Chapter 13: This Tea Can’t Be Purchased

Lin Chuan turned on a certain treasure of the mobile phone.

He is about to order a batch of tableware.

Because it needs to be high-end, it is natural not to buy too cheap.

While searching, drinking tea.

Soon, I found an online shop for high-end tableware.

Lin Chuan looked at their tableware and they were all pretty good.

Contacted customer service, Lin Chuan asked for a few sets. Lin Chuan would not buy too many sets at the beginning, so he had to wait until the goods arrived and check the condition.

The customer service heard that he wanted a lot of goods, and proactively offered a good discount and guaranteed the quality.

After Lin Chuan placed the order, he spent more than 8,000.

It’s really expensive, but Lin Chuan is willing to invest.

While drinking tea, suddenly there was the sound of cars passing by outside the courtyard.

And stopped outside the door.

Lin Chuan’s five senses are far beyond ordinary people, so he can hear clearly.

But I didn’t care too much.

“Boom boom boom.”

Someone knocked on the door.

“Is anyone in there? Is anyone there?”

Lin Chuan didn’t want to answer, after all, it hasn’t opened yet.

But the people outside seemed to be very patient, still knocking on the door unremittingly.

Lin Chuan cursed secretly, and said impatiently: “Come on.”

Get up from the sun room and go to the gate.


A black car parked outside the door.

At the door stood an old man with white beard and hair, but very energetic.

Next to the old man, there was a young lady with extremely beautiful appearance, slim, white and snowy, which made Lin Chuan’s eyes shine brightly.

Behind the old and the young, there was a blank-faced young man who seemed to be a driver.

“Who are you looking for?”

The old man smiled calmly and said: “Young man, I’m harassing, harassing, we are not locals, I am from Fengwei Village in the front, I used to worship my ancestors in the past, passing by you, I see your house is beautiful and very beautiful. Artistic conception, I took the liberty to come over and take a look. Just now I smelled the fragrance of scented tea. The old man is a tea lover. I wonder if my brother can tell me where I bought this tea?”

Although the old man was kind and polite, but Lin Chuan was no longer an ordinary person at this time, and he could see some clues.

This old man’s identity is absolutely extraordinary.

Moreover, he could see that the old man was hiding a wave of righteousness and killing.

Lin Chuan judged that the identity of the old man might have something to do with the army.

Lin Chuan admired the soldiers who guarded the border and defended the country.

“You can’t buy this tea.” Lin Chuan opened the iron gate, “Master, if you want to drink tea, please come in and sit down.”

The old man curiously asked, “Is there any tea that I can’t buy? I would like to hear the details.”

With that, the old man walked in.

The pretty girls and the young men in suits also followed.

“The place of origin of this tea cannot be said. It is not available on the market. The old man is lucky today, so you are lucky.” Lin Chuan smiled and led the way.

The pretty little lady snorted and muttered softly: “Funny.”

Although she is whispering, Lin Chuan’s five senses are so sensitive that she can’t hear it.

He was too lazy to be serious with a little girl, but Quandang didn’t hear it.

At the door, you can’t see much, but as soon as you come in, you can see the elegant and refined environment around you.

The ancient charm of the carved beams and painted buildings, the exquisite and atmospheric cloisters and pavilions, and the exquisite palace lanterns that do not know the age are on the edge of the wall.

The most amazing thing is that usually rural vegetable fields have an unpleasant smell.

And here, instead of having a bad smell, it is filled with a faint pleasant fragrance.

The old man lifted his spirits and blurted out in praise: “This place is really a paradise!”

The old man forgot even the tea, and ran to the vegetable field carelessly.

The purple red amaranth is fresh and tender and beautiful in slices. It is much stronger than normal red amaranth, and the height is almost one meter!

Eggplant is the most special. Normally, this season, no matter how fast the eggplant is, it will at most bloom buds.

But the eggplant here, the main branch is thicker than the thumb, and the height is more than one meter. The flowers are already in full bloom, and some grow fast, and the embryonic form of the eggplant is already there.

Water spinach and rapeseed are green, not only fresh and green, but also very vigorous.

The tomato seedling has grown to about 1.3 meters. Although it has just bloomed, a tomato seedling of this size is really rare, and it can grow taller!

On the other side, cucumbers, beans, loofah, bitter gourd, and pumpkins, although some bloomed without fruit, but the branches are luxuriant, and they are already like a forest.

Many of the fastest growing loofahs and cucumbers have grown, but they are not ready to be picked.

The old man couldn’t get his eyeballs out, and from time to time he exclaimed.

“Young man, the vegetables you grow here are so beautiful! Did you grow them?”


The old head looked like a treasure. Looking at Lin Chuan, his eyes were shining.

“Your soil, isn’t it the local soil?”

Lin Chuan smiled and said: “The old man’s eyes are really poisonous, and he can tell it at a glance. That’s right, this is the improved soil that I have prepared by myself.”

The old man’s breathing became a little quick: “Do you have this formula for improving soil?”

The smile on Lin Chuan’s face slowly faded, and he looked at the old man playfully: “What do you mean?”

The old man waved his hand hurriedly: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m too abrupt, I just thought that if the young man can hand over this soil-improving formula to the country, it can improve the quality of our country’s rural crops. This is a piece of cake. A great thing to benefit the country and the people!”

The old man looked at Lin Chuan’s face unhappy, and hurriedly said with a smile: “If you don’t mention this, if you don’t mention this, I just said casually, lad, is this tea?”

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