Chapter 258 Let You Draw Symbols, But Didn’t Let You Demolition Home

“Are there any clues? Who did it? Can we set off now to find the place?”

When Lin Chuan heard the words, he immediately got his energy, and he rolled up his sleeves and was ready to go for a big fight.

Although the curse didn’t hurt him, he was overcast after all, and Lin Chuan felt unbalanced if he didn’t find the place back.

“Stop, why are you a newcomer more combative than us?”

“Now I just found a clue. I’m still not sure who it is. Give me a break.”

Seeing that Lin Chuan was so excited, Su Ma was ready to go to the fight, embarrassed.

He really didn’t expect Lin Chuan to be so belligerent.

“There are only clues. Is the efficiency of the team so inefficient? How many days have passed since.”

When Lin Chuan heard that he didn’t know who the enemy was, he was immediately discouraged and felt that the repair management team was too weak.

“Look at what you said, as if it is easy to find the enemy.”

“Cursing this kind of intangible killing technique, it is already difficult to find clues, okay?”

“Maybe we have to send us there to look for clues on the spot.”

“The sun is poisonous there, and there are so many mosquitoes. It seems that the little cheeks that people have managed to maintain can’t be kept.”

After hearing Lin Chuan’s complaints, Kyuubi couldn’t help rolling his eyes, feeling that his complaints were totally unreasonable.

But thinking of what they might want to do afterwards in the group, she couldn’t help but touch her tender little face and became sad.

“Isn’t it easy to keep your face? Just buy more advanced sunscreen and skin care products.”

“Aren’t you going to leave, then go to the mall to spend another wave of wild consumption, I will pay the bill, it’s a farewell gift.”

Lin Chuan was still very generous to his two teammates. Hearing Kyuubi’s worry, he waved his hand.

“Okay, thank you Pai Yao, your code name is definitely wrong, it’s a good-for-nothing boy!”

Kyuubi was able to go wild for consumption again, and almost jumped up with joy.

“Huh?” Lin Chuan felt weird after hearing Kyuubi’s praise.

It sounds like this, why is he like the stupid son of the landlord, squandering his own property?

“Then we’re welcome, time is tight, let’s set off now!” Jumei didn’t feel embarrassed, and couldn’t wait to go to the mall.

They are cultivating in the Deling Building these days, but they can see the fiery scene of the Deling Building clearly.

As the cultivators flocked in, the rent of the Deling Building rose one after another, and it has now doubled, and it is still crowded by the cultivators.

Regardless of the fact that the cultivators lack the cultivation techniques and the magic bullets, they seem to be detained and searched. In fact, all of them are rich in the land and don’t care about the rent.

Therefore, Lin Chuan’s income from the Deling Building is very impressive. It is no exaggeration to describe it as a daily income.

If others were so generous, he might still hesitate, and if he changed to Lin Chuan, he would have liked to have this opportunity to eat a lot of money.

Lin Chuan took them to the mall for wild consumption, and the two bought a bunch of good things in one go.

Not only did I have enough, but I also brought all the gifts back to the repair management team.

But at the end of the checkout, Lin Chuan still had no chance of bleeding.

The son-in-law had already greeted him and gave Bao Yuan their consumption.

This made Lin Chuan very embarrassed. He couldn’t spend any money he wanted to spend. It was so annoying!

“Remember, if you confirm who the enemy is, you must call me when you are going to deal with him.”

When bidding farewell, Lin Chuan emphasized again.

“Don’t worry, you must be indispensable.” Jumei and Kyuubi waved at him, and left happily.

Lin Chuan said goodbye to them, the sleepiness came up, and he went home to sleep a long time. After sleeping until noon, he got up refreshed.

I have been running around on the road in the past few days, and it is rare to have a good night’s sleep.

He rinsed, and Shi Shiran was dumbfounded when he walked into the restaurant to have lunch.

There is nothing in the restaurant.

Let alone lunch, there is not even a bun, empty.

“This is a little bit faster, there is nothing to eat, what’s the situation?”

Lin Chuan glanced at the time again, and confirmed that it was really noon, making him even more confused.

If it were changed, there would have been a lot of delicacies on the dinner table, waiting for him to eat.

Now not only is there no food to eat, but no one can see one.

The original lively Qinghuang Xiaozhu, at this time, was quiet and quiet, and the scene was very strange.

Lin Chuan thought they were going out to play, but when he was asleep, he didn’t call him.

As a result, he felt it carefully, and he felt several obvious aura fluctuations.

It turned out that they were all cultivating in the room, and they forgot to eat.

Do you want to fight like this!

“I gave them the exercises, did they do it wrong?” Lin Chuan was a little dazed as he heard the groaning voice in his stomach.

If he keeps on doing this, he is cultivating in the room every day, but he is now a lonely man again.

In fact, such a situation was already doomed when Lin Chuan gave them the exercises.

It’s not just a cultivator, like Lin Chuan, the technique can be cultivated automatically, if you want to practice it yourself, it depends on your mood, anyway, the cultivation level can still rise.

Other immortal cultivators, as long as they have a little bit of pursuit and want to improve their cultivation, which ones are not assiduously cultivating and retreating for many years at every turn.

Lin Dashan and the others are cultivating without sleep and food, or they just want to work hard to improve their cultivation level, this is the normal state of the cultivator.

“Forget it, I’ll cook by myself.” Helpless Lin Chuan could only cook by himself.

As a result, he heard a loud “bang” before he took a few steps.

A small attic not far away actually collapsed directly, and the rolled up smoke spread out, covering half of the sky.

“What’s the situation?” Lin Chuan was stunned before realizing that his house had collapsed.

However, the quality of Qinghuang Xiaozhu’s construction was leveraged. Fatty Yao personally supervised the work, and there was no cutting corners.

There was no movement in the mountains and rivers, and it was obvious that no one was secretly making a ghost.

So the question is, why did the good house collapse, and only that one collapsed.

Lin Chuan, who didn’t understand, hurried over there.

Those who were cultivating were also passively awakened and hurriedly came out to check the situation.

When Lin Chuan arrived near the attic, he saw a man covered in gray running over.

“Lu Maocai?”

“Did you come from over there, do you know what happened?”

Lin Chuan recognized that it was Lu Maocai, and then relaxed his vigilance, and asked repeatedly.

“Master, I collapsed the attic.”

“When I drew the talisman, I had a whim, and wanted to try the effect of drawing the talisman on the building. As a result, as soon as the talisman was painted, the attic suddenly collapsed.”

Lu Maocai lowered his head, avoiding Lin Chuan’s eyes, and said in embarrassment.

“It turned out that you did it. I asked you to draw the talisman, but I didn’t let you demolish the house!”

When Lin Chuan heard this, he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

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