation.”

“Come on, when anyone doesn’t know the rules, spells are forbidden, and formations are no exception.”

“Perhaps, they just don’t want to fight because they can’t win the fight.”

The gods who watched the game were baffled by their mindless behavior, and didn’t know what they wanted to do.

Lin Chuan is the same, and he is curious about what Red Boy is doing.

The people of the Luohan team were surprised at first, and then ecstatic, planning to take advantage of their surroundings and lack of defensive strength to come out with a wave of surprise goals.

“Come on, one two three…”

When a member of the Luohan team kicked another long pass, the red boy suddenly jumped onto the arms surrounded by others.

Nezha and the others slammed it, and the red boy flew to the front of the football route in the air like an arrow from the string, just catching the ball!

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