Chapter 31 The Queen Mother’s Flat Peach Gala

Lin Chuan, who owns the Kitchen God’s Book, is naturally not a problem to stew some pork.

Lin Chuan picked some chili, onion, and garlic as a side dish, and started to stew the pork.

Within an hour, a large pot of pork has been stewed so soft and fragrant all over the house.

This pork is ordinary pork, it could not have been so fragrant.

But the chili, spring onion and garlic that Lin Chuan puts are not ordinary vegetables. Coupled with his superb cooking skills, it is easy to make a delicious dish.

The working workers, there is no interest in working at this time, all of them are secretly swallowing saliva.

“Fatty Yao, the meal is ready, call those workers over for dinner.” Lin Chuan shouted to Fatty Yao.

“No need, we haven’t been doing this for long.” Fatty Yao said with some embarrassment.

“You Fatty Yao, why are you polite with me, don’t be wordy, go and invite someone over for dinner.”

“The emperor is not short of hungry soldiers. He always wants people to work before they are full.”

Seeing Fatty Yao’s awkward appearance, Lin Chuan kicked him directly.

“Wow… the master is right, right.” Bald Mao rushed over and called to Fatty Yao, then shook his head and tail to Lin Chuan.

This arrogant guy actually invited credit.

Naturally, Lin Chuan wouldn’t pay attention to this guy, and even glared at him.

Seeing that the flattering was unsuccessful, Bald Mao ran away griefly with his tail clamped in between.

“Well, since you said that, I’m not welcome.”

“Masters, hurry up and have a meal. This is a peerless delicacy cooked by my brother himself. No one else can’t eat it!”

Fatty Yao listened to Lin Chuan’s words, but he was not polite. He greeted a few worker masters over, and casually helped Lin Chuan brag.

“I said why it’s so fragrant. It turns out that it’s delicious for tens of thousands of dollars.”

“How can we be embarrassed to eat such a peerless delicacy.”

The workers were already too greedy. Hearing Fatty Yao’s greetings, he ran over immediately.

After hearing the words behind him, they were all speechless and not very embarrassed.

After all, all their wages this time add up to only 20,000 to 30,000, which may not be enough for a meal.

“Masters, don’t be nervous, I’m cooking this meal, I just want you to taste it.”

“After all, my farmhouse hasn’t opened yet, so I need someone to give me more suggestions.”

Lin Chuan’s attitude towards the workers’ masters is still very good, and he said with a slight smile.

The workers felt relieved when they learned that they were here to try the dishes, and picked up the chopsticks and began to clamp the pot of meat on the table.

As soon as the meat entered their mouths, the scent of meat filled their mouths, making them feel like they were floating.

“It’s delicious, it’s so delicious, I have never eaten such delicious pork!”

The worker master who had been working for so long and was a little hungry, he couldn’t stop after eating such delicious food. Pieces of pork were caught in his mouth, and his mouth was full of oil.

Ling Xiaoxiao came over with her bald hair. Seeing this scene, she couldn’t help but want to take it. This was considered excellent publicity.

But thinking about it, she still resisted it. After all, the farmhouse in Linchuan had to take a high-end route. It was not too elegant to photograph a group of people gorging themselves.

However, Bingxue was as smart as Ling Xiaoxiao, and when the dark and bright eyeballs in his beautiful eyes rolled, he thought of another way of shooting.

After the workers and masters ate a delicious meal happily, their enthusiasm rose steadily.

One by one, they shouted the slogan of going all night, and went to their posts to work hard.

Lin Chuan bought all these workers and masters for just one meal.

Naturally, Lin Chuan didn’t need to worry about the decoration and renovation of Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

The next day, Lin Chuan took the jade bottle of Baihua Immortal Brew and drove to Chen Yuanming’s shop, Yuanmingxuan, to complete the transaction with Chen Yuanming.

While on the road, Lin Chuan was closing his eyes and rested, but was noisy by the series of notification sounds from his mobile phone.

He took out his cell phone and took a look, only to realize that it was the group of gods in the WeChat group who was making noise.

Taishang Laojun: @All members, fellow daoists, Queen Mother Xi’s flat peach event is coming soon. Have you thought about what gifts to give Queen Mother Xi?

Erlangshen: (Satisfied) I thought about it a long time ago, how could I forget my aunt’s birthday gift.

Monkey King: I only care about how many people in the group can go. No, no, no, no one really can’t go to the Queen Mother’s Bantao Meeting, right (sick laugh)?

Golden Horn Boy: Stop swearing, don’t swear, Dasang, prawn pig heart, this is (hold your headache and cry)

Giant Spirit God: (furious) You monkey, don’t forget that you can’t go to the Pantao Club when you are at Butmawen!

Xuanzang: Disciple, you are naughty again (touch your head).

Lin Chuan looked at the information in the group, and his heart moved.

The Queen Mother’s Flat Peach Festival, it was a very lively time in the entire heaven.

At that time, all the gods who don’t know where they are usually will appear.

If he can pull them into the group, wouldn’t he have more opportunities to get benefits from the gods?

Xiaoyao Xian: Fellow Daoists, why do you only think about yourself and don’t think about the development of our chat group? The Flat Peach Conference is a good opportunity to attract people to the group!

As soon as the news of Lin Chuan came out, the originally lively chat group suddenly fell into a short silence, and then became even more lively.

Taishang Laojun: Just listen to the realization, this pattern of Daoist Xiaoyao, you all learn a little!

King Tota: (ecstatic) Daoist Xiaoyao is right. These are the people who come and go in the group. I’m tired of seeing it. It’s better to get more new people in.

Nezha: @托塔天王, daddy, don’t you think of which fairy (raising eyebrows)?

King Tota: If you don’t see it through, you can do it (annoyed)!

Taibai Jinxing: It seems that it is time for me to go out. With my contacts in the fairy world, it is not easy to pull a hundred and eighty gods into the group (pull nose)

Taishang Laojun: Then please come to Taibai.

Lin Chuan succeeded in reminding the group of gods when he saw his remarks, and felt happy in his heart.

The more people in the group, the better he can do it!

Fairy Baihua: @逍遥仙, back to the topic, fellow Taoists, have you prepared gifts for the Queen Mother (curiosity).

When Lin Chuan was happy, Baihua Fairy, who was more familiar with him, got him.

Seeing this news, Lin Chuan’s mind moved slightly.

Queen Mother West is one of the rulers of the Heavenly Court, the leader of all the female fairies, and the benefits of having a good relationship with her are self-evident.

Not to mention anything else, if the gift makes Queen Xi happy and gives him a flat peach, then he will make a lot of money!

Xiaoyaoxian: I have prepared a gift, but it’s not convenient to come to the flat peach event in person. Fairy Lao will hand it over @百花仙子.

After making an agreement with Fairy Baihua for her to hand over the gift, Lin Chuan temporarily put the matter down.

Queen Mother Xi’s birthday is still early, so don’t worry about giving gifts.

As for what gift to give Queen Mother West, Lin Chuan had already thought about it.

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