My Mech Queen

Chapter 466

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In the cemetery, the lingering rain finally stopped.

Soon, a ray of sunlight was poured through the gaps in the clouds. Under the action of rain particles in the air, a beautiful rainbow of faintly discernible was hung in the sky above the northern suburbs cemetery.

Fang Shi had a long talk with Parliamentary Director Huang Runshan not at all, but only briefly exchanged a few words, and then led Nana and the big man down a moderate pace down the mountain.

I was slightly curious about the silver-haired girl on Fang Shi side: “big brother, how are you talking?”

Fang Shi’s mouth slightly smiled and calmly replied: “There should be no problem, the specific matters need to be discussed in Xingluo City.”

The two people who have just exchanged their views with Huang Runshan, the chairman of the parliament, are actually limited to a simple conversation on the surface. From the attitude expressed by the Parliament Chief Huang Runshan, Fang Shi knew that the Chairman of the Parliament should be interested in the 2 Jiaozhou Star District, so his card of 3 Jiaozhou Star District should be able to play a role.

After going down the mountain, Fang Shi directly left the Beijiao Cemetery and headed for Xingqing Town.

On the tomb hill, Huang Runshan, the parliament chief wearing a black coat, looked at the car leaving at the foot of the mountain, and there was a slight dignity on the face of ancient well without ripples. He was quite surprised by the appearance of the Tianjiao controller in 3 Jiaozhou Star District. If there is no wrong guess, today ’s encounter should not be a chance encounter, but a deliberate encounter. The other party may have learned of him. Whereabouts information, thus creating this seemingly accidental encounter. In the Xingluo Empire, his whereabouts information is highly classified. I could not imagine that the youngster could be informed. It seems that the other party not at all looks so simple on the surface.

In addition, Huang Runshan also has a huge doubt, how exactly that youngster can unify 3 star islands in trifling within a few years, there should be a very powerful force behind him, just about this force so far he Still confused.

After standing quietly for more than ten minutes, Huang Runshan slowly opened the mouth and said: “Ye Yu, check the youngster at the fastest speed.”

A black clothed man standing on the side of Huangrun Mountain immediately respected the replied: “Yes, the President of Parliament.”


Soon after returning to the hotel, Fang Shi and Nana left Xingqing Town and went to Xingluo City.

After arriving in Xingluo City, several people found a hotel to stay in.

Three days later, several special official vehicles of the Empire arrived at the hotel. Several people wearing black formal suits quickly got out of the car, led by a woman with glasses and a serious face.

Soon, the woman took two black clothed men to the door of Fang Shi’s room.

In the room, Nana had already noticed the three people at her door, and the network system of this hotel was completely in her hands.

The big man opened the door and led the woman in black formal spectacles into the room.

The glasses woman’s eyes soon locked on Fang Shi and asked politely: “Is it Mr. Fang Shi?”

Fang Shi slightly nodded.

The glasses woman said with a slight smile: “Hello, Mr. Fang Shi, I am the secretary of the parliament. The parliament chairman invites you to lunch together. I wonder if you have time?”

Fang Shi indifferently replied: “Yes.”

Soon after, Fang Shi took the big man and followed the glasses woman and left the hotel.

A few special vehicles quickly entered the hotel, and then moved quickly towards a certain direction.

An hour later, the car entered an area of ​​special martial law. In the middle of the area was a hill that didn’t look very impressive.

Looking at the hill not far away, Fang Shi’s complexion flashed slightly, and the hill was no ordinary hill. In the eyes of the people of the Xingluo Empire, it was an extremely tall and high mountain.

Parliament Hill symbolizes the Peak of Star Power Empire.

Fang Shi’s car passed through layers of checkpoints and finally stopped in front of a villa at the foot of Parliament Hill.

The glasses woman said politely: “Mr. Fang Shi, here we are.”

Fang Shi slightly nodded, but couldn’t help but get out of the car slowly, and then followed the eyes of the woman into the seemingly simple villa.

The big man stayed outside the villa.

Through a brief introduction by the woman, Fang Shi knew that the simple villa in which he lived was the usual residence of the Parliament Chief Huang Runshan, but what surprised him a little was that there was nothing special in the villa, no gold and jade in glorious splendor. Luxurious design is just a simple and simple design, and many furniture decoration seems to have been some years.

Under the guidance of the woman with eyes, Fang Shi walked into an elegant room with open windows on one side of the room and a wide view. It just happened to take the exterior of the villa in the entire scene.

“Mr. Fang Shi, please wait a moment, Mr. Councillor will come over immediately.” The woman with eyes greeted politely and quickly gave Fang Shi a cup of tea.

Fang Shi slightly nodded, walked to the window, quietly looked at the cyan-green scenery outside the window, not at all other buildings near the villa, only some lush trees, at the foot of the mountain was a large green grass, among which There are 2 small rivers that meander through, and in the distance are various high-rise urban buildings in Xingluo City, which combine all the scenery in the field of vision, like a beautiful painting of the city and nature. , Looks quite comfortable.

After a while, a man with white temples walked slowly into the room with a gentle smile on his face.

The person who came in was Huang Runshan, the parliament leader of the Star Empire.

Fang Shi got up slightly and said politely, “Mr. President.”

Huang Runshan was slightly nodded and said politely: “Sit.”

While speaking, Huang Runshan had walked across from Fang Shi, and then sat down with only a wooden table between the two.

Fang Shi looked calm and sat down.

With a smile on his face, Huang Runshan greeted politely.

Soon, lunch was served on the table between two people.

The lunch is very simple, and there are no high-end rare dishes, all are ordinary food, and the food on the dinner plate for 2 is almost exactly the same, a palm-size grilled steak, a piece of foie gras, a few slices of ham, some vegetables and mushrooms Mushrooms, and a bottle of red wine that has been drunk for nearly half.

The people on the side opened the red wine, carefully poured some wine glasses in front of Fang Shi and Huang Runshan, and then quickly exited the room.

Huang Runshan picked up the wine glass at a moderate pace, shook it gently, and said with a smile: “Cheers.”

Fang Shi picked up the wine glass, touched it slightly with Huang Runshan’s hand, and then took a sip. The taste did not seem to be much different from the red wine he had previously drunk, and he knew nothing about wine tasting or the like.

Then, the 2 people just started a seemingly simple lunch.

Although the ingredients are ordinary, the taste is very good.

While enjoying delicious food, the 2 people are talking to you one by one.

During this period, Huang Runshan took the initiative to bring up topics related to Huang Shujian’s old man, telling a lot about Huang Shujian’s old man, with a slight respect in his tone.

When referring to Teacher Huang Shujian, Fang Shi as a student naturally has unlimited respect.

Half an hour later, the lunch was over, and a hot cup of tea was placed in front of each person.

Huang Runshan said with a slight smile: “This is Suxiang tea from Wulong Planet, how does it taste?”

Fang Shi took a sip, and the tea brought a hint of bitterness, but the bitterness was mixed with a hint of fresh fragrance, refreshing.

“good smell.”

Fang Shi gave a simple answer. He didn’t have much research on tea, and he didn’t know how to judge it, but just gave himself the most intuitive feeling.

Huang Runshan picked up the teacup and took a sip, then said at a moderate pace: “Actually, the most important thing for Suxiang tea is because of the slight bitterness, which is why I like it. The bitterness makes the fragrance more perfect. “

2 people were drinking bitter Suxiang tea, while continuing a seemingly lessless chat.

In fact, in the communication with Fang Shi, Huang Runshan always secretly observes Fang Shi, he wants to know the youngster in front of him more clearly. Before inviting Fang Shi, he had obtained detailed information about Fang Shi. Of course, the part of the information outside the Xingluo Empire was missing, but the part of the empire was still quite clear. For example, related to employees of the headquarters of Snowflake Company Experience; another example is the information sent to the Deep Blue Base after being investigated by the Imperial Army.

After reading the information about Fang Shi, Huang Runshan was quite surprised. He didn’t think that 2 people actually had 2 contacts indirectly or directly. For the first time, the uncle asked him for help more than ten years ago. At that time, he asked the security bureau Te Family Group to come forward and helped the youngster in front of him; another time was at the uncle ’s birthday party. No wonder when I first saw the influence of Fang Shi in the 3 Jiaozhou Star District Intelligence, I felt like I had seen it there.

In addition, Huang Runshan was quite surprised that Fang Shi’s identity in the empire is now a fugitive from the military department. He has carefully checked the fact that Fang Shi has become a fugitive. It turns out that the youngsters in front of him and the family of Hua Family have some holidays Targeted to the planet called “Dark Blue Prison”.

Huang Runshan is quite familiar with the Deep Blue Prison. It has been established for almost 100 years. It is a closed planet used to hold special groups of people. He was a little surprised that the youngster in front of him came from the Western Region called the Dark Blue Prison. Escaped from the planet, and became a wanted criminal of the empire, and now he has become the supreme ruler of the 3 horns.

Many questions made Huang Runshan wonder if he tried to think about what special connection Fang Shi has with the Galaxy Alliance. After all, his father is most likely to be a member of the Galaxy Alliance, but after careful deliberation, he was rejected again. The youngster in front of him He is a huge mystery, so he must know clearly.

After some seemingly aimless communication with Fang Shi, Huang Runshan had a better understanding of the youngster in front of him. From his reading of Uncle Huang Shujian and various aspects of the Xingluo Empire, the other party should still be the Xingluo Empire. Emotional, or a certain sense of belonging to the Xingluo Empire, confirming this point also gives him more hope.

The seemingly aimless chat lasted for half an hour, Huang Runshan finally shifted the topic to the 3 Jiaozhou star area, at first he only asked about the basic situation of the 3 Jiaozhou star area, such as the current situation of the 3 Jiaozhou star area. Development.

In addition, Huang Runshan also asked some relevant information about Tianluo. He was still very curious about Tianluo, a mysterious force that had risen in the 3 Jiaozhou Star District in just a few years. The intelligence personnel of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District The information returned about Tianluo is extremely limited. To date, he still knows very little about Tianluo, but he asked too obviously, after all, many of them may be Tianluo’s secrets.

In the face of the seemingly random question of Council President Huang Runshan, Fang Shi one after another gave a detailed and inconsistent answer. Some of the information about the basics of Xingluo was very detailed, but the question about Tianluo was rough. Answer 2: 1 Tianluo’s confidentiality is also his real guarantee, he will not be exposed at will.

After the communication about the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, Huang Runshan suddenly said seriously: “Fang Shi, have you considered adding 3 Jiaozhou Star District to the Xingluo Empire?”

“Join the Star Empire?”

There was a slight accident on Fang Shi’s face, and he considered the most ideal state. 3 Jiaozhou Star Zone cooperated with Xingluo Empire. After all, 3 Jiaozhou Star Zone connected Xingluo Empire with Galactic Alliance, but he did not expect Huang Runshan will directly propose to add 3 Jiaozhou Star District to Xingluo Empire, but he had thought about adding 3 Jiaozhou Star Zone to Xingluo Empire, as long as the other party does not shake Tian Luo ’s dominance in 3 Jiaozhou Star Zone, he It can be considered.

Huang Runshan stared at the youngster in front of him, and it was naturally his most ideal result to let 3 Jiaozhou Star District join the Xingluo Empire. Seeing Fang Shi clearly had some concerns. He knew that this might require some difficulty. I saw slightly nodded. Continue Said: “Yes, join the Xingluo Empire, but you can rest assured that even if the 3 Jiaozhou Xingluo joins the Xingluo Empire, it will threaten the status of Tianluo in 3 Xingzhou Xingluo. , Only nominally join the Xingluo Empire and fulfill some simple obligations. Of course, as part of the Xingluo Empire, the Xingluo Empire will support the 3 Jiaozhou Star District according to the actual situation, such as funds and resources. In addition, it can provide various Technical support. “

While Huang Runshan was talking, he carefully looked at Fang Shi.

Fang Shi listened calmly, but his heart was slightly moved. The current three-corner star area is lagging behind in all aspects of the Star Empire and the Galactic Alliance. If it develops at its own speed, it wants to catch up with the stars. The Luo Empire and the Galactic Alliance did not know how many years it would take. In addition, the resources of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District are relatively scarce. Many scarce resources rely on smuggling from the Xingluo Empire and the Galaxy Alliance, and the number of smuggled resources is very limited. This is also the long-term backwardness of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District. The main reason for the Xingluo Empire and the Galaxy Alliance is that if the Xingluo Empire is willing to vigorously support the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, it is undoubtedly a very beneficial thing for the development of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District.

However, Fang Shi knows that if the Xingluo Empire strongly supports it, the 3 Jiaozhou Star District must have corresponding obligations. In this world impossible, there is a good thing in the world, and the so-called simple obligation of the Huang Longshan Pass It is his concern. Although the other party said that joining the Xingluo Empire will not affect the status of Tianluo in the 3 Delta Continent, he still needs to consider it carefully.

After being silent for a moment, Fang Shi said slightly and solemnly: “Mr. Council, I don’t know what obligations will be fulfilled after the 3 Jiaozhou Star District joins the Star Empire?”

Huang Runshan thought for a while and said at a moderate pace: “I’m afraid I can’t finish the specific obligations at once. So, I will draw up a basic obligation for both parties, and then let the secretary send you to you. The two sides can continue to discuss the appropriate points. When the time comes If you intend to let 3 Jiaozhou Star District join Tianluo, our two sides will send a delegation in an official form to conduct detailed negotiations and consultations on specific matters in various aspects, you see how is it?”


The two-person conversation lasted for almost 2 hours before finally ending.

Later, Fang Shi returned to the hotel in a vehicle specially arranged for him.

In the hotel room, the silver-haired girl saw Fang Shi back, and a little impatient asked Fang Shi.

Fang Shi then recounted the things related to the Huangrun Mountain at the foothills of the Parliament Hill. The main thing is naturally the matter of joining the Xingluo Empire in the 3 Jiaozhou Star District.

The afternoon of the next day, the former secretary of parliament sent Fang Shi a concise summary of the basic rights and obligations of both sides after joining the Xing Luo Empire.

Fang Shi read it carefully, and then discussed it with Nana one by one. The two people mainly judged whether these terms were critical or might be critical to Tianluo’s dominance in the 2 Jiaozhou Star District.

After some careful research, the content of the basic rights and obligations is still within the scope of acceptance by Fang Shi and Nana, and only a few of them need to be slightly modified. 2

On the morning of the second day, Fang Shi gave a clear answer to the secretary of the Parliament.

In the afternoon of the same day, a few black Xing Luo official special cars visited the hotel again,

Fang Shi got in the car and went to the villa at the foot of Parliament Hill again.

In the reception room of the Shanlu Villa, Fang Shi and the parliament chief Huang Runshan reached a common wish after more than 4 hours of continuous conversation. Tianluo will send an official delegation to the Xingluo Empire to discuss specific parties.

After dinner with Huang Runshan, Fang Shi left the foothills of Parliament Hill.

Regarding the dispatch of an official delegation, Fang Shi and Nana immediately made a more detailed arrangement. As for the transmission of relevant information back to 3 Jiaozhou Xingqu, Nana resolved it. In addition, he planned to let Nana serve as the delegation. Leader, Nana is actually the clearest person about Tian Luo ’s interests.

After confirming the relevant matters, Fang Shi and Nana left S1 Xing Luo Planet non-stop and took a space spaceship heading to S5 north to the planet.

Five days later, the space spaceship reached S5 north to the planet.

The reason why Fang Shi rushed to the S5 north to the planet is actually like attending the wedding of Third Senior Brother Su Feichen and Fourth Senior Sister Xiao Lingyun. Now he has eliminated the identity of the military fugitive, and he also has the Parliamentary President Huang Runshan The special identities endowed in the Xingluo Empire no longer need to be covered up.

After reaching S5 north to the planet, Fang Shi and Nana finally reached the final destination of Luoda after several rounds.

“Hope to catch up!”

When I walked out of the airport of Luoda City, Fang Shi’s face was slightly anxious. It was more than 2 o’clock in the morning, and today is the wedding day of Third Senior Brother Su Feichen and Fourth Senior Sister Xiao Lingyun, at 1 o’clock. Held, it is now only tens of minutes away, I do not know if it can catch up.

Soon, Fang Shi and Nana got in the car moved towards the wedding venue that was previously obtained from Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu.

Along the way, the car drove quickly.

At first, the taxi driver was not happy, but after Fang Shi gave him the stupid coins, he no longer cares.

Half an hour later, Fang Shi arrived at the outskirts of the wedding.

The wedding site was on a large outdoor lawn, which was carefully decorated inside and outside the lawn, full of joy.

However, Fang Shi was blocked from the outside of the scene. It turned out that special invitations were needed to attend the wedding, and he and Nana had endured the hardships of a long journey.

Seeing the outside guards not letting in, Nana was slightly irritated, and was about to force the big man and the two sunglasses men behind him to forcibly break in. Fortunately, Fang Shi was blocked in time.

Fang Shi took out Tianxun and quickly contacted Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu.

A few minutes later, Ye Zhiqiu hurried to the peripheral entrance, and when she saw Fang Shi’s face, there was a slight worry on her face. She walked to Fang Shi’s side, her voice dignified. Said, “Little Junior Brother, why don’t you hide your face.”

Ye Zhiqiu did not know that Fang Shi had contacted the identity of the military fugitive. Seeing Fang Shi came to the wedding site without any concealment, he couldn’t help but immediately feel more worried. Among the people attending the wedding today, there are some young Emperor If the people of the national military are found, it will be very bad for Fang Shi.

Fang Shi said with a slight smile: “Senior Sister, don’t worry, my current military fugitive status has been lifted.”

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a while. This was not seen with Little Junior Brother Fang Shi for more than 20 days. The other party said that the identity of the military fugitive had been lifted. Her first reaction was a bit stunned. She was still quite concerned about Fang Shi. It is clear, but the secrets related to the military special department are not so easy to say that they can be released. At first, she got rid of a lot of relationships, but ended up with no results. She was really curious about how Fang Shi did it, but she still subconsciously asked with a hint of doubt: “Really lifted? “

Fang Shi was definitely nodded and replied: “Really.”

With a positive answer from Little Junior Brother, Ye Zhiqiu’s expression eased slightly.

It was at this moment that the loud voice of the wedding ceremonial sounded in the middle of the lawn.

Ye Zhiqiu saw this, but he didn’t ask any more, but said quickly: “Little Junior Brother, the wedding is about to start, follow me in.”

Soon, Fang Shi and Nana followed Ye Zhiqiu into the large lawn of the wedding scene, and the big man and two sunglasses men stayed outside.

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