Chapter 248 Xinxin: Sister Xiqian, give me a bite

Cici had already fallen in love with the environment of Qinghuang Xiaozhu, and she regarded Lin Juan and the others as family members.

If Lin Juan dislikes her because she is a ghost, then she would be too heartbroken.

“Of course not, Chuan’er can bring you back, it proves that you must be a ghost.”

“And you have never done anything weird these days.”

“Regardless of your identity, you are a member of my family.”

Lin Juan looked at Cici’s poor eyes, her fear disappeared instantly, and she took her into her arms.

Cici was so touched that she was so touched.

Just when she wanted to quietly wipe off the overflowing tears, she found that her hand was caught.

“Xinxin, why are you holding me? I’m a ghost now, who eats a cute kid like you.”

Cici looked at Xinxin, playful, and grinned to scare Xinxin.

Lin Juan accepted her ghost status and let Cici let go all at once.

“Sister Qianqian, are you really a ghost?” Xinxin heard her words, not only was she not afraid, but her eyes became even hotter.

“Can you see, there is another me in my body, and that is my ghost body.”

“Well, are you scared?”

Cici, who had completely let go, did not shy away from her ghost identity.

“Xinxin is not afraid, sister Qianqian, can you let the other one in your body come out for a while?”

Xinxin shook her head, seeing Cici’s eyes still eager.

“It’s still daytime. If I come out, I will be hurt.”

“Why do you want my body to come out? I can still play with you now.”

Cici looked at the sun that had not yet set, shook her head and refused.

At the same time, she was a little confused about Xinxin’s request.

“Because Ma Ma said, ghosts are delicious.”

“I haven’t eaten ghosts yet, I want to taste what it tastes like.”

“Sister Qianqian, just come out and let me have a bite, okay?”

Xinxin finally said her purpose of letting Cici’s ghost body come out, and she said coquettishly, holding Cici’s arm.

“Puff…” Lin Chuan laughed directly when he heard the words.

This little niece really deserves the name of a snack food.

Cici heard the words, but was so scared that the ghost almost really got out of the way.

It turned out that Xinxin’s eyes were so eager to see her, that she regarded her as food!

I treat you as a good sister, but you want to eat me, are you polite?

“Xinxin, how can you eat me, I’m your sister!” Qianqian stared at Xinxin and said with no anger.

She knew that Xinxin was greedy, but she didn’t expect Xinxin to be greedy to such an extent.

But thinking about Si Qingteng’s daily saliva, Cici felt a little relieved.

A single stone, Xinxin, can gnaw for so long, which shows how persistent Xinxin is with food.

“Sister Qianqian, I was wrong, Xinxin shouldn’t want to eat you.” Xinxin immediately woke up when she heard the words, tears of guilt rolling in her eyes.

She was so worried about what a ghost was like, she almost forgot who Cici was.

“Okay, Xinxin, don’t think about eating Cici in the future.”

“Actually, my mother lied to you before. Ghosts are not tasty at all, and they can’t be eaten, do you know?”

Lin Juan was stunned when Xinxin said that she was going to eat Cici, but now she realized that she took Xinxin to explain.

After all, it was she who told Xinxin a lie when she coaxed Xinxin. Lin Juan was actually embarrassed and almost wanted to find a place to drill.

Having given birth to such a gluttonous child, even want to taste the smell of ghosts, what is this…

“I know, I won’t eat sister Qianqian.” Xinxin nodded ignorantly.

I don’t know if I really understand it or fake it.

“Okay, Sister Xiaoxiao bought snacks for you. It’s in the room. Go and eat.”

Lin Juan saw that the two little guys were a little listless, and could only resort to snacks.

“Okay, there are snacks.” When the two little guys heard that there were snacks, they were really excited and ran to the room cheeringly.

“What were you talking about here just now? Why do I seem to hear ghosts or something.”

At this time, the old couple who sent Lin Dahu and them home came back, vaguely heard some of the previous words, and wondered.

“Cici actually…”

The identity of Qianqian has been exposed, and the family members are now immortal cultivators. Lin Chuan felt that there was no need to conceal it anymore, and directly stated the identity of Qianqian and her life experience.

“I didn’t expect that such a beautiful female doll is actually a ghost.” Lin Dashan said in a sorrowful voice after being shocked.

“Yeah, yeah, this girl is so pitiful, we have to treat her better in the future.”

Gao Ping, who was more emotional, even cried directly, and said whimperingly.

“Isn’t she doing well now, as long as you don’t dislike her or alienate her because of her identity.”

“I thought you would be shocked, and then drove Cici out. I didn’t expect you to be quite capable of accepting it.”

Lin Chuan was relieved to see that the old couple’s reaction was not bad.

If the old couple couldn’t accept that there was a ghost in the house and insisted on chasing Cici away, he really didn’t know what to do.

“Fuck you, in your eyes, are your parents this kind of person?”

“Whether Cici is a human or a ghost, she is now a member of our family.”

“Besides, Cici has such a pitiful life, who has the heart to drive her away?”

Gao Ping gave Lin Chuan a white look and felt that he was really outrageous. Is there such an arrangement of his biological parents?

“I was wrong, okay, it’s because I’m a villain to save the belly of the second elder.” Lin Chuan, who had been taught a lesson, said helplessly.

“It’s good to know what’s wrong.” The old couple said in a teachable posture.

“Well, it’s a hot day. There are so many mosquitoes. Let’s go back to the room. It’s time to practice and go to bed.”

Lin Chuan didn’t want to say anything anymore, just wanted to go back to sleep quickly.

“Chuan’er, there is something I want to discuss with you.” Seeing Lin Chuan was leaving, Lin Dashan hesitated for a while, but stopped him.

“What’s the matter?” Lin Chuan asked, turning around.

“Now our family is cultivating, do you want your third uncle and three aunts to also practice together?” Lin Dashan asked hesitantly.

In fact, he knew that this was a bit wrong, but the family affection of blood thicker than water still made him want to give his brother a hand.

“Cultivation is not a trivial matter. I’ll talk about it later.”

“If the third aunt really doesn’t fix any moths anymore, you can think about it.”

Lin Chuan resolutely refused.

Even though he is so generous to his family, he doesn’t seem to care at all when he has a handbook of cultivation techniques. In fact, he attaches great importance to cultivation resources.

It is one thing for family members and another for outsiders.

Even Jumei and Jiuwei, two of his teammates who feel good about him, didn’t even think about sending them the practice exercises. How could Yuan Cuihua get the money in vain.

“Then let’s talk about it later.” Lin Dashan saw that Lin Chuan hadn’t said anything, he was already very satisfied, and he went back to the room to practice happily.

Lin Chuan, who was free, spent a few days at home happily, packed up his things, and was ready to go out again.

He wanted to continue staying in the house, but the little demon was too boring.

He wanted to go home and have a look at it, and didn’t say anything, just staying with Lin Chuan, staring at him with eager eyes.

He had no choice but to go to her house with the little demon.

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