Chapter 12 Qinghuang Xiaozhu, the Great House Courtyard

As soon as he got home, Lin Chuan couldn’t wait to open the WeChat group.

Private chat Baihua Fairy.

“Fairy, do you have any plans for the Qinghuang Xiaozhu building? I need it.”

As soon as he bought the house and land next door, Lin Chuan naturally wanted to make the same building style next door immediately.

It is best to enclose all of them with a wall.

Adding the separation between the two houses, together with a rough estimate, the yard can reach at least six acres.

The scale of the farmhouse is enough.

Not for a while.

Fairy Baihua replied.

(Left humming, right humming) Xiaoyao fairy friend, this is difficult!

“What’s the situation? Why is it so difficult?”

Fairy Baihua: Yes, there is only one copy of Qinghuang Xiaozhu’s architectural drawings. After I gave it to you last time, there won’t be a second one. If you want other architectural drawings, I might be able to get it for you. , Qinghuang Xiaozhu is unlikely, unless…

“Unless what?”

Fairy Baihua: Unless I ask Immortal Master Lu Ban, you should have heard of Immortal Friends Xiaoyao. Immortal Lu Ban is withdrawn and does not like to talk to people, that is, me, so he has this face. Other people will not at all. Pay attention.

Lin Chuan was startled, and immediately understood her subtext.

Is it a price to sit on the floor?

“Then Fairy Lao, have you finished the last Dove chocolate?”

Fairy Baihua: (Lose) I ate it at that time, too little! Not enough to eat!

Without saying anything, Lin Chuan swept over twelve yuan.

“These chocolates, the fairy eats first, and when things are done, I still have good things.”

Fairy Baihua: (Victory) I’ll go to Master Luban immediately and wait for my good news.

“There is work, there is work.”

Lin Chuan only waited for two or three minutes, before she had time to wash her face, Fairy Baihua replied.

Without saying anything, I scanned the architectural drawings.

Fairy Baihua: (Bi Xin) Fairy friend Xiaoyao, what good things do you have, just say it quickly.

“Of course it’s delicious, prepare to receive it!”

Lin Chuan swept three buckets of comparable potato chips and a bucket of 500 grams of Zhenglin’s five-spice melon seeds.

Guilt, guilt.

I don’t know if these junk foods will feed Baihua Fairy fat.

Not a minute yet.

Fairy Baihua popped out again.

(Seduce) Fairy friend Xiaoyao, Kepic is so fragrant and delicious. Can you give me some more?

The corners of Lin Chuan’s mouth curled up, this little girl, want to eat for nothing?

Fairy Baihua: By the way, I can give you a packet of jasmine tea in exchange.

“Jasmine tea……”

Lin Chuan’s heart moved, Baihua Fairy is in charge of all flowers, and naturally also includes jasmine, jasmine tea from the fairy world, that must be a good thing!

Fairy Baihua: Friends of Xiaoyao, this fairy also knows that a mere bit of tea is definitely not in your eyes, but there are not many things I can handle! Please, please.

“We are all old friends, right, this little request, I will naturally meet the fairy, otherwise, a bag of tea for a bucket of potato chips.”

Baihua Fairy: Two barrels!

“This…” Lin Chuan pretended to be reserved.

You can’t promise too easily, otherwise the future business will be difficult to do.

Fairy Baihua: Fairy Xiaoyao, my jasmine tea is a tribute to the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother of the West! It is really precious, and I can only provide you with ten packs. This is still at the risk of violating the rules of heaven!

So hanging?

“In that case, well, I agree to the transaction.”

Fairy Baihua: (holds a fist) Right now!

“I will give two extra packs of hawthorn slices to the fairy.” Lin Chuan felt embarrassed and took the initiative to add some.

A little bit of worthless snacks can be replaced by so many good things.

Lin Chuan was a little worried. Once the road to immortality was cleared, Fairy Baihua discovered that these things were so cheap that he would lose his life.

“A red envelope from Fairy Baihua, do you accept it?”

take over.

Ten packs of jasmine tea arrived in the inventory in an instant.

Extract a pack.

I go.

This™ seems to have been fooled. For such a small package, it is estimated that one or two at most.

The treacherous little girl!

Lin Chuan cursed secretly, and boiled it with water.

He opened the tea wrapped in paper.

A refreshing fragrance immediately penetrated into the nostrils.

“I’ll go, okay! This tea is very fragrant! Is it really a tribute to the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother?!”

Lin Chuan usually doesn’t drink tea, he doesn’t have this hobby.

But the aroma of this scented tea made him feel relaxed and happy.

The water boils quickly.

Lin Chuan made a little tea for himself, and the moment the boiling water was poured into the cup, a richer floral fragrance came to his nose.

“It smells good!”

This tea soup is green and translucent, without the slightest impurities, it looks good.

When the tea cooled slightly, Lin Chuan took a sip.

The mellow fragrance is thick, the teeth and cheeks are fragrant, after a while, there is still a sweet aftertaste in the mouth.

“My God, great value, great value.”

Lin Chuan sat there, sipping tea mouthfuls, sitting until nine o’clock in the evening, the tea was finally tasteless.

“It’s almost time, it’s time to start Qinghuang Xiaozhu!”

Lin Chuan got up, opened the door and went out, opening the big iron door of Li’s house.

Extract the architectural drawings of Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

The air wave filled instantly.

Like an upside-down bowl, it covers all the small buildings, yards and vegetable plots.

Even if the newly purchased land is much larger, it will take about the same time as before.

When the dense fog has all gone, the originally dilapidated yard and ground have become garden buildings.

“Ohhhhhh…” Lin Chuan was overjoyed in his heart, and took the advantage of the night to tour around.

The two sides merge into one, the same style, and there is a wall to block it, leaving only two primitive arched courtyard doors, so that the two sides can communicate.

More ingeniously structured is that the original corridor and pavilion of the main courtyard are also connected to the auxiliary courtyard.

You can walk all the way to the vice yard through the corridor.

The vegetable plot that was originally deserted in the auxiliary courtyard is now planned to be divided into four blocks. The corridor passes through and there are four pavilions for leisure.

In the middle, there is a two-story ancient rhyme pavilion, which is obviously more stylish than the main courtyard.

Lin Chuan watched and praised him. What a farmhouse is this? This is clearly the palace of the ancient kings!

After the appreciation, Lin Chuan began to work.

The four acres of land on the side of the vice yard is covered with wild flowers and weeds and even unknown small trees because no one manages it.

These have to be cleaned up before you can use the Spirit Gathering Pill to improve the soil quality.

Four acres of land, a full area of ​​two thousand or several hundred square meters.

If it were changed before, Lin Chuan would definitely have soft feet.

But now, full of energy, he finished all the work in one night.

It just doesn’t feel tired at all.

After cleaning up the weeds and trees, they were piled together and burned with fire. It took half an hour to burn them all out.

Lin Chuan took out four sacred elementary-level Gathering Pills, mixed them with water, and sprinkled them all, before they were truly accomplished.

At this time, the sky was already bright.

Lin Chuan took a shower to wash away the smell of sweat on his body, and he was full of energy.

Lin Chuan knew that this was all given by the Spirit Gathering Pill.

Now, only Dad, Mom, Sister and Fatty Yao have eaten the Pill.

From now on, this thing can’t be taken out at will.

“Have a cup of tea, rest your feet, hahaha…”

Lin Chuan was in a great mood, returned to the main courtyard, boiled water, and made a pot of tea for himself.

The fragrance is overflowing, and the spirit is refreshed.

After drinking a pot, Lin Chuan was also hungry.

He remembered the lettuce leaves he plucked yesterday, so he made himself a pot of vegetable leaf porridge.

After a while, the smell of the kitchen smelled.

“Is it because of those vegetable leaves?”

Lin Chuan was ecstatic.

If these dishes can have such a good taste, that’s it!

A full vegetarian banquet for 10,000 yuan a table, no counter-offer!

When the porridge was cooked, Lin Chuan couldn’t wait to fill a bowl, and the aroma was so fragrant that Lin Chuan’s saliva was greedy.

He scooped a spoon, blew it a few times, and sent it into his mouth without waiting for it to cool down.

Fresh, fragrant, soft and waxy, with an excellent taste.

If you sprinkle some chopped green onions, it will be more delicious.

Lin Chuan gobbled it up, almost biting his tongue.

After a bowl of porridge, my stomach is warm, and my whole body feels vigorous.

Lin Chuan was excited all over.

Ten thousand yuan a table, now such a big place, as long as there is enough food and manpower to receive five tables and eight tables a day, it is not difficult to make two million a month!

Don’t those relatives look down on our family?

Hmph, you used to be ignorant of me, but now I want you to be unable to afford it.

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