Chapter 249 Good fellow, this is entering the fox den

In order to prevent Ling Xiaoxiao from following, Lin Chuan set out quietly with the little demon without anyone.

The silly dog, Bald, had very clever ears, and ran to the gate when he heard the movement.

However, it did not leave with Lin Chuan, but watched the little demon affectionately, watching it sitting further and further in the car.

This is not because the bald hair has suddenly changed his career to play infatuation, mainly because the effect of the pure heart and low desire pill has not passed.

If the bald hair stays with the past, he will get along day and night, but he will not feel at all physically. This feeling is really too painful, it is better to stay at home honestly.

Lin Chuan drove forward under the guidance of the little demon.

Fortunately at the beginning, Lin Chuan went straight on the elevated highway and hurried forward to a mountainous area.

But the little demon only remembers a rough range, and the range of this mountainous area is very large.

So after Lin Chuan arrived at the destination, he began to struggle through various country roads.

Some country roads are just muddy roads, because there are not many people walking and they lack maintenance, which is called a pothole.

If it were not for the high chassis of Lin Chuan’s car, he would have to lie down.

“Little demon, did you remember it wrong? Don’t go to the wrong place again.” Lin Chuan stopped at a fork in the road and stared at the little demon.

Under the guidance of the little demon, Lin Chuan had gone wrong several times in a row, and once almost fell into a ravine.

Lin Chuan didn’t believe it anymore for the little demon’s guidance.

“I must have remembered correctly this time. I came to play around here.” The little demon looked hesitant, but his tone was firm.

If the tone is not firm, if Lin Chuan doesn’t want to leave, what should I do if he goes back to the mansion.

“This is the last time. If you haven’t found your home this time, then I will go back.”

Lin Chuan gave the little demon a deep look and emphasized.

He is indeed relatively idle, but he has no time to spin around this ravine.

The little demon heard what he said, but stopped talking, his eyes were full of worry.

It did not expect that this mountain area would be so big, and there are so many similar places, so that it can’t find a way back home.

But as Lin Chuan slowly opened it in, the little demon’s eyes gradually lit up again.

Because she found that the surrounding scene became more and more familiar, exactly what it remembered.

“It’s here, it must be correct this time, as long as you climb over that mountain, you will be at my house!”

The little demon leaned over the car window and looked out the window, his expression very excited.

“It’s best to be like this.” Lin Chuan’s mood improved a bit when he heard the words, and he hurried over there faster.

Lin Chuan drove over a small hill in front of him, and found that there was no road ahead, only large tracts of bushes.

“Are you sure this is your home?” Lin Chuan asked with the urge to roll his eyes.

“Sure, this is my home.”

“Don’t look at it now, it’s ordinary. When I send a signal, after the door opens, it will be completely different.”

“Our Qingqiu is so beautiful, you will love it, Master.”

The little demon looked at the bushes in front of him, feeling excited.

It was originally gentle and demure, it has completely turned into a chirping little girl.

After the little demon said, he let out an intermittent cry.

After a while, there was also a cry from the bushes, seeming to be responding to the little demon.

Soon, Lin Chuan felt a wave of spiritual energy fluctuations, and when he was about to be on guard, he found that some bushes in front of him suddenly grew like crazy.

Eventually it grew into a gate made up of branches and leaves, and inside the gate was a scene of birds and flowers.

A fox, which looked like the little demon, played leisurely in it.

“Look, Master, Qingqiu’s door is open.”

“I said before that it must be right here, now you believe it.”

The little demon looked at the door in front of him, very proud.

“Haha…” Looking at its proud look, Lin Chuan didn’t bother to tear it through.

I don’t know who it is. I took the wrong way so many times before.

Lin Chuan started the vehicle again and drove inside the bush gate.

The door is big enough to accommodate a car.

When the car passed through the gate, something magical happened.

The surrounding mountains suddenly disappeared, and what appeared in front of Lin Chuan was a vast grassland.

“Car, this is a car driven by humans.”

“It’s a big one, it’s different from what we saw before.”

“I know I know, this is a Ford Raptor, a very expensive pickup truck.”

“I don’t know who came back in a car, it’s great, we have new toys again.”

The foxes noticed the movement here and gathered around one after another, pointing at the domineering appearance of the Ford Raptor.

Some daring little foxes even went straight to the car, really using this car as a toy.

“You don’t come down quickly, don’t lose courtesy in front of the guests.”

At this moment, a soft and lazy voice came, and the little foxes immediately ran away.

Lin Chuan looked over there, his eyes sluggish.

I saw a slim young woman walking towards this side.

She wore a well-tailored cheongsam, which showed her protruding figure to the fullest.

While walking, the soft waist like a water snake kept twisting, almost fainting Lin Chuan.

This woman…it’s not right, it’s a vixen, who has shown the charm of a woman to the extreme!

“Sister, slow down, I can’t keep up with you.”

“Sanmei, you still said that you don’t care about your daughter, and you ran faster than anyone when you heard the news.”

“Oh, it’s a handsome boy who brought us back.”

Lin Chuan hadn’t slowed down yet, and a few more charming girls rushed over.

They are either delicate and cute, pure and pleasant, or sexy and charming, and they are all stunning and charming.

“Good fellow, I entered the fox’s den.” Lin Chuan muttered when he saw this scene.

A beautiful girl is eye-catching enough.

When a group of stunning beauties stood together, the scene was shocking.

“Mom, aunt, second aunt…” When they appeared, the little demon jumped out of the car excitedly, rushed to them, and greeted them one by one.

“Little girl, you little guy is back. If you dare to be naughty next time, just wait for confinement.”

A cute girl hugged the little demon, gently patted its head and taught.

“Auntie Jiu, I was wrong, I won’t run around again next time.” The little demon rubbed her arms in her arms and apologized like a baby.

“You haven’t introduced the little handsome guy who brought you back.” The young woman who appeared first said with a light smile to Lin Chuan.

“He is my master Lin Chuan…”


As soon as the little demon spoke, when the word “master” was mentioned, a bunch of beautiful women changed their faces, looking at Lin Chuan’s eyes very badly.

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