Chapter 365 Qian Shichang: Are you still short of leg accessories?

Pu Liqi’s words about cultivation are pretty good, otherwise he wouldn’t be so arrogant that he would dare to start a sect.

But he only has this one advantage, the others are all shortcomings, and the appearance is a big shortcoming.

Not to mention the shameless face, Pu Liqi’s entire face is still pitted and ugly.

Lin Chuan didn’t want to get involved with Pu Liqi at all, otherwise others would misunderstand that there is something wrong with their Lao Lin family’s genes!

“Sorry, I’m not worthy.” Pu Liqi said in a sad voice.

The master of the dignified sect was actually dismissed as such.

Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality? This is a question.

“Hurry up and greet people, don’t think about these.” Lin Chuan saw that Pu Liqi seemed to be autistic, and waved him away.

He huddled up to the table where Lin Juan and the others were sitting, ate the delicacies prepared by Pu Liqi, and teased the two little guys from time to time. It was called a happy and happy one.

After eating deliciously, he remembered to contact Qian Shichang and called him directly.

It stands to reason that Qian Shichang, as a wealthy family owner, should be very busy.

But as soon as Lin Chuan called, Qian Shichang was connected.

“Hey, Brother Lin, do you have anything to tell?” Qian Shichang’s attitude was as good as ever.

“Why, don’t I call you, it must be something?” Lin Chuan, who was full of food and drink, was a little leisurely, and joked.

“What you said, it seems that when you called, you didn’t want me to do something.” Qian Shichang said with a light smile.

Lin Chuan’s face immediately froze upon hearing this.

How did Qian Shichang talk to his patron?

Isn’t it normal to call him if he has something to do?

Otherwise, would the two big men talk on the phone to exchange feelings?

“Ahem, don’t talk nonsense with you, you have been asking me before, do you want the cultivation resources that your Qian family got, are those resources still there?”

Lin Chuan skipped that topic and asked.

“Of course it is. Except for the sold part, the rest is piled up in the warehouse.”

“What, do you need it now? I’ll send it to you right away.”

“These cultivation resources are precious. It is troublesome to save and troublesome to maintain. I even feel that I can’t sleep well, for fear that some immortal cultivators will come over and grab those resources.”

When Qian Shichang heard him ask about his cultivation resources, he was immediately excited, and he wished to give up all those cultivation resources to Lin Chuan.

There is a reason why he is like this.

Lin Chuan does not need cultivation resources, but his Qian family has to collect them, or else it will be cheaper for others.

But so many cultivation resources have aroused the coveting of many immortal cultivators, and it has indeed brought a lot of pressure to the Qian family.

All of them were given to Lin Chuan, and he naturally relaxed.

“Don’t give it to me, just send it to Shiwan Dashan.”

“Pu Liqi is in Shiwan Dashan, formally established a sect and established the Batu Caves. At this moment, he is short of training resources.”

Lin Chuan said directly.

“Oh, I have long heard that someone wants to start a sect, but it’s Lao Pu.”

“Such a happy event, I have to give him a gift.”

“But you leave him all the training resources, is it really okay?”

Qian Shichang became happy when he learned that Pu had left Qi Kaizong to establish a faction. This meant that Lin Chuan’s strength had grown again.

The strength of the backer becomes stronger, and their Qian family will naturally become more stable.

However, Qian Shichang still did not forget to remind Lin Chuan that he must be defensive.

“Don’t worry about it, but it’s just some cultivation resources. Aren’t you tired after calculating so many?”

Lin Chuan didn’t reveal any more meaning to him, but said casually.

“Some training resources only?”

“Brother Lin, in your tone, you are more like the Patriarch of the Patriarch than my Patriarch.”

“Boss, do you still lack leg pendants?”

Qian Shichang said sourly after seeing Lin Chuan’s breath so loudly that he was choked.

Lin Chuan’s mouth of this cultivation resource, but his entire Qian family worked so hard to save.

“There are too many people who want to be my leg pendants. You can put them in line behind.”

“If there is nothing wrong, then so be it, I have to go and play.”

Upon hearing this, Lin Chuan made a joke with Qian Shichang and was about to hang up.

“Wait, I really have one thing that I want to bother you.” Qian Shichang couldn’t help saying when he saw that he was about to hang up.

“Let’s talk about it, look at my patron, what can I do for you.” Lin Chuan said with some curiosity.

To be honest, after he became the backer of the Qian family, he really didn’t do much for the Qian family.

“This… can’t tell on the phone, or wait for you to come to the capital to talk.”

“Don’t you want to play, the capital is also very fun, just let me do my best as a landlord.”

Qian Shichang hesitated for a moment, without telling the specific things, he kindly invited him to the capital.

“Is it so mysterious? It makes me even more curious.”

“Okay, then I’ll go to Beijing for a tour.”

Lin Chuan thought for a while, then agreed.

There is nothing left or right anyway, and a trip to the capital is also a good choice.

Moreover, Xuanzang gave him such a generous gift, and he always wanted to tell him if it was not.

There are a lot of people in the capital, and if you wander around with your bald hair, you may have some unexpected gains.

Xuanzang, for the king of your daughter country, we have done a lot!

After Lin Chuan hung up the phone, he announced to everyone that he was going to the capital.

“Okay, we can go to play again.” When the two little guys learned that they could go to the capital to play, they jumped up happily.

Ling Xiaoxiao and the others are also quite happy, and think it should be interesting.

It was just a few foxes who frowned when they learned that Lin Chuan was going to the capital.

“Why, you don’t want to go to the capital to play?” Lin Chuan noticed their expressions and asked strangely.

“It’s not that I don’t want to go, but that the capital is stalking each other. It’s not suitable for us to wander around in the past.”

“You go play, let’s go back to practice, it just happens that this time of fighting, I have some gains.”

Yao Mengxue shook her head and said depressedly.

Lin Chuan nodded clearly when he heard the words.

As for the capital, it is not surprising that there are a few elders in the Yuanying stage sitting in town.

Yao Mengxue and the others dared to dangle in front of the Jin Dan stage cultivators, but they were not arrogant enough to face the Yuan Ying stage big brothers.

The foxes said to go and left, directly leading the little demon to prepare to leave.

Seeing that the little demon was about to leave, Bald Mao naturally followed him step by step.

“You come back to me, and I will take you to the capital again!” Lin Chuan said in a bad mood when he saw this.

What a majestic animal bloodline should have been, but it turned out to be a stubborn dog, and it was a shame to his master!

“Hey hey……” Bald Mao grumbled aggrievedly, staring at the little demon who was gradually going away with his eyes looking through Qiushui, his eyes full of dismay.

Goodbye my dream girl~

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