Chapter 16-I accidentally became an Internet celebrity


“He really bought it?!”

“Oh my God, a 900,000 car, a one-time payment, without blinking the eyebrows! It’s awesome!”

“That little brother is so handsome! I want to ask him for WeChat…”

“Hahaha, the good show is about to debut, the female salesman who just looked down on people just now has low sales, let’s see what her expression looks like now!”

“This is stupid…”

“Will she really lick the soles of my little brother? I’m looking forward to it!”

The people around were excited, one by one, they were ready to move the bench and watch the show.

Meng Jie looked at her colleague in disbelief.

“Xiao Zhang, are you serious? He really has 900,000 cards?”

“Well, that’s true.”

Meng Jie couldn’t accept this fact, and hurriedly shouted: “This is impossible! You…Did you collude with him to play me?”

Xiao Zhang said angrily: “Sister Meng, even if I could collude with him, did the cash register at the cash register happen to be wrong?”

Hearing this, Meng Jie was like a cock that was defeated in a fight, and her whole body wilted.

Lin Chuan looked at her with a faint smile: “Meng Jie, I gave the opportunity, but you don’t want it yourself. Then, please fulfill your promise and lick it!”

Meng Jie’s expressions are colorful, resentful, regretful, jealous, shocked…

Suddenly, Meng Jie squeezed an ugly smile on her face: “Old classmates, I was playing with you just now, or else, I apologize to you, let this matter go, OK?”

Lin Chuan sneered: “Why didn’t you just let it go? Are you trying to cheat?”

Meng Jie’s expression is even more ugly: “Old classmate, save me some face, I will work here in the future? Can’t it, or else, after get off work, we’ll make an appointment with you, whatever you want. .”

The implication in these words is already very obvious.

Lin Chuan didn’t seem to understand, and his expression was still cold: “Want me to give you face? Did you give me face just now? Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, I’m in a hurry!”

Meng Jie’s face flushed red, suddenly he took off the badge on his chest and threw it on the ground fiercely.

“My mother quit! Lin Chuan! You’re a shit, even if you can afford a BMW, you can’t change the fact that you are a hillbilly! If you want me, Meng Jie, to lick the soles of your shoes, in your next life!”

After speaking, he walked out angrily.

Lin Chuan shrugged: “It’s quite spine!”

Lin Chuan didn’t take this lunatic into his heart at all. Yun Danfengqing signed the car purchase contract with the female salesman, and left the dealership after completing the last few formalities.

Although the car is available, it still takes one day to get the license plate. Lin Chuan gave the address of Taoyuan Village to the car dealer and asked them to complete all the formalities and send it to Taoyuan Village.

Leaving the BMW dealership, Lin Chuan asked where to buy pickup trucks.

After a while, in another district, he saw a pickup truck, and he saw it at a glance.

Lin Chuan always believed that the sports car was for Xiao Bailian and women.

Only large-size off-road vehicles, SUVs and pickups are cars for men.

This is a Ford Raptor.

This kind of car can’t carry too much cargo, but it’s big and tough enough to be a full circle bigger than the BMW M4!

After Lin Chuan asked about the price, he was ready to pay for it.

The car dealer saw that Lin Chuan really had a willingness to buy, and offered a 10% discount, five hundred and fifty thousand.

The standard for this roof is not inferior to a million-level luxury car.

However, the sales of pickup trucks in China are very poor, and it is rare for anyone to appreciate it. The owner of the car dealership is naturally overjoyed.

Not only did they take the initiative to offer discounts, they also gave Lin Chuan all the items that could be delivered in the store.

After Lin Chuan bought the car, he rode back to the village on his motorcycle.

I took the vegetable seeds at the agricultural material station and went straight to the house.

As soon as I got home, my phone rang before my buttocks touched the stool.

Fatty Yao called.

“Brother Chuan, you’re bull! The bull is shaking the sky! You are really my idol, from now on, I will recognize you, you are more handsome than me!”

Lin Chuan was confused: “Fat Yao, why are you so excited!”

“Hahaha, Brother Chuan, don’t you know? You are almost becoming an Internet celebrity! You can go to the Toutiao app by yourself, and I will push it to you.”

Lin Chuan was startled.

Click the opening article.

“I go!”

It turned out that it was a conflict with Meng Jie at a BMW dealership in the morning. I don’t know which bastard has the cheapest hand, and it was photographed and put in the headline.

It only took a long time, and there were more than 200,000 likes.

More than 10,000 comments.

The video is not long. It extracts all the contents of Meng Jie’s provocation from the beginning, and later betting, and then buying the car with the full amount of the card by himself.

Lin Chuan took a cursory look.

The vast majority of comments are on their side.

Lin Chuan didn’t want to make such a big noise. Originally, he didn’t care about this incident at all.

“Brother Chuan, you are too pretending to be too forceful, you are envious of your real name!”

“It’s okay, it’s a trivial matter.” Lin Chuan withdrew from the headline.

“Is this a trivial matter? I’m very hungry! This is simply the highlight of life!”

Lin Chuan really didn’t understand, he still couldn’t understand why Meng Jie turned into a cockfight when he saw herself.

“That’s it! This kind of trivial matter is not worth talking about.”

“Don’t say it, don’t say it, yes, there is another thing I came to you today, do you remember our school flower Ling Xiaoxiao?”

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