Chapter 246

Lin Juan didn’t know the identity of Cici, and naturally did not know why Cici reacted like this.

Lin Chuan was very clear about Xiqian’s identity. Seeing her like this, he couldn’t help but turned his back with his mouth, shaking his body from time to time, holding back his smile very hard.

Two mothers and daughters are discussing whether the ghost is delicious in front of a ghost. This picture is really… so funny!

“You’re still laughing, badass!” Cici noticed his strangeness, but she didn’t know what he was thinking, and stomped her feet with anger.

Can you still love ghosts in this family?

“Ahem, who said I laughed, I was just thinking about something, I was too devoted.”

“Sister, have you picked the vegetables? We will cook when we have picked them. We can’t neglect when guests come to our door.”

Lin Chuan turned around, his face was very calm, and he changed the subject directly.

The two little guys went everywhere again, while Lin Chuan and Lin Juan went to the kitchen, preparing to cook.

While he was doing it, Fatty Yao didn’t know where he came out. He stood with Lin Juan picking vegetables, talking and laughing.

“Fatty man, how is the effect of your eating these days?” Lin Chuan noticed him and couldn’t help asking.

Compared with other people’s cultivation techniques, Fatty Yao’s tactic of swallowing the sky is obviously quite special.

After receiving this exercise, Fatty Yao went to Changzhou and said that he would eat the entire Changzhou and achieve great power.

Lin Chuan really wanted to know how Fatty Yao’s training effect was.

“Don’t mention it, I ate from Changnan to Changbei, from Changdong to Changxi. I didn’t know how many restaurants I ate in a few days, and I basically never stopped talking.”

“But my strength has grown too slowly. After eating for so many days, I haven’t even eaten a cow of strength!”

As soon as Lin Chuan talked about this topic, Fatty Yao became depressed and couldn’t help but patted the chopping board in front of him.

Hearing a muffled sound of “bang”, all the things on the chopping board shook.

Obvious cracks also appeared in the place where Fatty Yao had smashed it.

“Fuck, Fatty Yao, try to move around again!”

“Do you know how many years this chopping board has been in my family? If you break it, please be careful with my parents to clean up you.”

Lin Chuan looked at the crack on the chopping board, very distressed, and stared at Fatty Yao and said.

After the anger was over, he took a closer look, and he was a little surprised.

With the virtue that Fatty Yao could not carry with his hands and shoulders, he would definitely not be able to achieve this effect with a punch.

Just after eating wildly for a few days, he already had such a lot of strength, and the effect was already very good.

This is still less than one cow’s power. If he continues to eat, he really eats the power of nine cows and two tigers, I am afraid that there are not many immortal cultivators that can withstand a punch.

Of course, the cultivator is not a fool, and naturally it is impossible to stand there and let Fatty Yao fight.

After all kinds of magical magical powers were used, Fatty Yao might have difficulty getting close to the cultivator, let alone blasting them to death with a punch.

Not to mention other immortal cultivators, just those in the family who just started cultivating, have already practiced to the early stage of Qi training, and have already begun to learn some attack and evasion techniques.

Once trained, Fatty Yao has no room for prestige.

Even so, this exercise is already very powerful, and what kind of bicycle is needed.

“Sorry, I really didn’t mean it, but I haven’t adapted to the changes in my body yet and haven’t controlled it for a while.”

Fatty Yao knew that he was in trouble, so he quickly stood up and moved away from the chopping board, scratching his head.

“You, you, you still said that you want the power of nine oxen and two tigers. Now you can’t control it. Is it really necessary to have the power of nine oxen and two tigers?”

“I don’t think you can patronize and eat. You have to exercise more, adapt to the increased strength, and learn to control it.”

Lin Juan looked at the crack on the chopping board, turned her head and said a lesson.

“I know Sister Juanjuan, I will definitely listen to you and control my strength.”

Fatty Yao listened to Lin Juan’s lesson, but his face was full of enjoyment, as if he was willing to be more obedient.

Lin Chuan felt strange again when he saw this scene.

But he didn’t think too much, and continued to cook. It didn’t take long for him to cook six dishes and one soup, which was brought to the restaurant by Lin Juan and Yao Fatty.

When Lin Chuan arrived at the restaurant, the family was already seated, waiting for him to come.

“Don’t wait for me, everyone should eat first when they are hungry.” Lin Chuan said as he walked over.

“There are still people who haven’t come, and there are rules for eating. How can you eat without people?” Gao Ping said sternly.

“Who else hasn’t come?” Lin Chuan asked angrily after being taught a lesson.

“You kid, forgot about Xiaoxiao?” Gao Ping gave him a blank look.

“I’m here, there is a traffic jam on the road… Everyone won’t be anxious, right?”

Saying that Cao Cao had arrived, Ling Xiaoxiao hurried in, not breathing well.

“It just happened to have a meal. Sit down and eat.” Lin Chuan greeted him and walked quietly to the empty seat between Gao Ping and Yuan Cuihua.

The two wives and wives seemed to be in harmony as before, but in fact they still couldn’t see each other. He happened to sit in a position after eating.

“Auntie, can I just sit here?” Lin Chuan just took his seat and was preparing to eat, when Ling Xiaoxiao’s voice came from beside him.

Ling Xiaoxiao wanted Gao Ping to give up her seat!

“Ah…oh, I see, yes, yes, of course.”

Yuan Cuihua was still a little dazed at first, she looked at Ling Xiaoxiao and then at Lin Chuan who was sitting next to her, and she suddenly realized that she smiled and moved away.

“What do you know? Isn’t it pungent at ordinary times? Why do you want to make room for Ling Xiaoxiao!”

Lin Chuan was a little crazy when he saw this.

Sitting in this position, he just didn’t want Ling Xiaoxiao to come over and not give her a chance to get close to him.

It turned out that Yuan Cuihua did well. Ling Xiaoxiao gave up her seat as soon as she said she had no principle at all.

“Thank you, Auntie.” Ling Xiaoxiao sat down shyly in the narrow eyes of the people at the table, and blinked at Lin Chuan, her expression a little triumphant.

In fact, with Ling Xiaoxiao’s original character, it is impossible to do such extraordinary things in public.

But there is no way, who told Lin Chuan to keep hiding from her, and to arrange her to work in Deling Building. The time to see Lin Chuan in one day is only a handful.

If she is not more proactive, there is no chance of close contact with Lin Chuan, how can this relationship develop?

She Ling Xiaoxiao has already identified Lin Chuan, so she must try her best to catch it!

After this episode, a table of people began to eat lively. Lin Dashan and Yuan Cuihua were full of praise for Lin Chuan’s cooking skills, and their mouths hardly stopped.

Only Lin Chuan was sitting in that position as if sitting on pins and needles, because Ling Xiaoxiao picked vegetables for him from time to time and smiled sweetly at him. It was too uncomfortable!

After eating up all the delicacies on the table, they took the initiative to leave to wash the dishes and chatted for a while before leaving Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

“Chuan’er, come and have a look, what’s wrong with Xinxin.” When Lin Chuan was about to go back to the room to rest, Lin Juan hurriedly hugged Xinxin and looked for it.

Lin Chuan took a closer look and found that Xinxin’s small face was flushed and red, and the position of her eyebrows even turned dark purple, which was not normal.

“Pain…Mom, Xinxin’s head hurts so much.” Xinxin said weakly with her small face wrinkled together.

“Om…” Just as Lin Chuan frowned, but was helpless, Si Qingteng’s heart in Xinxin’s hand suddenly flashed with a green glow.

The glow shone on the center of Xinxin’s eyebrows, and Xinxin’s eyebrows suddenly split, and a vertical eye appeared, which was fleeting.

“This is… the eyes of the sky are opened?!” Lin Chuan was so shocked that his jaw dropped when he saw this scene.

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