Chapter 384 Xuanzang, your woman is too good

“Okay.” Knowing that you will be able to eat delicious food soon, everyone immediately got excited, and immediately got busy.

When they cook the tofu, Lin Chuan will almost make the soup.

He took a large basin, put the cooked tofu and various vegetables in it, and then poured all the broth into it.

The clear soup is full of ingredients, and it looks like a pile of ingredients is put into the boiled water.

This dish of boiled water tofu deserves its name.

“Taste it. After spending so much time cooking this dish, I must be hungry.” Lin Chuan said as he looked at the crowd about to move.

As soon as he finished speaking, the others didn’t say anything, and directly stretched out their chopsticks.

But Yue Qin’er stretched out his hand and directly blocked all their chopsticks.

“Yue Qin’er, what are you doing? I still want to try this dish.” Fatty Yao, who was blocked, said impatiently.

“Let me first serve Sister Liang Xi a bowl, or at your speed, I’m afraid Sister Liang Xi didn’t eat a bite, and you would eat it all up.”

Yue Qin’er pointed to Liang Xi who was silent next to her and said.

“I can do it, you don’t have to care about me so much.” Liang Xi waved his hand flatteringly upon hearing this.

“It should be, Yue Qin’er is right. If it weren’t for her to stop, I’m afraid we would really eat it all.”

“You have done a lot of things just now, how can you not eat this boiled tofu?”

“Give her a little more. Seeing her so thin and weak, she should eat some good supplements.”

Others didn’t have any complaints about Yue Qin’er’s approach, and they stopped their chopsticks and waited for Yue Qin’er to give Liang Xi blooming water tofu.

“Come on, I’ll serve it for you. It’s a bit hot. Drink it slowly.” Yue Qin’er filled Liang Xi with a bowl of boiled tofu and put it in front of her to remind.

“Thank you.” Liang Xi thanked sincerely, and reached out to touch the bowl.

Feeling the warmth from the bowl, Liang Xi’s heart is also warm.

Except for Grandma the Dean, no one cared about her so much.

“Okay, let’s start eating too.” Seeing that Liang Xi already had a bowl, the others scrambled again.

So many people stretched out their chopsticks together and fought directly in the basin.

In the end, Ling Xiaoxiao got better, took the lead in picking up a piece of tofu and stuffing it into his mouth.

The tender tofu has absorbed a lot of soup.

The broth looks light, but it is actually full of various amino acids, and the taste is very delicious.

Ling Xiaoxiao just took a bite and was conquered by this taste.

“This is too delicious, looking at the clear soup, it tastes so delicious!”

A piece of tofu always tastes fast, so Ling Xiaoxiao ate it quickly and couldn’t help sighing.

After eating this boiled tofu, she felt that the waiting for a few hours was totally worth it.

“It’s a state banquet dish. It tastes great. If I knew it, I would cook a little bit more. It’s not enough to eat.”

“You are still in the mood to talk, I can’t wait to pick up the pot and eat directly.”

“These vegetables are also delicious, the broth is absolutely delicious.”

Other people also like this boiled tofu and they are full of praise.

However, Lin Chuan didn’t speak, eating vegetables silently, waving his chopsticks very frequently.

Everyone also realized this, so they stopped talking and started to eat faster than anyone else.

A large bowl of boiled tofu was wiped out in ten minutes.

Even the rest of the soup was eaten by everyone.

The taste of boiled tofu does not live up to the time and energy they have spent so long busy.

Liang Xi was especially exaggerated. After eating a large bowl of boiled tofu, he used soup to soak rice and ate three bowls of rice in a row.

“Sister Liang Xi, looking at you so thin, I didn’t expect you to be quite edible.” Lin Juan couldn’t help joking as she watched Liang Xi struggling to eat.

“Am I eating too much?”

“Sorry, I have never eaten such delicious dishes, so I can’t help but eat a little more.”

When Liang Xi heard this, her face flushed, and she felt embarrassed.

“I didn’t mean it, it’s a good thing to be able to eat.”

“I wish you would eat more and grow a little more meat. Now it’s thinner like this. It looks so distressing.”

“If you like to eat, let your brother Lin Chuan cook more next time, he will definitely not refuse you, will he?”

Seeing that she had misunderstood her meaning, Lin Juan rubbed Liang Xi’s head and explained.

After explaining it to her, Lin Juan rolled her eyes and brought the topic to Lin Chuan again.

“If you want to eat, I can do it naturally.”

“But you don’t want to be idle, you all have to come and help me while I’m cooking.”

After Lin Chuan heard this, he realized that Lin Juan was waiting for him here, a little helpless.

He would not be too lazy to cook if he changed to the usual. It would be pretty good to cook a meal when he got interested.

But Liang Xi looked too thin and weak, and he couldn’t bear to let Liang Xi eat too little.

Anyway, it means cooking a few more meals. Besides, Xuanzang can be reimbursed.

“This is what you said, you will cover all our meals in the future.” Lin Juan smiled treacherously when Lin Chuan agreed.

“Sister Liang Xi, you are really our lucky star, we will have delicious food as soon as we come.” Yue Qin’er hugged Liang Xi, also very happy.

Liang Xi was infected by the cheerful atmosphere and laughed.

Depressed Lin Chuan made up his mind that he must go to Xuanzang for more benefits, otherwise he would be sorry for their contributions.

“Xin Xin, Si Qian, let’s go out and play.” After eating, Liang Xi did not forget her job, and left with a little guy in one hand.

And Xinxin and Qianqian didn’t know whether it was because of Liang Xi’s unique charm or what, they were very honest when they were led by her.

Every one of the well-behaved looks made Lin Chuan wonder if they were taken away by others.

Anyway, Liang Xi can get along with the two little guys and join the big family of Qinghuang Xiaozhu, Lin Chuan is already very pleased.

Victory is ahead!

Lin Chuan followed closely and observed carefully, and found that Liang Xi and the little guy got along very well.

Sitting on a piece of sand, Liang Xi used small wooden sticks to make gestures on the sand, teaching the two little guys to read.

The two little guys listened carefully and followed Liang Xi’s learning with small wooden sticks, not knowing how serious they were.

Seeing this harmonious scene, Lin Chuan completely relieved his heart and ran back to the room to find Xuanzang.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Holy monk, your woman is so edible, I can’t help it. 】

The first sentence he sent in the past was to find Xuanzang to complain.

If you don’t make yourself a bit miserable, how can you get more benefits?

[Xuan Zang:? ? ? 】

Xuanzang slowly played a few question marks.

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