Chapter 219 Fairy Chang’e: Fairy friends, people are so lonely!

“Sister, it would be better if you could think so.”

“Xinxin doesn’t have her father, so there is still my uncle, she will never be bullied.”

“Not to mention petting her as a little princess, at least she must be a princess.”

Lin Chuan was very pleased to see that Lin Juan had figured it out, and he promised with his heartbeat.

“Oh, if you say that, Xinxin will sleep with you from now on and let you take care of it.” Lin Juan raised a small smile at the corner of her mouth, urging narrowly.

“Ah… Xinxin is a girl after all. It is inconvenient to sleep with a big man with me after all.”

“I remembered that I still had something to do, so I left first.”

Just now, Lin Chuan, who was still patting his heart to make a guarantee, his face became stiff, and he immediately found an excuse to slip away.

It’s not that he doesn’t spoil Xinxin, it’s that this little guy is too noisy.

Just thinking about things like sleeping with him makes Lin Chuan feel a headache.

“I don’t have any sincerity. I also said that I would spoil Xinxin as the princess.” Lin Juan smiled happily when she looked at Lin Chuan who had fled.

Only after a while, her smile gradually disappeared, staring blankly at the starry sky outside the window, feeling lost.

Lin Chuan said that something was going on. It was really not an excuse. He had a lot of things.

The most important thing is to find Zhao Gongming and ask for a few more practice exercises.

He didn’t expect that the cultivation technique would be so hot, and so many people wanted it, so naturally he would have to ask for more.

Anyway, Zhao Gongming is the God of Wealth, and there are so many good things in his pocket.

[Xiaoyao Xian: If the God of Fortune is here, I would like to ask for a few more exercises. I don’t know if it’s inconvenient? 】

[Zhao Gongming: All I show you are low-level exercises that are useless. You can choose whatever you want, or I can give you all. 】

Soon, Zhao Gongming responded, which is a generous.

[Xiaoyao Xian: No, no, no, just have a few books, I don’t need so many. 】

Seeing him so generous, Lin Chuan was embarrassed, how dare he agree to let Zhao Gongming give him all the exercises.

Lin Chuan picked a few more exercises, and Zhao Gongming sent them out very readily.

[Zhao Gongming: Brother, do you have any more needs, don’t be polite to me! 】

[Xiaoyao Xian: Actually, there is really something, I want to ask God of Wealth.

I have a friend who is born with a cold body and can’t practice. Is there any way for her to embark on the path of cultivating immortality?

Also, I want to set up a formation that can gather aura, but I don’t know much about it. God of Wealth, don’t you understand this? 】

Lin Chuan didn’t want to be polite to him, and directly asked two questions he wanted to solve.

[Zhao Gongming: The first question is not easy to handle. If you are born with a cold body, I am afraid I can only go to the Guanghan Palace to find Fairy Chang’e to find a way.

As for the formation of gathering spiritual energy, what I have here is that you can pick a formation at random, and I can help you prepare the materials, which is not too troublesome. 】

Zhao Gongming’s response was still strong, and Lin Chuan arranged clearly.

[Xiaoyao Xian: I am so grateful to God of Fortune, you have helped me so much, and I will not give you anything in return. It is really inappropriate.

Why don’t you make a price, the array map has the materials needed for the formation, I will buy it with merit points. 】

Lin Chuan was really embarrassed this time. He planned to use merit points to buy that set of fabric plans. After all, he couldn’t keep Zhao Gongming at a loss.

[Zhao Gongming: Brother, you said this, but you just told me outside. I am the God of Wealth, do you lack that merit point?

If you are really embarrassed, then do me a favor, brother.

After I watched the show, I went to find a few female fairies and wanted to chat with them, but they didn’t pay much attention to me one by one, and their attitude towards Zhu Bajie was better than that of me!

You help me figure out how to make me more popular, and you can’t make Zhu Bajie arrogant anymore. 】

Zhao Gongming directly rejected Lin Chuan’s idea of ​​using merit to buy the formation, and proposed an exchange plan.

Lin Chuan read Zhao Gongming’s words and went to the fairy chat group to look at it, and he found that Zhu Bajie was showing off his chat history with several female fairies.

Although Zhu Bajie said that on the show, he encountered the darkest moment when the 36 lights went out without speaking, but it was not without benefits.

A few female fairies felt very sympathetic to him, and took the initiative to chat with him.

Zhao Gongming failed in his own chat, and seeing Zhu Bajie showing off again, he was naturally unconvinced and wanted to find his place.

But Lin Chuan scratched his head when he saw his request.

After all, he has no experience in love. Asking him about this is not the same as asking blindly…

[Xiaoyao Xian: In this regard, I think God of Fortune, you have to improve your EQ first.

Well, I’m sending you a set of dialogue highlights. If you try to figure out and study it carefully, and then use it in a lively manner, it should be effective.

In a few days, I will make another video for you, and solemnly introduce you to the fairies of the whole fairy world. There will surely be some fairies who will come to you on their own initiative. 】

Lin Chuan scratched his head for a while before he thought of a plan and immediately sent a document.

And on the title of the document, it reads “A Collection of Tastes of Love”.

[Zhao Gongming: Thank you so much, brother, this is what I need.

Quickly pick a set of plans, I will prepare the materials for you to send over, and then read this masterpiece carefully! 】

After taking a brief look, Zhao Gongming said as if he had been a treasure, he couldn’t wait to say.

Lin Chuan picked a map with the simplest requirements, and Zhao Gongming quickly sent all the materials he needed, and then there was no news.

It seems that he really intends to study how to speak native love…

After Lin Chuan received the materials, he also studied carefully, and found that he could completely arrange the spirit gathering magic circle on his own, and he was immediately relieved.

He got this spirit gathering formation method for Deling Building.

Before a spirit ball, it caused a lot of immortal cultivators’ looting, Yue Qin’er also almost got an eye for Lin Chuan, which shows that a spirit gathering formation method is attractive to immortal cultivators.

If Lin Chuan set up a spirit gathering formation in the Deling Building, I am afraid that there is no need to publicize it. Those cultivating sects will rush in with the smell!

There is no need to worry about the occupancy rate of the Deling Building. What you should worry about is the overwhelming popularity and poor management.

After solving the problem of Deling Building, Lin Chuan went to Fairy Chang’e non-stop to ask about the condition of the congenital cold body.

Zhao Gongming is not familiar with Fairy Chang’e, but he has dealt with Fairy Chang’e!

Regarding connections, we Xiaoyao Immortal is in the immortal world.

[Xiaoyao Xian: It’s been a long time since the fairy, how is it going? 】

[Fairy Chang’e: Fairy friend, it’s really rare for you to think of coming to me.

People are so empty and lonely now. 】

“Hi…” Lin Chuan took a breath after seeing Chang’e’s words.

Fairy Chang’e said this, isn’t she trying to tease him?

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