Chapter 356 Who Isn’t A Golden Elixir?

“Vixen, is this woman on stage a vixen?”

“No wonder, I said I couldn’t move my eyes when I looked at her, because I was charmed.”

“Why don’t you say that you can’t walk while looking at the beauty?”

“Bah, baah, am I that kind of person? There must be something wrong with the female nun on the stage.”

“This Pu Liqi asked the monster to help with his punches. It was maddening.”

“Shemales don’t stand up to each other, let’s kill her directly!”

The cultivators learned that Yao Mengxue was a vixen, and all of them changed their faces and shouted at her.

A few vixen, seeing this situation, suddenly panicked, for fear that they would really be killed.

When Lin Chuan saw this, he gave them a reassuring look, and signaled them to stay calm and not to confuse themselves, otherwise they wouldn’t confess themselves.

Yao Mengxue on the stage did not panic at all after listening to the words of Old Poison.

“Hehe, pour dirty water on me if I can’t win. Is this your demeanor as a Sect Master?”

“You said I’m a vixen, can you tell that so many great cultivators can’t be seen there?”

“Or, you think I am the great demon of the Yuanying stage, who came here to tease you.”

Yao Mengxue said with a sneer, looking at the Poisonous Old Man.

After hearing this, the cultivators calmed down and looked at the Golden Core Stage cultivators who were present with some hesitation.

The monsters can indeed maintain their human form, but only the great monsters of the Nascent Soul Stage can do it.

Monsters below the Yuan Ying stage, no matter how they hide, can easily be seen through by the Jin Dan stage cultivators.

If Yao Mengxue is really a monster, and there are so many Jin Dan stage leaders, he should see through it at a glance.

But just now, none of these cultivators had any response.

“This sister, I really didn’t see that she was a monster. Elder Hundred Poison, you said she was a vixen. Is there any basis for that?”

A Jindanqi talker spoke.

“She had clearly used the power of charm on me just now, which made it difficult for me to hold on to myself. There was a flaw in my mind, and she was lucky to win once.”

“The power of charm is so powerful, what is it if it is not a vixen?”

The old man with poison stared at her with sinister eyes, and he said with certainty.

Many immortal cultivators nodded one after another, feeling that this was reasonable.

The power of charm that can make a veteran cultivator lose his mind during the foundation-building period is not so powerful.

“Gluck, you bad old man, it’s a shame not to tell a joke.”

“With the power of charm, is it a vixen?”

“I still think you look like a tortoise, so aren’t you just a tortoise?”

“I can’t do it, so I want to show off on stage. If I can’t win, I will slander all kinds of slanders. The Hundred Poison Sect is really too powerful.”

Yao Mengxue covered her mouth and chuckled, and a sweet voice like a silver bell came out of her mouth, but the words she said were all cynicism.

“Hahaha…” After hearing her words, the cultivators couldn’t help but laugh. They found Yao Mengxue’s words very interesting and dispelled their suspicion.

A variety of different techniques and techniques are emerging in the practice world. If Yao Mengxue alone has the power of charm, it is concluded that she is a monster, which is obviously untenable.

Hearing the laughter, the old man Bai Poison turned blue and white, and he was full of murderous intentions.

He has lived for so many years, and he has never felt so ashamed.

“Don’t make trouble for the old man with poison. If your skills are not as good as others, you are not as good as others.”

“There is the power of charm, that’s the skill of others, there is nothing to say about it.”

When the Old Bai Poison wanted to say something more, the owner of Lijian Villa spoke out and gave a final word.

The cultivators nodded one after another, feeling that there was nothing wrong with what the owner said.

Upon seeing this, the old man Bai Po turned pale and felt a trace of panic.

With his performance just now, I’m afraid that Baidumen’s reputation has all been ruined.

“Who is next?” Yao Mengxue, who got out of the crisis, was sure that there was no problem with her illusion, and she was eager to try.

“Sister, let me go, I haven’t played yet.”

“I’m the next one, I’ve long wanted to play.”

“Let’s guess the punch, whoever wins will play.”

The relieved vixen were more enthusiastic than Yao Mengxue.

The immortal cultivator of the eight major sects couldn’t help taking a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

These female nuns are very beautiful, but you can’t look down on them, right? Are they really just for fun when they are on stage?

They have to let Yao Mengxue and the others taste it.

The cultivators played with such thoughts, but soon they were beaten up by the foxes and became autistic.

Before the Golden Core Stage, immortal cultivators of the same level were far inferior to monsters in strength.

The vixen can easily overcome one opponent after another with their own means.

Compared to speed, they even used the power they couldn’t resist to oust them before waiting for the immortal cultivators to show their cards.

The cultivators were not convinced at first, but after several rounds, they were beaten to convince.

These beautiful female sisters are not only beautiful, but also very powerful. They are not the vase they imagined.

After a few more people, no one wants to be on stage anymore.

On stage is to look for abuse, they also want to look good.

“Hehe, no one dares to get on this, it seems that you humans are not very powerful.”

The vixen who had finally won the boxing guess on the stage couldn’t help taunting when no one had dared to go on stage.

“You humans?”

“Listening to what you mean, you are not a human being, is it possible that you are really a monster?”

A speaker, keenly aware of the loopholes in the words of the vixen, stared at her and asked.

The eyes of other cultivators looked at her, and they also became strange.

“I…I just said something wrong, how could it really be a monster.” The fox knew that he had slipped, and suddenly became calm.

This is not their home court, surrounded by so many immortal cultivators, if you reveal your identity, it will be over.

“Hehe, whether it is a monster or not, we have to check it before we know it.”

“You and your sisters, come with us.”

The person sneered at that, regardless of what the vixen said.

“Why are you taking me away, who do you think you are?” The vixen became more calm.

While she was talking, she backed away, winking wildly at the other sisters, wanting them to leave quickly.


“Just because I’m a cultivator of the Golden Core Phase, I will take you to investigate during the foundation building phase. Do you dare to resist?”

In those words, the person who saw the intention of the foxes, did not let them off, jumped up, sacrificed a golden bell, and covered the foxes.


At this moment, a seal suddenly flew over, facing the storm, and collided with Jin Zhong.

“Who is not in the golden age yet, anyone who dares to bully me, have you asked me?”

A man wearing a black trench coat and a hood, covering his entire face, stood in front of the fox spirit and said domineeringly.

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