Chapter 20: Have you ever typed a draft before bragging?

While he was in the city, Lin Chuan was going to pick a supermarket to scan the goods.

Changzhou is a second-tier city, including Wal-Mart, RT-Mart, Carrefour, Haoyouduo, Wangfujing and other large foreign supermarkets.

However, Lin Chuan chose the local Changkelong to support a wave of local economy.

After working for more than an hour, Changkelong saw a major customer and took the initiative to give a VIP card that could get a 15% discount on the audience.

Three employees were also called to order, settle, and load the truck.

In the end two full cars were installed.

And it is the Foton light truck with a relatively large loading capacity.

The manager of that Changkelong personally followed the car to Taoyuan Village.

When the workers unloaded the goods, Manager Liu left his business card, saying that next time if needed, he could contact him directly, a phone call, and Changkelong would arrange home delivery.

It’s so convenient, so what else is there to say! Lin Chuan couldn’t ask for it.

When the goods are finished, it will be dark.

Lin Chuan felt that the manager Liu from Changkelong was not bad, so he left them for dinner.

The vegetable plots are all ready-made.

He picks, the workers wash and cut, and Manager Liu washes the rice and puts it on the pot.

A few people worked together, the rice was cooked, and the dishes were cooked well.

A scrambled egg with green pepper, a cucumber, a plate of red amaranth, a plate of water spinach, and a plate of lettuce.

When these dishes were served on the table, the workers were greedy.

The wind can be resolved in a few minutes.

Several people almost swallowed their tongues.

Manager Liu seemed to have discovered the New World. He looked around in the vegetable field under the faint light, and was full of praise.

“Mr. Lin, the vegetables here can be exclusively supplied to us by Changkelong! We can give the best display space, and you have the final say on the price.”

“Manager Liu, I don’t have this plan. You have seen me here. It is a high-end farmhouse. A table of dishes is priced at an average price of 10,000 yuan. If it is provided to the supermarket, how much can it be sold for?”

Manager Liu took a breath: “Ten thousand yuan per table?”

The three supermarket workers were also dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Lin Chuan smiled and said, “Is it right, the money of the rich can’t be earned if you don’t make it for nothing.”

After leaving Manager Liu and the others, Lin Chuan began to pack all kinds of snacks for Nezha.

Nezha is very busy over there.

It took more than half an hour to get everything done.

One of the functions of this WeChat brushing items is very convenient.

That is, the same type can be swiped once, and it will automatically count the quantity and swipe it to the recipient in one go.

After finishing, Lin Chuan began to stroll around.

Wander from the main courtyard to the vice courtyard.

As soon as he walked to the vice yard, Lin Chuan was taken aback by the situation in the vegetable field.

The seeds that were thrown down yesterday have sprouted in the past twenty hours!

Especially the two kinds of Chinese cabbage and spring onion grow faster and the buds are higher.

What the hell.

It’s cheating!

This growth rate is not far from mature picking!

Looking at it, Lin Chuan suddenly thought that the dishes on the table shouldn’t be just vegetarian dishes!

Raising some chickens and ducks in such a big place is still a must!

Even raise a few pigs!

With such super high-quality vegetables, you can’t lose the meat in this regard!

Lin Chuan looked at the vice yard and finally decided to mark out the northeast and southeast corners and build a pigpen and a chicken pen and duck pen.

The next day.

Lin Chuan got up early in the morning.

After watering the vegetable field, I simply ate a little vegetable porridge, and I was planning to go to the building materials market in the city to buy materials for repairing pig pens and chicken and duck pens.

The call from the auto market is here.

The Ford Raptor had completed the formalities, and Lin Chuan made an appointment to receive it.

Over there, the car and procedures can be delivered to Taoyuan Village at about 10:30 in the morning, and Lin Chuan simply waited at home.

Less than ten minutes later, the BMW dealership also called.

The car can also be delivered in the morning.

Coincidentally, the tableware purchased online before was also delivered in the morning.

Lin Chuan sat down in the pavilion on the west side of the vice yard nearby.

I called Fatty Yao and asked him to find a construction team.

Three tiled houses in the main courtyard.

There is a small four-story building in the vice yard, and two tiled houses.

Because of the external use of the Qinghuang Xiaozhu architectural drawings, there is no need to use hands and feet at all.

But the interior of the house is still the original decoration.

Since I want to engage in farmhouse.

Small buildings must be redecorated.

By the way, install the five tiled houses on both sides.

“Brother Chuan, the construction team has them, and they are reliable. Don’t worry about the materials. The price I get for you is the market price! With me, Yao Zhen, I will let you do two cents for one cent! ”

“Well, I don’t worry about your work. I want to use the most environmentally friendly materials, and there must be no formaldehyde.”

“Don’t worry, I must understand this, besides, I decided to personally give you free design drawings. How about it, is it interesting?”

Lin Chuan glared, “You design? I’ll go, can people still live there?”

“Damn, me! Yao Zhen! The rising star of the interior design industry! Changzhou’s most promising designer! Generally, the price of my design drawings starts at 100,000! Don’t underestimate people!”

Lin Chuan pursed his lips and smirked.

“Are you a bit too exaggerated? Have you ever typed a draft before bragging?”

“Brother Chuan! Brother is really awesome, OK!”

“Don’t make trouble, do you think that if you have long hair and a braid on the back of your head, you are an artist?”

“Wow, wow, I’m so mad! The surname is Lin, you wait, if I don’t give you a perfect design drawing, I will give you the last name!”

“That’s it! For the sake of our classmates for four years, I will grant you permission to design for me! Hahaha…”

“Hmph, just wait and see, brother must convince you this time! I will go to Taoyuan Village later, you are ready to pick up!”

The design and redecoration issues were resolved.

Next, you have to prepare to buy the bed, table and other furniture in the room.

It’s not a big deal, but it’s complicated.

Lin Chuan took out his mobile phone, entered the JD APP, and selected furniture.

Is picking.

He heard someone tapping at the big iron gate of the main courtyard.

If it weren’t for the dead of night, you wouldn’t be able to hear it.

Lin Chuan was thinking, it seems that he needs to hire more talents.

Lin Chuan’s brain suddenly flashed like a sparkle.

Then he walked to the main courtyard and picked up his mobile phone.

“Nezha, are you there?”

Just walked to the corridor between the main courtyard and the vice courtyard.

Nezha: (Cool) Why is the boss looking for me?

“I have a yard, and I lack a few boys who look after the yard. Do you have one?”

Nezha: (Arrogant Sanlian) Boss, Boss, don’t you know that WeChat can’t sweep the creatures, right? !

“…” Lin Chuan was stunned, really, if the creatures could come through WeChat, then there would be no such thing as Xianfan’s isolation for a thousand years.

“Of course I know that I can’t sweep the creatures, but can’t you either? Didn’t you really reshape the body with a lotus flower? Is it possible to reshape so many for me through this method?”

Nezha: This is definitely not possible, and neither will I!

Lin Chuan was a little disappointed.

“All right.”

Nezha: Boss, don’t be too disappointed. Although there is no way to send a creature over, I have a suggestion.

“What advice?” Lin Chuan gave birth to hope again.

Nezha: Boss, don’t you need to look after the nursing home? Dogs are most suitable for nursing homes. I have an enlightening pill, this pill, can unlock the spiritual wisdom of any lower creature. If the boss needs it, I can reluctantly give up.

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