Chapter 259

Regardless of how Lin Chuan would teach Lu Maocai at every turn, he was actually very satisfied with this apprentice.

The talent for drawing amulets is high, so he can draw more and more amulets without him teaching.

And this guy is obedient, very honest, knows drawing symbols in the room every day, and he doesn’t need to worry about it at all.

Now Lin Chuan knows that Lu Mao is the only one who is not talking, and he is a blockbuster!

Usually honest, but I really want to start things, and I ruined a house as soon as I shot it!

“Master, I was wrong.” Lu Maocai also knew that he had messed up, and honestly admitted his mistake.

“You said you were wrong, do you know where you went wrong?” Lin Chuan said sternly.

“This…” Lu Mao didn’t expect Lin Chuan to be so real, and he was a little dumbfounded.

Why doesn’t this master play cards according to the routine?

“I don’t know where I am wrong, just come to apologize, co-author you are perfunctory your master and me?”

“When I asked you to draw the talisman at the beginning, did you forget the thing that had no effect after the talisman was drawn?”

Seeing Lu Maocai’s expression dull, Lin Chuan obviously didn’t know where he was wrong, and became even more angry.

“I see, it’s not that there is a problem with the symbol I drew, but the carrier I chose has a problem.”

“The power of the talisman is too strong, and the ordinary attic is obviously unable to support it, so it collapsed naturally.”

“If I choose the right materials, I might succeed!”

When Lu Mao heard the words, there was a flash of light in his mind, and he figured it out in an instant, and said excitedly.

“So you want to do it again?” Lin Chuan was quite satisfied after listening to Lu Maocai’s previous words, and felt that the apprentice’s head was pretty bright, and it made sense.

But after hearing the last sentence, his face went dark.

It’s right that I’m rich as a master, and it’s right that Qinghuang Xiaozhu is very big, but you, an apprentice, can’t be so prodigal.

If a house is collapsed today, another will be collapsed tomorrow, no matter how big Qinghuang Xiaozhu is, it won’t be enough for him.

“Master, I was wrong, I shouldn’t have such thoughts.”

“I just think this is a feasible idea and I want to try it.”

When Lu Mao heard the words, he couldn’t help but glanced at the ruins of the collapsed attic, and said grimly.

It was really too wasteful for him to toss so much, and it’s just outrageous that a good building was destroyed like this.

“What’s wrong, what’s going on here, how did you make such a big movement?”

At this time, Lin Dashan hurried over and asked about the situation as he ran.

“A house was ruined by Lu Maocai. What are you doing, dad, do you plan to clean it up?”

Lin Chuan looked at Lin Dashan’s dress and couldn’t help but smile.

I saw that Lin Dashan was holding a big broom in his hand, with a bucket on his head, and a pot hanging in front of him. It looked so funny and funny.

“Ahem, I’m afraid of danger, and there is nothing to take advantage of, so I temporarily armed.”

“Isn’t that just right, the tools are all there, so you can just clean it up directly.”

Lin Dashan only reacted now, and felt that he seemed to be a little too weird, he said in a slanderous manner.

“Maocai, what did you do? How did you collapse the house properly?” Gao Ping also walked over, looking at the ruins in front of her and felt very distressed.

Yue Qin’er and Lin Juan followed with two little guys, and all the family came to watch the excitement.

“I want to draw a cool charm on the house, so that you can cool down when you enter the house without turning on the air conditioner.”

“As a result, if I was not careful, I collapsed the house.”

Lu Maocai explained again.

He knew that he was rash this time, and felt embarrassed. He had to bury his head under his feet when he explained.

“Draw a symbol on the house, you kid is stunned by drawing a symbol and drawing a demon.”

“So are you Chuan’er. This master doesn’t know how to be a master, and he doesn’t teach others all the time. Do you understand what you mean by mistake?”

Gao Ping learned the reason for the collapse of the house, so angry and funny, said Lu Maocai, then turned to teach Lin Chuan a lesson.

Lin Chuan, who was originally watching the jokes next to him, was stunned by the lesson, and he was suddenly speechless.

He never expected Gao Ping to do such an operation.

Obviously it has nothing to do with him, and can teach him a round turn. Is this the traditional skill of the heavenly parents?

“In fact, I think that Lu Maocai’s idea is quite creative, and it would be very interesting if it succeeds.”

After Yue Qin’er understood the ins and outs of the matter, he had a different view from them.

“Do you really think so?” The downcast Lu Maocai immediately regained his energy after hearing her words.

“Qin’er, you can’t support him in this matter.”

“An idea is a good idea, but to be successful, you always need to experiment.”

“Keep on letting him do it, I’m afraid we will be sleeping on the road in a few days.”

Upon seeing this, Lin Juan hurriedly said, trying to dispel the dangerous thoughts of the two of them.

“Yes, you can’t mess around like this anymore.” The old couple nodded repeatedly.

The collapse of a house has been enough to make them feel distressed for a long time.

“I didn’t mean to let him continue to do this in other houses. This attic has collapsed. You have to rebuild it.”

“Let Fatty Yao find an engineering team, then find a variety of building materials, and give it to Lu Maocai to experiment here.”

“Regardless of whether the test is successful or unsuccessful, the loss is only that little, which is completely acceptable.”

Seeing that their reaction was so great, Yue Qin’er quickly said her complete thoughts.

“If this is the case, it seems to be okay.” Everyone thought about it carefully and felt that there was nothing wrong with this plan.

Lu Maocai also rekindled hope and looked at Lin Chuan eagerly.

“Let’s do it, the apprentice has ideas. As a master, I must always support it.”

“You can do it boldly, as long as you don’t make a big bang.”

Lin Chuan looked at Lu Maocai’s pleading gaze and agreed with a wave of his hand.

Isn’t it just a bit of building materials, our family has a thick foundation, and we can afford it!

“Great, thank you Master!” Lu Maocai almost jumped up happily.

“It’s okay now, I’ll go back to practice if it’s okay.”

“By the way, Lin Chuan, don’t go out tonight, there are surprises waiting for you.”

Seeing that the matter was resolved satisfactorily, Yue Qin’er immediately went back to practice.

She has been eager to cultivate, but now she is really able to cultivate, and she is full of energy.

Others also expressed their intention to go back to practice.

“Are you not even eating any food?” Lin Chuan said silently.

“Don’t eat, don’t eat, we are already a lot behind those cultivators who have been cultivating since childhood, there is no time to eat.”

They replied and left in a hurry.

Qinghuang Xiaozhu calmed down again.

Lin Chuan could only cook and eat by himself for self-entertainment, secretly wondering what the surprise Yue Qin’er was talking about.

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