Chapter 30: Shaking Friends Are Hand Controlled?

Fatty Yao has already arrived.

Moreover, the materials for the construction and repair of the pigsty and chicken and duck sheds and the workers were also brought.

According to Lin Chuan’s requirements, even the pig pens and chicken and duck sheds must be built tall and not low-end.

Fatty Yao didn’t close his eyes almost overnight and came up with a design plan.

He vowed to make Qinghuang Xiaozhu more perfect.

Everyone is very busy with the work of this day.

When Lin Chuan arrived in the village, it was already noon.

Ling Xiaoxiao prepared the food and greeted Fatty Yao to eat with a few master workers.

Lin Chuan just arrived for dinner.

Because the freshly picked vegetables in the field are fresh and of high quality, Ling Xiaoxiao’s cooking skills are not bad, and everyone is full of praise.

After the meal, Ling Xiaoxiao told Lin Chuan mysteriously that the number of viewers of the funny little video posted in the morning has reached more than 700,000, with more than 40,000 likes and more than 3,000 comments.

Lin Chuan was taken aback.

Of course he knew the size of Dou Yin, but he still didn’t expect it to be so hot.

Only a few hours have passed!

Lin Chuan followed Ling Xiaoxiao’s amusingly.

Look at those comments.

Protect the monkey: Worship! Everyone in Douyin is talented!

S-Class Locomotive: This is the real artist, you must like it!

Fatty Goddess 561: It’s so beautiful.

Xiaopeng Life: I like this porridge, who is willing to eat it!

Xingyang clum: Did you find out, his hands are really beautiful!

I’m a handsome monk: These are the hands of my little brother. I am really jealous. These hands are so nice.

Ignore 1666: How do you know that this is a little brother, what if it is a little sister?

18 teeth with a smile: Why don’t you show your face? I really want to see what the little brother looks like.

Xianqi floats and floats: I bet a pack of spicy strips, this little brother is absolutely handsome.

Panpan: Secondly, with such a beautiful hand, the face value is absolutely high.

Big goose fight: I bet ten packs of spicy strips, the little brother must be a handsome guy at the level of Xiaozhan!

Baby Yaoyao: My little brother’s hands are slender and fair. I love it.

Lin Chuan turned it over for a while, not crying or laughing.

What kind of people are these people, Lou Yi is like this.

Shouldn’t they fan out of this uncle’s “Fairy Moon in April”?

Why are they all turned into the hands of Uncle Fanben?

Are all manual controls? !

Lin Chuan frowned and checked his hand over and over.

Nothing special.

Ling Xiaoxiao snickered aside.

Lin Chuan said irritably: “Laugh a fart, then laugh and deduct wages!”

Ling Xiaoxiao whispered: “Unscrupulous boss.”

Lin Chuan snorted, “You’re not good at the Minister of Propaganda. The funny video trick is useful?”

Ling Xiaoxiao nodded again and again: “It must be useful. Many Internet celebrity shops use this trick. I don’t know how good business is. Trust me, Lin… Boss, you listen to my arrangements. I believe that when the day opens, you will know the boss. , The salary you gave me is definitely worth the money.”

Lin Chuan smiled with satisfaction: “If you really have this ability, brother will give you processing capital!”

Ling Xiaoxiao said gratefully: “Thank you, boss, but you don’t need to process capital. The salary you gave is already very high, and you also lent me 300,000 yuan. I don’t know when I can pay back this favor.”

Lin Chuan smiled bitterly: “Your boss’s call is so exciting, we are classmates…”

Ling Xiaoxiao said seriously: “There must be rules in doing things, and we will definitely have to recruit people in the future. The rules can’t be broken.”

“Oh, you can actually call my name directly, you don’t need to be so restrained.”

A humble voice came from behind.

“What kind of boss to call, how nice to call your husband directly!”

Lin Chuan was startled, without telling him, it was the ugly dog ​​with bald hair.

“Ling Xiaoxiao, have you ever eaten dog meat? Add ginger, Chinese pepper, red pepper, black sesame, pepper, star anise, tangerine peel, and stew it in a beautiful pot. As the saying goes, the dog meat will roll and the god will be unstable.”

Ling Xiaoxiao was stunned, this thinking jump is too big…

Bald Mao whimpered twice and lay down on the ground honestly.

Ling Xiaoxiao noticed, and blurted out in shock: “You said eating dog meat, it… it seems to understand it, it’s amazing!”

Let me go, if you know that this ugly dog ​​can communicate with me, you will be scared to death.

“It’s just an ugly dog, nothing magical.”

Ling Xiaoxiao lost his eyes: “How ugly is it? It’s obviously very beautiful, beautiful, and smart.”

Bald Mao’s spirit was refreshed, and he got up to his feet, wagging his tail in excitement.

“Students die for confidants! Why are you not my master!”

Ling Xiaoxiao was even more shocked when he saw that its reaction was so wise, and exclaimed in surprise: “Look, look, it’s so smart! It seems to understand that I am complimenting it!”

Ling Xiaoxiao was too excited as if he had discovered a new world.

“Puppy, what’s your name? Come to sister!”

Ling Xiaoxiao squatted down and waved at the bald hair.

Bald Mao squinted at Linchuan, shaking his head and pacing towards Ling Xiaoxiao.

“Master, you have no vision, but there are still people who know how to appreciate this dog!”

Seeing this ugly dog ​​rubbing against Ling Xiaoxiao, with a humble expression of enjoyment, Lin Chuan’s anger stopped.

“Boss, look, there are pavilions, towers, birds and flowers, good air, and a good environment. There is a chef who can be called an artist, and there is also a puppy with online appearance and IQ. This time our farmhouse will not be popular. no!”

“By the way, does our farmhouse have a name?”

“Name…just Qinghuang Xiaozhu!” Lin Chuan didn’t bother to use his brain, Qinghuang Xiaozhu was a ready-made name.

“Qinghuang…Xiaozhu…The name is very elegant, so it’s it. Later, I will use this name when I conduct publicity.”

Lin Chuan smiled and said: “I suddenly thought that one thing is very important. I am going to take the route of high-end light luxury. A table of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. The target of promotion should be targeted at those who are rich. Internet, so as not to recruit black people.”

Ling Xiaoxiao was shocked, and his face quickly became serious.

“If it wasn’t for the boss to remind me, I almost made a big mistake.”

Lin Chuan smiled and said, “Don’t be so nervous, whether you make money or not, I am very Buddhist, just enjoy life.”

While talking, Lin Chuan’s cell phone rang.

I took out my mobile phone and found that it was my mother’s call.

Lin Chuan answered the phone.

“Mom, what’s the matter?”

“Chuan, your cousin Lin Jun gets married at the end of this year, do you know this?”

Lin Chuan frowned: “My third aunt asked you to borrow money? You didn’t lend it to her, did you?”

“Of course I didn’t lend her. Back when you were admitted to Changda University, our family was poor, and we borrowed 1,000 yuan from your third uncle. Before staying overnight, your third aunt cried, cried, made trouble, and hanged three and wanted to go back. I remember everything! Even if I throw the money in the river, I won’t lend it to her.”

“Scare me, I thought you borrowed it!” Lin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

“I didn’t borrow, nor would I, but…”

Gao Ping’s hesitation ceased, and Lin Chuan’s heart that had just let go of was raised again.

“but what?”

“Oh, your dad secretly borrowed 30,000 yuan, and I can receive the SMS notification of the account. He thought I didn’t know, so he kept it secret.”

“I’ll go!” Lin Chuan said, “This money and meat bun hits a dog, there will be no return!”

Gao Ping said bitterly: “It’s really unwilling. You and your sister have never eaten a candy from their family since childhood, but if Yuan Cuihua has a little family affection, I will not be as disgusting as eating flies like I am now.”

Lin Chuan rolled his eyes and suddenly said, “Mom, this money is nothing to me. I will give it as soon as I give it. After all, my dad and the third uncle are brothers, so you can’t interfere.”

“Of course I know this, otherwise I will become the second Yuan Cuihua? I have to pretend not to know!”

Lin Chuan smiled: “It’s his blessing that my dad married you, but it’s not that easy for the third aunt to spend the money comfortably.”

Gao Ping asked hurriedly: “Smelly boy, have you come up with something to provoke it? Hurry up and say it.”

Lin Chuan smiled a little slyly.

“Don’t worry! This matter is waiting for me to arrange!”

“For so many years, our family is the humblest relatives who have a little money. They are reluctant to walk with our family. The things that people get stunned have run through my whole life with my sister. !”

Speaking of this, Lin Chuan couldn’t help but sigh.

Gao Ping was silent on the other end of the phone.

Lin Chuan said as he walked to the pavilion.

“From now on, this kind of thing will never happen again. Mom, take the time to tidy up all the IOUs that our family owed money back then. A week later, our family will invite all the creditors to dinner and pay back the money. Until then , I want our family to be proud!”


Fatty Yao and a few master workers worked until it was almost dark.

Fatty Yao bought a pack of Furong Wang alone, got a box of beer, a few packs of peanuts, and let Ling Xiaoxiao prepare some dishes, prepared to work overtime, and then went on.

This is the favor of Fatty Yao, who are all good brothers, so naturally they should do their own business.

But the few worker masters don’t let you send them.

Without further ado, Lin Chuan drove to the house of Butcher Zhang, the head of the village, and bought half-pulled pork, which was more than ten catties. When he came back, he cut it into pieces and stewed it.

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