Chapter 220: A Coquettish Woman Is The Best Life?

A spoiled woman is the best life?

Originally, Lin Chuan didn’t think Fairy Chang’e would have any thoughts about him.

But the tone and content of Fairy Chang’e’s words are really hard not to make people think about it.

Fairy Chang’e’s remarks seemed to be completely a deep-seated girl complaining to a lover who hadn’t contacted her for a long time.

If ordinary fairy said so, Lin Chuan wouldn’t feel anything.

But when Fairy Chang’e, who is overwhelmingly beautiful, said this, the effect was different.

Lin Chuan felt a little excited when he thought of Fairy Chang’e when dancing at the Flat Peach Conference.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Fairy forgive me, I’m busy this time.

If you want to chat in the future, I can chat with you, and I promise to be there on call. 】

Lin Chuan returned a period of scumbag talk skill very skillfully.

In reality, we have to be honest, and of course we are going to be ridiculous on the Internet!

[Fairy Chang’e: I know, you have been busy with If You Are the One recently.

Such a good event, I didn’t even mention it to others.

As a result, Fairy Baihua and Fairy Seven were in the limelight. At the end of the show, everyone was discussing them. I am afraid they have forgotten about them. 】

It’s okay if he doesn’t say this, he gets angry when he talks about Fairy Chang’e, and his words are full of resentment.

Lin Chuan saw this, only to realize that he had misunderstood.

It turned out that Fairy Chang’e said that to him at the beginning, because it was yin and yang, and she blamed her for not inviting her to If You Are the One to show off.

The problem is that the person who invited the female fairy was Baihua Fairy. She should have invited Fairy Chang’e, but Fairy Chang’e was so proud and did not agree at the time.

Seeing Fairy Baihua and Fairy Seven overwhelming her in the limelight, she was displeased, and on the contrary blamed him for not inviting her.

Oh, woman…

[Xiaoyao Xian: Forgot to invite the fairy, it was indeed my fault.

If you want to participate next time Fairy, I will be the first to invite you. 】

Lin Chuan wanted to make complaints, but he could only coax Fairy Chang’e first.

[Fairy Chang’e: I don’t want to go to the show either. There are many big scenes, and it’s not a big deal not to go to a small show.

But since you have invited sincerely, people will reluctantly agree. 】

Seeing that Lin Chuan had a good attitude, Fairy Chang’e started to be hypocritical again.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Fairy Chang’e, it’s great that you are willing to participate, and it will definitely add to the whole show.

But when I am looking for you this time, I actually have one thing I want to ask you.

I know a person with a congenital cold body, and I want to ask Fairy, is there any way for her to practice? 】

Lin Chuan was a little bit overwhelmed by her hypocrisy, but the matter was not finished yet, so she could only pinch her nose and say.

[Fairy Chang’e: Congenital cold body, people seem to know it.

It’s just that I haven’t appeared at any large-scale event for a long time, and people have become lazy, and their minds are a little difficult to remember. 】

Seeing that Lin Chuan wanted her, Fairy Chang’e became even more hypocritical.

Lin Chuan understood what she meant. This was because he wanted him to organise an event specifically for her, so that she could dominate the crowd again.

A hypocritical woman is too unbearable.

Lin Chuan really wanted to ask Zhu Bajie how he fell in love with Fairy Chang’e, and even turned into a pig’s head because she was demoted to the mortal world.

Is it because she is beautiful?

Well, it’s pretty, there is only one in the sky, and none on the ground…

Ahem, how can you love to die because a person is beautiful, can you not be so superficial!

“She wants to use me, but why can’t I use her.”

“With the popularity of Fairy Chang’e, any announcement that she is going to participate in a certain program will definitely attract the attention of many old…old gods, and she is simply a traffic star in the fairy world.”

“It happens to be an event for Xitian. No matter what event is organized, it will always be a good thing to pull Chang’e up.”

“When the time comes, I will directly let Fairy Chang’e wear a bikini, the kind of super fabric-saving, then it will not be popular in the whole fairy world!”

Thinking of Fairy Chang’e’s beautiful face, Lin Chuan was suddenly inspired.

Fairy Chang’e wears a bikini. This selling point alone is enough to make an event attract great attention.

This is how he is being used, it’s obviously a good profit!

Because Chang’e Fairy itself is a kind of resource.

It happened that Fairy Chang’e hadn’t realized that he had given Lin Chuan the right to control this resource, so he couldn’t use it ruthlessly.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Fairy, you are still thinking about moving, do you want to participate in activities?

It happened that I was planning to organize a large-scale event with Xitian recently, and I was missing a significant opening guest. Can the fairy enjoy the show? 】

Lin Chuan, who had made up his mind, immediately responded.

[Fairy Chang’e: Going to Xitian to participate in activities seems a bit far away.

But they haven’t been to Xitian yet. It’s not bad to go there and go around. 】

Fairy Chang’e saw that Lin Chuan really offered an event for her to participate, but he hesitated a little, and agreed.

Fairy Baihua and Fairy Seven are gaining momentum recently, and there is a tendency to faintly overshadow her.

Fairy Chang’e has made a wonderful appearance long ago to prove who is the most outstanding fairy.

It’s a pity that the activities of the fairy world are limited, and the time limit is very dead, and there is no stage for her to perform recently.

Now Lin Chuan has given one, which is still an activity of the level of Xitian.

Although I don’t know what it is, Fairy Chang’e is willing to agree.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Then it’s settled, I don’t know if the fairy remembers the matter of the congenital cold body? 】

[Fairy Chang’e: I think of it a little bit, people seem to be born with cold body, they can practice the special Ice Jade Heart Sutra.

Since someone you know is in need, then I’ll copy a copy for you. 】

Fairy Chang’e, who was already satisfied, stopped being hypocritical, and soon sent Lin Chuan a book of exercises.

At the same time, Yue Qin’er was fidgeting in the living room, taking a look in the direction of Lin Chuan’s room from time to time.

“Qin’er, what’s wrong with you, something on your mind?” Kyuubi asked when he saw this.

“Lin Chuan said that there is a way to solve the problem that I can’t practice, but there has been no movement, and I can’t wait.”

Yue Qin’er had a close relationship with Nine Tails, and she didn’t conceal it, she directly expressed her thoughts.

“Can’t wait to ask, isn’t your relationship with Pai Yao?” Kyuubi said, looking at her narrowly.

“It’s one thing to have a good relationship. It’s another to ask about this kind of thing. I don’t want to look like I’m begging him.”

Tsundere’s Yue Qin’er, how could she save this face and beg Lin Chuan for help in a low voice.

“Sister Qin’er, it’s no wonder that you have never been in love since you are so old. You really don’t understand men at all.”

“Sister, let me tell you a truth, a woman who is acting like a baby is the best life.”

“Who said you must beg him, as long as you act like a baby with him, Pai Yao will definitely help you very readily.”

Kyuubi gestured as if he was an overcomer, and said excitedly.

“Act like a baby?” Yue Qin’er heard the words, not knowing what he thought of, and his face blushed at once.

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