Chapter 245

Before Lin Chuan saw the news of the Immortal World Earthquake, he actually didn’t feel anything, and he didn’t even think of himself.

After all, he was just a cultivator during the foundation-building period, and he had nothing to do with such a major event as the Earthquake in the immortal world.

But after experiencing this series of coincidences, Lin Chuan had to think about himself.

Of course, what Lin Chuan thought of was not the broken tripod, but the treasure hunting jade mouse.

It may be that day when the treasure hunting jade rat got angry and drew a very powerful treasure in the fairy world, which caused a shock in the fairy world.

As for the broken tripod, it was really just a coincidence.

This broken thing doesn’t look like the kind of super magic weapon that can shake the entire fairy world.

[Zhao Gongming: If you say this, it is not impossible. There were also gods in the group who guessed that way.

However, there are only a handful of magic weapons that can shake the entire fairy world.

As for the pieces that do not belong to the immortal world, I don’t know where to go for a long time, maybe the problem lies in it.

The more I thought about it, the more complicated it became, and I almost got a headache. 】

Regarding Lin Chuan’s problems, Zhao Gongming knew everything he could say, and said everything he knew.

[Xiaoyao Xian: The problem is indeed complicated, so let’s not talk about it.

The last time the show was done well, the Queen Mother gave me a treasure hunting jade mouse, but I don’t know how to use it. Do you know anything about this, God of Wealth? 】

After reading his analysis, Lin Chuan was overjoyed, and calmly asked the question he cared about the most.

[Zhao Gongming: What, brother, you actually got the legendary treasure hunting jade mouse, this is a very rare treasure!

Treasure-hunting rats are spirit beasts in the prehistoric times, specializing in treasure hunting, so they are often caught by great magicians to help them find treasures.

As time passed, there were fewer and fewer treasure hunters, and in the end, there were only a few treasure hunters left in the entire predicament.

Seeing that they were pitiful, the Queen Mother used her magical powers to turn those treasure hunting mice into jade mice. Each one retained the treasure hunting ability, and it would dissipate after only one use.

Therefore, this treasure hunter mouse, but one is less than one. I don’t know how to use it. I just heard that people who use the treasure hunter have found good treasures. 】

When Zhao Gongming learned that Lin Chuan actually had a treasure hunting mouse, he was too envious, and there was sour water between the lines.

When Lin Chuan learned that the treasure hunter was so powerful, he was naturally happy, and he became more sure of his guess.

Maybe it was the treasure hunting jade mouse that found a powerful magic weapon buried in which corner of the horn that caused the immortal world to quake.

As for why he hasn’t seen that powerful magic weapon, it should be because that treasure is still on the way.

Treasures have spirits, magic weapons of this level will definitely run over on their own long legs, so he doesn’t need to bother to find them.

The more Lin Chuan thinks about it, the more excited he is, and his heart is full of joy.

The magic weapon that can make the immortal world shake, if he can get it, then it will be amazing.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Thank you, God of Wealth, for your advice. Keep busy, and I won’t bother you. 】

Knowing what he wanted, Lin Chuan left mercilessly.

“Uncle, why are you playing with your mobile phone all the time?” Lin Chuan saw Xinxin’s big black shiny eyes as soon as he put the phone away.

Xinxin’s eyes were already dark and bright, but after practicing the Five Eyes Supernatural Powers, they became brighter.

“Uncle is not playing on the phone, but there is something important to talk about.”

“You little guy, don’t you want to practice and sneak out to play?”

Lin Chuan hugged Xinxin and said with a smile.

“No, Xinxin has worked hard in her practice.”

“But after practicing, Xinxin’s head hurts so much that I can’t stand the pain, so my mother told me to stop practicing first.”

Seeing Lin Chuan saying this to her, Xinxin pursed her mouth, unwilling to say.

“After practicing, my head hurts, where exactly does it hurt?” Lin Chuan doubted.

“It’s here, it hurts, it hurts, uncle, help me blow.” Xinxin said, pointing to the center of her eyebrows.

“It hurts here?” Lin Chuan looked at where Xinxin was pointing, and was even more suspicious of what she said.

The location of general headaches, but not including there.

Lin Chuan hasn’t heard of it, but the center of the eyebrow will hurt.

“Xinxin, do you know that children who lie will be taken away by ghosts.” Lin Chuan frightened as he looked at the naughty Xinxin.

In his opinion, Xinxin just wanted to use this clumsy excuse to avoid cultivation.

“Uuuuu…Xinxin don’t be taken away, don’t be taken away!” Xinxin was really frightened, hugging Lin Chuan’s neck tightly and crying loudly.

This time it was Lin Chuan’s turn to be embarrassed, and she didn’t expect Xinxin to have such a big reaction.

Lin Chuan, who couldn’t bear the cry of Xinxin, quickly asked Cici next to her for help.

Cici stood there watching the excitement, without any intention to help.

Then they come here to scare the child and ask her to help coax, how is this possible!

“Oh, why did Xinxin cry? Chuaner, how did you bring your baby?”

Fortunately, Lin Juan heard the sound and rushed over in time, hugged Xinxin, and complained about Lin Chuan.

“Xinxin said that her head hurts. I thought she was trying to find an excuse not to practice, so she said that the liar would be taken away by ghosts. That’s it for her.” Lin Chuan explained grimly.

“Why scare her so well, I watched it when she said it hurts, it didn’t look like it was pretending.”

“If you don’t practice, you won’t practice, Xinxin is still so young, even if she is a few years later, she still has time to practice.”

Lin Juan, who has been supervising Xinxin’s practice, directly incarnates into a baby-protecting mad demon, which is distressed.

“My deed, uncle is scaring you, there is no such thing as ghosts, the ghosts he said are actually food.”

Lin Juan, who is familiar with her daughter’s character, directly referred to ghosts as food.

The effect of her words was immediate. When Xinxin heard that ghosts were food, she immediately stopped crying.

“Mom, what’s the smell of ghosts?” Xinxin wiped her tears, blinked her big eyes, and said curiously.

“Ghost… of course it tastes delicious. Put it in a frying pan and fry it. It’s crunchy and fragrant.”

Seeing Xinxin’s questioning, helpless Lin Juan could only use another lie to cover up the lie just now.

“Crack and crisp, very fragrant…” Xinxin smacked her lips, imagining the smell of fried ghosts, and she was drooling.

Lin Juan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Xinxin disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, she found Cici was trembling constantly.

“What’s wrong with you, Cici, why are you shaking suddenly?” Lin Juan quickly put down Xinxin, squatting in front of Cici and caring.

“No… it’s okay, thank you sister for caring.” Cici smiled reluctantly, her smile uglier than crying.

She must not be trembling. I heard Lin Dashan said to catch ghosts before, but now Lin Juan said to throw ghosts into the pan or something.

Shocked and cold, what did they do wrong, to be treated like this?

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