Chapter 355 Yao Mengxue’s face has a facelift?


Pu Liqi looked at Yao Mengxue, who was already on the stage, and felt that the whole person was not good.

Who is going to start a sect?

Why did these one by one behave more positively than the person who is about to become the suzerain?

There is nothing wrong with him when co-authoring!

“Brother Lin, don’t bring this, the old man with poison is targeting me, she will fight for me, what’s the matter?”

Pu Liqi couldn’t help looking at Lin Chuan, and said with aggrieved expression.

“Why, my sister helped you out, but still wronged you?”

“I don’t know what it is, it seems like we are begging to come and help.”

“Don’t get me wrong, my sister just likes to fight injustices, she doesn’t fall in love with you, she has a sweetheart.”

Lin Chuan hadn’t responded yet, and the vixen couldn’t stand it anymore, and said to Pu Liqi all the time.

Pu Liqi was surrounded by a group of foxes, his head was so big that he didn’t say anything at all and let Yao Mengxue go to fight.

As the master of a sect, the old man Baipo had lived for so many years, and he didn’t know how many powerful methods he had.

If he is going to challenge, he really doesn’t have much confidence.

It’s better to let Yao Mengxue play on the court first, and maybe you can force a few cards of Old Poisonous Man.

As for Yao Mengxue’s ability to directly take down Bai Poison Old Man, Pu Liqi didn’t have much hope.

When it comes to the foundation-building period, whoever has few cards in his hand can establish a victory with a little peculiarity.

“Who are you? You dare to stand up for Pu Liqi. It’s a lot of courage.” The old man of Poison looked at Yao Mengxue, who was of unknown origin, and said with squinting eyes.

He always had a weird feeling on Yao Mengxue, but he couldn’t tell what was going on.

In fact, it was not just him, but many immortal cultivators present, especially those in the Golden Core stage, also felt the same way.

“Old ancestor, what are you staring at that woman? Isn’t it because of her?”

A young female sister, seeing her ancestors, had been staring at Yao Mengxue and couldn’t help but joking.

“You little girl, really spoiled, dare to make fun of your old ancestor!” The old ancestor of the Golden Core period became stiff, and he turned his head and glared at the female sister.

“Hehe, you misunderstood me, if you didn’t look at her, why keep staring at her?”

The female cultivator laughed and turned a blind eye to the pretended sorrow of the ancestor.

“Your ancestor, me, travels around the world, how can I be fascinated by her if I have never seen a beautiful woman.”

“It’s just that when I look at her face, there is always some unreal feeling, but I don’t see anything abnormal, so I look twice more.”

The old ancestor saw that the female sister had been entangled, so he told the confusion in his heart.

He looked at Yao Mengxue’s face and always felt something was wrong, but he didn’t notice any spiritual fluctuations, so he naturally felt very strange.

“It turns out that this is the problem. Old ancestors, you are really old and you can’t keep up with the times. You can’t see such a simple problem.”

“There is something wrong with your face, it must be a facelift.”

“I said why this woman on the stage is so good-looking. It turned out to be a face-lift, and I don’t know which hospital it was done.”

Upon hearing this, the female cultivator suddenly realized it, and she explained the mystery in one word.

She looked at Yao Mengxue’s gaze, becoming a little disdainful and a little envious.

“Plastic surgery? Is this really the case?” The ancestor heard this, frowned and thought about it, and felt that there was some truth, so he dispelled some doubts.

But Yao Mengxue on the stage couldn’t stand it anymore.

Those cultivators noticed the abnormality because of her phantom art.

After practicing phantom art for so long, the fox spirits have been able to avoid being seen by immortal cultivators at a level higher than them.

But it feels weird, it is inevitable.

With such an effect, Yao Mengxue and the others are already satisfied.

But now that the female cultivator called her a face-lifting face, she was really mad at her.

After doing the live broadcast for so long, she knows very well that a facelift is definitely not a good description.

“You’re just getting a facelift, your whole family is getting a facelift!”

“My old mother is naturally beautiful, so if you admire it, you will envy it. It’s still sour here, it’s really ugly!”

Yao Mengxue, who was angry, opened his mouth directly.

“You…how could you be like this…” The stunned female cultivator cried out, it was a grievance.

Although she can’t compare to Yao Mengxue’s peerless appearance, she is still beautiful, far from ugly.

Being scolded by Yao Mengxue in front of so many cultivators naturally made the female cultivators unbearable.

The immortal cultivators onlookers looked at each other when they saw this scene.

How come it’s face-lifting, mouth-slashing, and some people are crying. Is this still a battlefield for immortal cultivators? Did they go to the wrong place?

Pu Liqi and the others were also dumbfounded. After Yao Mengxue took the stage, they didn’t show anything else, but showed their ability to scold the street well.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry, ancestors, I will help you find your place.”

“You are a savvy girl, and I hope your strength is worthy of your mouth.”

“Old Poison, she made my good granddaughter cry, you can figure it out.”

The old ancestor saw that his precious granddaughter was crying, and he was so distressed that he looked at Yao Mengxue coldly and said.

“Don’t worry, Sect Master Tan, I will let her experience the price of talking too much!”

Jin Dan was furious, and the old man Bai Poison shook and immediately promised.

“Hehe, then I want to see, how capable you are that makes my old lady pay the price!”

Yao Mengxue sneered, and rushed towards the old man with poison.

A cloud of pink mist was spit out from Yao Mengxue’s mouth, and in a blink of an eye it filled the old man with poison.

The Baidu old man didn’t panic at all, he directly took the exclusive secret anti-drug pill, and then he wanted to rush out of the mist.

But soon, he felt something was wrong.

His whole body was suddenly hot and unpredictable, and his blood was surging, and the long-lost feeling rushed to his heart, making him unable to control the aura in his body for a while.

“get out!”

Yao Mengxue seized this opportunity and kicked the Poison Old Man hard and kicked him away.


“What’s the situation, the old man with poison will be defeated?”

“When did the base-building battle become so fast?”

“What the hell was the pink mist just now.”

“It seems that the female cultivator on the stage who looks like a face-lift, really has some means.”

“Shhh, what plastic face, are you going to die?”

“Hundred Poison Sect still has the face to invite us, that’s it?”

The immortal cultivators did not expect that they would decide the outcome so quickly.

“This woman is a vixen, who uses black magic!” The old man with poison was kicked out, telling the truth.

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