Chapter 15 I bought this car, full price

Lin Chuan rode his broken motorcycle, closed the iron gate, and set off.

He has to buy a batch of seeds at the agricultural material station.

The four acres of land in the vice yard is enough to plant a lot of vegetables.

Have to buy two cars.

A pickup truck can carry people and carry some things in the back.

Buy another BMW.

BMW is going to give it to my sister.

Isn’t the brother-in-law Deng Wei’s family looking down upon others?

Then let them see and see, not everyone in the Lin family can look down upon it!

Lin Chuan rode a bicycle and bought seeds in the village.

Chinese cabbage, spinach, chrysanthemum, carrot, white radish, celery, shepherd’s purse, spring onion, leeks.

These types are also not available in the vegetable plot of the main courtyard.

In addition to these vegetable seeds, Lin Chuan also bought some early spring red jade watermelon seeds.

Watermelon is planted at this time, from germination to flowering and fruiting, it will take at least three months to mature.

Originally, Lin Chuan didn’t plan to plant it, but he considered that the soil improved by Juling Pill might shorten the growth cycle.

So I bought some.

When he got home, Lin Chuan scattered the seeds into the field.

He poured water on, then left again and headed to the city.

He was familiar with the road, parked his motorcycle in the parking lot of the car market, and went straight to the BMW dealership.

Inside the car shop.

There are 1 series, 3 series, 5 series, and X series SUVs, M series, MPV, and Z4 small sports cars.

Walking in, a well-dressed female salesman came over to greet him. Although Lin Chuan was dressed normally, there was no such thing as a terrible plot.

The salesperson answered every question and explained Lin Chuan’s many questions.

There is always a professional smile on his face.

“How much is this car?” Lin Chuan stood still in front of a white BMW.

“Mr. really has a vision. This is this year’s new M4 coupe. It is not only good-looking, but also powerful. It has a 3.0-liter inline twin-turbocharged engine, 510 horsepower, and a peak torque of 650 horsepower…”

Lin Chuan was full of black lines: “You just tell me how much it costs. I don’t understand the parameters you said at all.”

Female sales have not had time to speak.

Suddenly a shrill female voice came from behind.

“Oh, isn’t this Lin Chuan?”

Lin Chuan turned his head and looked around.

“Meng Jie?”

Lin Chuan frowned slightly.

Meng Jie was the class flower of their class. Lin Chuan had some fate with her back then, and was dubbed the golden boy and jade girl by other classes.

Lin Chuan is handsome and Meng Jie is beautiful.

Regrettably, although Lin Chuan has good looks, but from a poor family, Meng Jie doesn’t like him at all.

Lin Chuan also doesn’t like women who worship gold. For four years in college, no one can look down upon anyone.

Suddenly encountered here, Lin Chuan was a little surprised.

Take a closer look at what she is wearing.

It turns out that she is also a salesperson here.

“Let’s see the car? Do you know what kind of car it is?” Meng Jie’s expression unabashedly wrote three words to look down on.

“Yes, BMW.”

“So you know, I will give you a generalization. BMWs are also divided into categories. Cheap BMWs can be bought for two or three hundred thousand yuan. For example, the 1 series, X1 and that wagon parked over there, and hundreds Wan or even more expensive, this one you look at is the M series.”

“Do you know what the M series is? The M series is BMW’s sporty and high-performance version. Compared to the Mercedes-Benz AMG and Audi RS, this M4 costs 900,000 naked cars. Are you sure you want to buy it?”

“Sister Meng, this…” The saleswoman looked embarrassed.

Meng Jie smiled and said: “Don’t worry, this is my college classmate, he can’t afford it, don’t waste your saliva.”

Lin Chuan was too lazy to take a look at her, and continued to ask the female salesperson: “Are there any discounts on this car? How much can I get?”


Meng Jie once again blocked female sales and smiled contemptuously: “Stop pretending, Lin Chuan, can you be realistic? What are you pretending?! Can you afford a BMW? Look at your clothes, pants, and shoes. , Can it add up to 300 yuan? Can you live with a little dignity? Don’t pretend to be forced?”

“Enough!” Lin Chuan was impatient, “Am I familiar with you? Not familiar? What are you going crazy in front of me? I’m here to buy a car. Not you, can you stay away from me?”

The movement here has attracted a lot of attention from others in the exhibition hall.

Meng Jie did not expect such a big reaction from Lin Chuan. If the manager was disturbed, the money would be deducted, and he would be expelled.

Meng Jie hated and angry.

I thought I could humiliate Lin Chuan condescendingly, but unexpectedly, he dug a hole for himself.

“Okay, if you really can afford this M4, I will kneel down and lick your shoes!”

“If you can’t afford it, hum, just climb out of here for me!”

Lin Chuan really couldn’t figure it out. In the university, there is neither overlap nor enmity, so how could he have to target it this way! Can’t figure it out!

“I won’t bargain for this car, I bought it, the full price, this is a card, take it!”


The salesmen and customers who watched the excitement not far away all exclaimed in amazement.

Have a good show!

Meng Jie was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, she laughed wildly.

“You…you are still pretending! You are pretending! I don’t believe it, you can have money in that card!”

Lin Chuan frowned, the clouds were calm, he was wondering whether this former class flower was so hysterical because of any stimulation.

The female salesperson accepted Lin Chuan’s card, and she didn’t believe that a person dressed in such shabby clothes could spend 900,000 yuan to buy a car.

“Sir, please wait a moment.”

Lin Chuan nodded and turned to look at Meng Jie.

“Meng Jie, in my impression, I didn’t offend you when I was in school, so why did I have to compete with me?”

Meng Jie looked disdainful: “Who has time to compete with you? I just can’t rub the sand in my eyes. Your family has been farming for three generations. If you plant your land steadily, no one will look down on you. , But you can see, what are you going to install in a BMW dealership? I just can’t stand it, what’s wrong!”

Perhaps Lin Chuan’s mood was completely different due to the influence of the Spirit Gathering Pill transforming his body.

He just thinks this girl is too awkward and crooked, like an annoying fly.

Not much anger.

Anyway, the answer will be revealed soon.

I will know if I can afford this BMW M4.

Meng Jie couldn’t help panicking when he saw his emboldened look.

A bad thought came to his forehead.

Can he really afford nearly a million luxury cars?

The people around were pointing and pointing, which made Meng Jie even more uneasy.

But she pretended to be calm, with a look of contempt.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The wait is long.

Lin Chuan suddenly smiled and said: “Wait later, if you lose, will you really lick the soles of my shoes? You won’t be fooling you?”

Meng Jie snorted and said arrogantly, “I look forward to you crawling out of here later!”

Lin Chuan said lightly: “Classmates, don’t say I didn’t give you a chance, if you apologize to me now, that’s all for betting.”

Meng Jie was already riding a tiger at this time, how could she surrender at this time.

“Don’t dream! Lin Chuan, even if you admit defeat now, I won’t agree. You must climb out of here today! Climb out like a dog!”

Lin Chuan shook his head and sighed: “I wanted to give you a step down, but you didn’t appreciate it, and your words are so ugly. Forget it, since you want to lick the soles of my shoes so much, let you do it!”

At this moment, the female salesman walked over quickly with a shocked expression on her face.

At the same time, she glanced at Meng Jie’s eyes, which was super complicated.

“Sir, congratulations on becoming the owner of the BMW M4. Could you please sign your name?”

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