Chapter 366

Not long after Yao Mengxue and the others left, Lin Chuan and the others also set off for the airport.

Although Pu Liqi was very unwilling to give up to Lin Chuan, he wanted to keep Lin Chuan and express his gratitude again.

But Lin Chuan, the master, made the decision. As a servant, he only obeyed the orders, and he didn’t dare to say anything.

After a while, Lin Chuan and the others arrived in the capital on the Qian’s private plane.

“The capital is really big, this airport can be seen to be magnificent.” After getting off the plane, Lin Juan looked at the huge airport and the flow of people in Xiran, exclaimed.

Changzhou is also a big city, but compared with Beijing, it is completely incomparable.

“Now that we are here, we will have a good time this time.” Lin Chuan said with interest.

Last time he came to Beijing, he still helped Qian Shichang win the position of Patriarch, and he hadn’t played much at all.

This time, I have to have a good time how to say it.

I just don’t know what trouble Qian Shichang has encountered, and he hesitated when asked.

Out of the airport, as usual, the luxury car of the rich family was waiting.

Lin Chuan and the others got into the luxury car in the surprised eyes of passers-by and rushed to the Qian’s manor comfortably.

Yue Qin’er followed them to the capital, but didn’t plan to go to Qian’s house, but wanted to return to the headquarters of the management team to see Yue Qingyang.

So at the airport gate, she parted ways with them.

Before leaving, she urged Lin Chuan to go to the headquarters of the repair management team, which would definitely make him shine.

Lin Chuan also had this intention, and he agreed, and then drove to Qian’s house.

When he came to Qian’s Manor again, Lin Chuan felt completely different.

When I came last time, Qian’s Manor was beautiful, but it had nothing to do with him.

This time it was different. He was the patron of the entire Qian family. Coming to the Qian family manor was the same as returning to his own home.

After entering the Qian’s Manor, the security guard saluted him, and various servants stopped and watched when the vehicles passed by, and the vehicles evaded one after another.

“Good fellow, I feel that Brother Chuan, you are the king here now. Everyone in this family has to respect you three points.”

Fatty Yao noticed this situation and couldn’t help joking.

“Hey, you are exaggerating. How can I be the king of the Qian family? There can only be one king in the Qian family, and that is Qian Shichang.”

“As for me, you can barely regard me as an overlord.”

Lin Chuan was humble, and suddenly there was a turning point, which made the people in the car dumbfounded.

If you are too emperor, it is much more enjoyable than being a king.

And Lin Chuan’s position in the Qian family is really similar to that of the Supreme Emperor, superior to the Patriarch Qian Shichang. He has a respectful position and doesn’t need to worry about things. It needs to be more comfortable.

The car continued to drive and arrived at the villa where they lived in Linchuan last time.

“Brother Lin, I can look forward to you.”

“I think you have lived here for a few days, you should be more used to it, so I will still arrange you here.”

“If you are too young, I will immediately arrange a larger residence for you.”

As soon as the car stopped, Qian Shichang opened the door and said enthusiastically.

“Don’t have to be so troublesome, it’s nice to live here, quiet.” Lin Chuan is not picky about where to live, anyway, no matter how good it is, there is no Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

After they entered the villa, they sat down separately and exchanged greetings for a while.

“Let’s talk about it, this time you ran into some trouble, and even refused to say it on the phone.”

After the greeting, Lin Chuan went directly to the topic.

“It’s not that I didn’t want to say it, or I didn’t dare to say it. My current phone call has probably been monitored.”

Qian Shichang, with a smile on his face, turned serious and said seriously.

“Monitor your phone?”

“You are the head of the family, who is so bold and dare to monitor you?”

Ling Xiaoxiao on the side was surprised.

Although the celestial dynasty was either rich or powerful, the Qian family was a family in the capital, with deep roots.

Listening to Qian Shichang’s phone is equivalent to being an enemy of the entire Qian family. Not everyone dares to do this kind of thing.

Lin Chuan raised his eyebrows when he learned of this situation, and already had a little guess.

“Of course ordinary people don’t dare to do this to me. It is another family in the capital that is aimed at me.” Qian Shichang squinted his eyes, his eyebrows were full of anger.

“Wan family? I don’t seem to have heard of that, there is still this family in the capital?” Fatty Yao asked.

As the son of the richest man in Changzhou, he knows a little bit about the world.

He really has no memory of the name of this Wanjia.

“Wan’s family is not considered a top-notch giant. They act low-key on weekdays. You have never heard of it. It’s normal.” Qian Shichang explained.

“This is weird. According to you, the strength of the Wan family should be inferior to that of the Qian family.”

“Then why is this Wanjia so bold and dare to monitor you?”

Lin Juan frowned slightly, feeling very strange.

“Of course Wanjia is backed by several sects behind it!”

“If he were the only one, I would have started to crush them a long time ago.”

When Qian Shichang thought of Wanjia, he was angry and gritted his teeth.

“It’s not surprising that there is a sect behind it.”

“But is your family circle so messy? With the support of the sect, you can arbitrarily provoke the bigger family?”

Ling Xiaoxiao nodded clearly, and was full of curiosity about the situation between the sect and the family.

If there were sects backing them, the families could sway at will, and the families wouldn’t know how many families would be dumped.

“Of course it won’t work if you are an unknown teacher. It will be boycotted by major families.”

“But Wanjia has just found a reason, or specifically disgusting our Qian family.”

Qian Shichang’s face was even more ugly.

“Okay, don’t wait for us to ask and say another sentence, just tell the situation, what is the situation?”

Lin Chuan was a little speechless seeing that they hadn’t gotten into the subject for so long.

“The situation is very simple. Wan’s family was originally related to my Qian’s family by marriage.”

“The Qian family became the head of the family, that is, my father. At a banquet more than ten years ago, he fell in love with a daughter of the Wan family, and she slept with her when she was drunk and hot.”

“That little girl has just grown up, and is several generations away from my father. Obviously it is not easy to be public.”

“Originally, this matter was concealed and passed away, but after a night of love, that woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son.”

“After giving birth to the son, the woman told my father, her name was not right, and my father couldn’t get the wild species back, so she stayed in Wanjia.”

“At first it was fine. My father gave Wanjia a lot of compensation, and the relationship between the two is considered harmonious.”

“But my father died. After I took over as the head of the family, Wan Jia had thoughts that he shouldn’t have, saying that the wild species is also the son of the Qian family and has the right to inherit.”

“The Guangyao Sect of Wanjia wants to use this pretext to swallow the Qianjia in one bite!”

When Qian Shichang told the situation, his face became more and more ugly, and he was obviously disgusted by Wanjia’s behavior.

“You giants, there really are all kinds of dog-blood stories.” Lin Chuan couldn’t help but sigh after hearing him finish.

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