Chapter 21 Spirit Enlightenment Pill

Reluctant to part with love?

This subtext is to give money!

“Three Dove chocolates plus five packs of Pegasus mangoes!”

Nezha: (smiling) Plus three packs of popping candy!

“make a deal!”

Lin Chuan found snacks and swept them over to Nezha.

Nezha: Thank you boss, please accept the Qi Ling Pill.

After receiving Nezha’s Qi Ling Pill, Lin Chuan asked, “Has the Weiqun online store open?”

Nezha: Don’t worry, the boss, Hong Haier is already negotiating with Taishang Laojun, and I believe it will start business soon. It doesn’t matter if the old man doesn’t allow it. With the three-inch tongue of Hong Haier and I, retail sales are easy.

“Well, you have worked hard. By the way, the spirit-enlightening pill can unlock the spiritual wisdom of any lower creature. Doesn’t it mean that if I find a dog, the dog can vomit after eating it?”

Nezha: (Fear face) Boss, you think too much. If a lower-level creature wants to talk or transform into a human being, even if there is a spiritual enlightenment, it will have to go through thousands of years of practice.

Lin Chuan secretly complained for thousands of years… Laozi was already hung on the wall.

“What’s the effect of that Spirit Qi Pill?”

Nezha: The function of the Qi Ling Pill is to open up your spiritual wisdom and allow the boss to establish a spiritual connection with it. By the way, a friendly reminder, the boss must not give the spirit-enlightening pills to those naturally stupid creatures. The higher the IQ of the lower creatures, the better the effect of the spirit-enlightening pills. Not to mention, Honghaier is looking for me, it may be the matter of the Weiqun online store. Turn around.

Lin Chuan glanced at the micro channel column.

Enlightenment Pill×1

Nezha is right. Since ancient times, dogs have been kept in nursing homes.

When the car arrives, go to the pet market in the city to buy one!

At ten o’clock, two cars arrived in tandem.

After checking and accepting the car and the procedures, the courier arrived.

Lin Chuan was busy checking and accepting the tableware, so it was noon.

Lin Chuan cooked noodles for himself and took a bite casually.

But even if only a little chives were added to the noodles, this bowl of noodles was so fragrant that Lin Chuan was satisfied to eat.

After eating the noodles, Fatty Yao brought two people over, and without a word, began to measure the data.

Lin Chuan handed the home to Fatty Yao, drove his Ford Raptor and headed straight to the city.

There are two pet markets in Changzhou. The old market in the urban area is smaller but more lively.

Lin Chuan parked the car and started to shop in the market.

Here not only sell all kinds of pets, but also many flowers and plants.

While wandering around, Lin Chuan suddenly heard that many people were asking prices around a flower house, which was extremely lively.

Lin Chuan passed by and suddenly heard an offer.

All the way from 30,000 to 85,000.

The onlookers were amazed.

In the end, 85 thousand were sold.

Lin Chuan doesn’t understand flowers, and he has never heard of them. What other flowers can be sold for nearly 100,000 yuan!

Out of curiosity about the potted flowers, Lin Chuan squeezed past.

The potted flower has long and curved leaves, and the petals are quite elegant and delicate, which is pleasing to the eye.

However, layman Lin Chuan still doesn’t understand why this potted flower is so valuable.

The person who bought the flowers happily held the flowers, and walked towards an Audi A6 parked next to him, and everyone slowly dispersed.

Lin Chuan turned his head to see a middle-aged man with a pity on his face, muttering to himself, couldn’t help thinking.

He stepped forward and asked, “Brother, what is the origin of that potted flower? Can it sell for more than 80,000 yuan?”

The middle-aged man took a look at Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan, who has been cleansed with the essence of Ju Ling Pill, has a dusty temperament and good demeanor.

The middle-aged man sighed again, and said, “That’s a pot of vegetable crown heding! Young people, you are not from Ailan. It is normal if you don’t understand it. At the Asia Pacific Orchid Conference in 2010, a pot of vegetable Guanheding, sold at a price of 50 million yuan!”

Lin Chuan was dumbfounded: “Isn’t it just a pot of flowers? Fifty million?”

The middle-aged man laughed and said, “Is it incredible? Young people, orchids are not only flowers, but also a kind of culture. Some people think that it is not worth it to spend more than ten or twenty yuan, and some are willing to spend five thousand. Go buy it!”

Lin Chuan seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

“Brother, you just said that the Su Guan Heding sells for 50 million, so why did the pot of 85 thousand just now? Is there any difference?”

The middle-aged man seemed to have opened the chatterbox: “Of course it is different. In this flower and bird market, some orchids cost more than ten yuan per pot, and some orchids are hundreds of yuan per pot. For example, on the flower stand behind the window, you Can you see the difference between the two basins of snow?”

Lin Chuan turned his head and said, “It doesn’t seem to make a big difference.”

The middle-aged man smiled and said, “The pot on the left is slightly worse. Can you see it? The pot on the right is at most one hundred and fifty yuan. The pot on the right is obviously better. Are the petals whiter? The owner of a hundred dollars won’t sell it at all! This is the difference. The plain-golden lotus pot that you see is a little worse, so it can’t sell for less than one hundred thousand dollars.”

Lin Chuan took a deep breath: “The difference is a thousand miles away.”

The middle-aged man nodded: “Yes, that’s why.”

Lin Chuan felt a little excited.

What kind of fairy is Baihua Fairy!

Lord of Hundred Flowers!

Didn’t she say that she is in charge of the Hundred Gardens of Heavenly Court?

All things like Peony Fairy, Jasmine Fairy, Rose Fairy, Rose Fairy belong to her.

If you get some flowers from her, wouldn’t it be a thousand times more powerful than a Su Guan He Ding? !

“Brother is an expert! Can you add a WeChat account? I also have some flowers at home. When the time comes, I will ask my brother to taste it?”

The middle-aged people happily even claimed to be good.

“My name is Cheng Kuan, what do you call my brother?”

“Linchuan, the forest of the forest, the mountain and the river.”

After bidding farewell, Lin Chuan came to the area selling pets.

Here, most people sell dogs and cats.

There are also snakes and lizards.

There are even beetles.

There are many types of dogs, including large dogs, but the most popular ones are the small and cute pet dogs.

After watching it for a while, Lin Chuan didn’t like it either.

After walking around, Lin Chuan thought for a while, still planning to go back and buy a Corgi that looked smart.

Suddenly there was a clamor not far away.

A small yellow dog, chased by a middle-aged fat man, came toward him in a hurry.

One of the legs seemed to be injured, and his posture was awkward when running.

What’s worse is that the hair on the back, abdomen, and head and neck are all bald. I don’t know if it was a skin disease or was plucked by someone with low hands.

This ugly dog ​​was not running fast because of injuries to his legs and feet, and was soon overtaken by a fat middle-aged man holding a bamboo pole.

“Damn! Dare to steal my dog ​​food! I can’t kill you!!!”

The bamboo pole hits the ugly dog’s back accurately.

The ugly dog ​​made a stern whimper, and kept backing away, but fell to the ground because of an unstable center of gravity.

The gloomy eyes showed a horrified brilliance.

“Tell you to steal it! Tell you to steal it!”

The middle-aged fat man hit the ugly dog ​​on the head, back and legs several times in a row.

The ugly dog ​​whimpers less and less.

Lin Chuan couldn’t bear it, and shouted loudly: “Enough! If you hit it again, you will be killed!”

The middle-aged fat man frowned and glanced sideways: “It’s your shit! Where is the cool?”

Lin Chuan snorted coldly: “If you don’t want to be beaten, just get out!”

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