Chapter 346

Eight major sects are in trouble

When the foxes faced Lin Chuan, they didn’t know how to be polite, and they were very close to him.

So what Lin Jun saw was a group of Yingying and Yanyan surrounding Lin Chuan.

Moreover, no matter which vixen, his face value will hang on Senior Sister Yun.

This made Lin Jun’s psychological advantage that he had accumulated with great difficulty instantly collapsed.

Even if these foxes are not Lin Chuan’s girlfriends, having so many beautiful confidantes is enough to kill him in seconds.

It’s not just Lin Jun, who has been thinking about how to turn Lin Chuan into a minister under her skirt. At this time, she also has no blood on her face, and she feels extremely frustrated.

She was extremely confident about her appearance, thinking she could play with any man she liked in the palm of her hand.

But the group of women who appeared in front of her now had no one with a lower face value than her, how she could accept it.

“What you said just now, I didn’t hear it clearly, or you can say it again.”

Lin Chuan didn’t have the idea of ​​comforting their broken hearts, and was dumbfounded at Lin Jun’s wound.

“No…nothing, I just wish you cousin find a girlfriend sooner.”

“Depending on the situation, it seems that I don’t need to worry about it.”

Lin Jun’s face was indeed even more ugly, but he was also thick-skinned, and he quickly eased over and changed his style of painting directly.

“Really, what I heard before, doesn’t seem to be the case.” Lin Chuan looked at him playfully and said.

“My lord, you asked me to come over, is there something?” Lin Jun saw that he was still entangled, turned around to talk to Pu Liqi, and changed the subject.

“This… indeed something is looking for you.”

“Didn’t your master ask you to contact the neighboring sects who want to participate in the fight? Tell me what you have learned.”

Pu Liqi glanced at Lin Chuan. Seeing that he didn’t change his expression, he knew that he didn’t want to expose the relationship between the two, so he immediately found an excuse for calling Lin Jun to come over.

Said it is an excuse, in fact, this is what Pu Liqi wants to find out about Lin Jun.

After all, Lin Jun’s talent is good, and he is still highly regarded in the Baidu Sect.

This time, on behalf of Baidu Sect, he went to liaise with other sects to discuss the major event of preventing the establishment of Puli Qi Zongmen. He must know a lot of information.

“So your lord, you are looking for me for this, then you are looking for the right person, but…”

Lin Jun looked at Lin Chuan with a lot of meaning.

“It doesn’t matter, Brother Lin is his own.” Pu Liqi understood what he meant and waved his hand.

Lin Jun was stunned when he heard the words. He didn’t expect Pu Liqi to have such a deep relationship with Lin Chuan.

“There are a total of eight sects this time. I’m coming to embarrass you, sir.”

“Except for our Baidu Sect and the two sects that do not have masters of the Golden Core Stage, the other five sects all have masters of the Golden Core Stage, and three of them have decided to go out.”

“There are also many immortal cultivators who are going to fight in the base-building period. Each sect has sent two, four of whom are even the peak of the base-building period, which can be called a half-step golden core.”

“Not to mention the Qi refining period. Each sect sent five people, and many of them were able to interact with the immortal cultivators during the foundation building period.”

Lin Jun did not delay, and immediately reported to Puli Qihui.

Sure enough, he knew a lot of things, and when Pu Liqi asked, he just said it out of his head as if he poured beans out of a bamboo tube.

After listening to what he said, Pu Liqi’s face became dark and his mood became very bad.

The eight great sects were all in trouble, and the pressure on him, the unestablished sect, was very great.

If he only relies on himself, I am afraid that he will be pressed down directly.

Now he can only hope that Lin Chuan will not lose the chain and do his best to win the two stages.

“Well, yes, the information you said is very useful to me.”

“If you still hear any new news, tell me as quickly as possible. I won’t treat you badly.”

Pu Liqi pondered for a moment, and a small smile appeared on his face again, without revealing his worries in the slightest.

“Then I would like to thank your lord first.” Lin Jun said with a chuckle.

“By the way, why did you bring this woman here? The relationship between us is top secret!”

Pu Liqi turned his head to look at Senior Sister Yun, frowning and said.

When he was speaking, a trace of murderous intent bloomed on his body, which shocked Senior Sister Yun, and quickly shrank behind Lin Jun.

Lin Jun has now become Pu Liqi’s spy, which is very important to him.

The fate of her insider can be imagined.

“My lord, stay safe and restless, of course there is a reason why I brought her here.”

“Senior Sister Yun has already seen an adult’s face last time. It is obviously impossible to hide her from her.”

“So I simply told her about the matter and let her be our other internal response in the Baidumen.”

“Senior Sister Yun is very popular within the sect, and she has had a lot of dealings with people from several large sects around her, and she can definitely help.”

Lin Jun saw that Pu Liqi was so moody, and was shocked in a cold sweat, and hurriedly explained.

“She is also worthy of being my internal response?” Pu Liqi raised his brows, and his face eased.

“Of course she is not worthy. This time it’s the villain’s own opinion. She really deserves to die.”

“But her status is not low. If she disappears suddenly, I really can’t explain to the sect.”

Seeing his face eased, Lin Jun breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smiling face.

“Then keep her for the time being, if she dares to disclose any news, this uncle will let her know what it means to survive, not to die!”

Pu Liqi let out a smirk, and his gaze looking at Senior Sister Yun was extremely terrifying, making her face pale with fright, hiding behind Lin Jun, shivering.

“Don’t worry, sir, if she dares to reveal a word, I will clean up her without you having to do it!”

Lin Jun’s expression remained unchanged, and he promised with his heartbeat.

After he finished speaking, Pu Liqi finally stopped saying anything.

“My lord, I haven’t visited your sect yet. If you don’t let me go in and visit, it would be so long.”

After a while, Lin Jun said with a smile on his face again.

“Let’s go, it just happens that Brother Lin and the others also want to stroll around in the sect.” Pu Liqi had no objection to this, and led the group into the cave.

The cave has undergone a lot of renovation, and the residence arranged for Lin Chuan and the others is just a small area, and there are still other places in the cave.

Pu Liqi, who regards the founding of the school as a long-cherished wish in his life, is still quite prepared, and the layout of each place is extremely particular.

Lin Chuan and the others watched it all the way, feeling very strange.

As if he had never seen the world, Lin Jun shouted all the way, eagerly asking Pu Liqi to explain the various doorways inside.

After looking at the cave almost once, Lin Jun said goodbye and left.

As soon as he returned to the sect, he directly entered the Sect Master’s Cave Mansion.

“Jun’er is back. Have you found out about Pu Liqi’s situation?”

The old Bai Poison man who was meditating opened his eyes, looked at Lin Jun with a smile and said.

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