Chapter 347 Three-sided Spy Lin Jun

“Master, Senior Sister Yun and I went over and we have completely inquired about it.”

“In Pu Li Qi’s sect, there are indeed many more people.”

“But those are not here to give Puli Qi a punch, but to congratulate his guests. My ineffective cousin is inside.”

“So you don’t have to worry, Master, Pu Li Qi, the wicked man, this time I’ll lose, and that treasure land will definitely get what you want, and it will return to your hands, Master.”

Lin Jun changed his humility in front of Pu Liqi, standing indifferently in front of the old man with poison and said.

If Lin Chuan and Pu Liqi saw this scene, they would definitely be shocked.

Lin Jun, who was very humble in front of them, turned out to be a double agent who sold everything on both sides.

Hearing the words, the old man Baidu didn’t speak, but looked at Senior Sister Yun who came in with him.

“Yes, Master, we walked all over the cave, and we didn’t encounter a character more powerful than Pu Liqi.”

“So Master, you can rest assured that the plan will never fail.”

Senior Sister Yun also followed.

“Well, you have worked hard, this time I finally did something that satisfied me.”

After hearing this, the old man nodded and said.

“The disciple has already known his mistake, and will definitely go all out to help Master get back that precious land!”

Lin Jun lowered his head with a guilty conscience and promised.

The Baidu old man is very old, but he is not old and confused at all.

Previously, Pu Liqi took the treasure of the Hundred Poison Clan, and claimed to the outside world that he had found it accidentally. He wanted to build the sect on this basis.

This statement seemed like a dripping water, but Baidu Old Man didn’t believe it at all.

For so many years, no one has been able to discover that precious land. It was a bit of a coincidence that Pu Liqi found it as soon as he came.

Faced with this situation, the old Bai Poison was silent, as if he was about to suffer from this dark loss.

In fact, he had already begun to investigate the Zongmen. After Pu Liqi arrived, the personnel who had left were quickly found on Lin Jun.

I’ve found out what else Lin Jun can do. Of course, he confessed his mistakes to the old man Baidu and obediently admitted what he had done.

However, he is still very skillful in speaking. He has been talking about how vicious Pu Liqi is to him, and all this he has done is forced.

This also caused Baidu Old Man to have a trace of pity towards him.

Originally, people like Lin Jun who betrayed the sect, no matter how pitiful they were, they would not end well.

However, the talents of the Hundred Poison Sect have withered, and Lin Jun is the only genius who has hoped to lead the rise of the Hundred Poison Sect in recent years.

It took a long time for the old Baidu Human Rights to decide to let Lin Jun take the blame and do meritorious service, go to Puliqi to spy on intelligence, prevent Puli from the Qikai school, and take the opportunity to regain the treasure.

Now Lin Jun came back after spying on the situation, and gave him a satisfactory answer, which made the old man with Poison feel much better.

As long as things go well, that precious land will eventually return to his hands, and everything will be back on track.

“You will practice with peace of mind in the future, and don’t let me down again.” The old man of Poison returned to his senses, took a deep look at Lin Jun, and said in a deep voice.

“Yes, Master, after this matter is over, the disciple promises that he will not leave the cave and will try his best to attack the foundation building period!”

Lin Jun immediately agreed.

“Well, you go down.” The old man Bai Po nodded, not wanting to say anything.

“The disciple retired.”

“By the way, Master, Lijian Villa, invited me to discuss the order of appearance during the competition.”

Just as Lin Jun was about to leave, as if suddenly remembering something, he turned and said to the old man with poison.

“You can do this kind of trifle by yourself, don’t need to tell me.” The old man Baidu waved his hand impatiently.

“Yes, Master, that disciple is leaving now!” Lin Jun smiled heartily at the old man with poison and turned and left.

After bidding farewell to Senior Sister Yun, he rushed to Lijian Villa without stopping.

Lijian Villa is said to have originated from an immortal cultivator who likes to strike iron. Because of his special hobby, he was ridiculed by his brothers in the gate and angrily came to live in a secluded mountain.

As a result, during the years of iron-making, he suddenly realized a trace of the great road, his cultivation level rose rapidly, and he became a great monk in the Nascent Soul Stage!

As a cultivator in the Yuan Ying period, he finally decided to pass down the Taoism and established Lijian Villa.

There is an immortal cultivator in the Yuan Ying stage, and the strength of Lijian Villa is naturally extremely strong.

However, after the Yuanying stage cultivators sat down, none of his disciples and grandchildren were promoted to the Yuanying stage, and the Lijian Villa has been declining since then.

However, the lean camel is bigger than the horse. Even so, Lijian Villa is still one of the best sects among the surrounding sects.

Hundred Poison Sect, a small sect where only immortal cultivators were seated during the foundation-building period, was not worth mentioning in front of Lijian Villa.

Lin Jun entered the Lijian Villa and greeted the immortal cultivators friendly along the way.

Those immortal cultivators with long iron bumps on their backs looked at him with cold faces, without any indication.

These iron knots are the magic weapon of the immortal cultivator in Lijian Villa, everyone has.

From the beginning of getting a piece of iron embryo, these cultivators need to use the special techniques they learned to forge the iron embryo.

Knowing the great success of the exercises, forging the iron embryo into the growth sword in one fell swoop, can show off their edge, and the strength will also increase by leaps and bounds.

I don’t know if it’s the reason for the iron blasting all day long. The people in Lijian Villa are relatively old-fashioned, and Lin Jun is no stranger to it.

“Lin Jun begs to see the owner!”

Lin Jun rushed to the cave mansion of the current owner of Lijian Villa and said loudly.

“Hahaha, come in quickly, I guess you should come here too, I guessed it.”

The closed door of the cave suddenly opened, and there was a burst of hearty laughter.

Lin Jun walked into the cave and saw a very majestic middle-aged man, carefully wiping the long sword in his hand with a piece of fur radiating aura.

“Lord Zhuang, I haven’t seen you for a few days, and your aura seems to have become stronger again. Congratulations, Master Zhuang for being diligent and improving!”

As soon as he saw the owner, Wei Zhuoran, Lin Jun gave a flattering.

“Hahaha, I like to hear these words, but the road to immortality is long, how can it be so easy to cultivate diligently.”

“Don’t talk about these gossips, have you found out the situation in that precious land, Baidu, the old immortal, do you still suspect you?”

Wei Zhuoran put down the sword and said with a smile.

“It’s been found out. I followed Pu Liqi and listened to him personally explain the doorways everywhere, and I have already understood the situation in the cave.”

“As for the teacher… Elder Baidu, with Senior Sister Yun testifying for me, he naturally won’t doubt anything.”

“All of this depends on the owner’s far-sightedness, so that I can do well between the two sides.”

Lin Jun said modestly.

On the surface, it is completely invisible that he is not just a double-spy, but a three-sided spy!

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