My Mech Queen

Chapter 465

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After seeing Fang Shi, Ye Zhiqiu’s worries were overjoyed after all. In her view, since Fang Shi had a good life in 3 horns, he should be there honestly. The Star Empire was too dangerous for him By the way, once caught by the imperial military it would be terrible.

Faced with the concerns of Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu, Fang Shi expression said calmly: “Senior Sister, you don’t have to worry. Since I chose to return to the Xingluo Empire, I am sure that I will not be caught, and I will remove the identity of the fugitive as soon as possible. “

“Removal of fugitive identity?”

Ye Zhiqiu was slightly flustered. According to the information she obtained from the Imperial Army three years ago, Little Junior Brother Fang Shi was involved in the military secrets of the military, and most people could not intervene. If Teacher Huang Shujian was still alive, he might have several points. of turning point, and now Fang Shi actually said it could lift the military department ’s Teco hunt, her first reaction was to be stunned, and then said with some questioning tone: “You really have a way to lift the fugitive identity?”

Fang Shi nodded and said: “At least 50% sure.”

Ye Zhiqiu took a closer look at Fang Shi and saw his serious and positive expression, and determined that Little Junior Brother seemed to be not at all joking, and couldn’t help wondering what the Little Junior Brother was doing, but she didn’t ask at all but asked lightly Light nodded.

Fang Shi turned the subject slightly, and asked, “Senior Sister, how are these three years?”

Ye Zhiqiu took the tea in front of him and took a sip, indifferently said: “Anxu is okay, the Academy in Liyuan performed quite well. By the way, there is a fashion show event held by her and some classmates tonight , I ’m going to take a look at it at night. “

“Oh.” Fang Shi smiled a little, and younger sister Anxu can be said to be the closest person. Since she is okay, he will be relieved a lot, “I will go with Senior Sister at night, my big Brother seems to be too incompetent. “

Ye Zhiqiu said with a slight smile: “You just know.”


In the corner, the communication between Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu lasted more than 2 hours.

The exchange of two people involved some aspects. For example, a new generation of Phantom Mecha has been developed. According to Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu, the current Phantom 2 model Mecha has been officially recognized by the military as the first 005th generation Mecha of the Empire. This can be regarded as the successful completion of the original Teacher Huang Shujian’s wishes.

In addition, Fang Shi also received quite good news from Senior Sister. Third Senior Brother Su Feichen and Fourth Senior Sister Xiao Lingyun will be holding their wedding ceremony from S1 north to the planet. If his planned things go well, he should Can catch up with that wedding.

For the combination of Third Senior Brother Su Feichen and Fourth Senior Sister Xiao Lingyun, Fang Shi is still very happy to see that 2 people are very suitable for one hot and one cold.

Night falls.

Fang Shi and Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu met at the appointed place, and Nana was with him.

Looking at the pretty intimate silver-haired girl of 17-18 years old beside Little Junior Brother, Ye Zhiqiu was surprised. A beautiful face and a perfect figure that made women jealous.

“Senior Sister, hello, my name is Nana.”

Not waiting for Fang Shi to introduce, the silver-haired girl introduced herself with a big smile.

Wearing Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu’s rather weird gaze, Fang Shi was slightly helpless. Originally, he planned to go alone with Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu to Liyuan Design Academy to participate in the fashion show of younger sister An Xu and his classmates, but Nana was worried His safety came along.

An hour later, 3 people arrived at Liyuan Design Academy.

Fashion show events are held in small venues and are relatively simple. Most of the audience are students.

Fang Shi, Nana and Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu found a seat and sat down.

Soon, the fashion show officially began.

After a brief introduction by the host, he quickly entered the exciting catwalk link. Under the dynamic music background, a model dressed in various styles of fashion immediately followed the T-stage.

Fang Shi doesn’t have any concept of fashion, but just looks at it quietly, and his side silver-haired girl seems very interested and praises a few words from time to time.

The fashion show event lasted about 2 hours before and after.

At the end of the event, costume designers also appeared on stage.

Fang Shi clearly saw the silhouette of the younger sister Anxu. I saw that she was wearing a black and simple style gauze one-piece dress. Qingli was touching, almost without the greenness in his memory, it was considered a mature Big girl. While gratified, he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. He wanted to watch the younger sister grow up slowly, but didn’t want to miss this beautiful time.

After the fashion show, Fang Shi 3 people waited quietly outside the show building.

Ye Zhiqiu made a news call, but she didn’t mention Fang Shi. Obviously she also wanted to make a surprise.

Soon, the girl in a black tulle skirt walked out of the show building quickly.

Anxu hurried to Fang Shi near 3 people, and then looked at Fang Shi with a stunned look, she not at all immediately recognized Fang Shi and Nana, because both people were disguised, but from the familiar eyes she was still very Quickly realized what.

Ye Zhiqiu slightly laughed aside and said, “Anxu, guess who he is?”

An Xu took a look at the silver-haired girl with a big smile beside Fang Shi. The answer in her heart seemed to become an affirmative answer at once. There was more joy on her face, and she opened the mouth and said a little bit excitedly. : “Big brother ……”

Fang Shi’s inner emotions were surging. He stepped forward and embraced Anxu into his arms. He whispered in his ear: “It’s me, Anxu, the big brother is back.”

A familiar voice floated in my mind, and Anxu ’s somewhat depressed emotions in this brief moment seemed to explode completely. His hands subconsciously hugged the big brother who had n’t seen him for 3 years. Her communication device will receive a good message from the big brother every once in a while, but she still seems quite worried. In fact, she has learned some information from the big brother Fang Shi from Ye Zhiqiu, although Ye Zhiqiu not at all gave her specific instructions, but she knew that big brother’s situation should be very bad.

Soon after, 4 people left the Liyuan Design Academy together.

Back at the apartment, Fang Shi and Anxu started a knee-long conversation. Two people who hadn’t seen each other for three years seemed to have an endless speech in their hearts.

Anxu recounted the events of the last 3 years. It seems that there is nothing special about it. During these 3 years, almost all her energy has been put on the study of Liyuan Design Academy.

After telling his story, An Xu looked seriously and asked slightly dignifiedly: “big brother, you honestly tell me your current situation, I have understood some things about you from Zhiqiu elder sister, 3 years What secret mission did you say before, I know you are afraid that I am worried about cheating me, but now Anxu has grown up, please stop cheating me!

Looking at Anxu’s extremely serious expression, Fang Shi slightly laughed, extend the hand lightly and stroked Fuanxu’s black and smooth hair, nodded and said: “Well, it seems that my Anxu really grew up. Then I will not hide you. In fact, the big brother has been a wanted criminal of the Empire military 3 years ago, and in the past 3 years, I have been staying in a star called 3 Jiaozhou outside the Star Empire Area.”

“3 Jiaozhou Star District?” Anxu slightly revealed some doubts. 3 Jiaozhou Star District she had a rough geographical concept. It was interspersed in the Xingluo Empire and the Galaxy Alliance. I saw a very small space area. Some special reasons 3 The Jiaozhou Star District is neither part of the Xingluo Empire nor the Galactic Alliance.

However, thinking of the status of the big brother Fang Shi as the fugitive of the imperial military, Anxu’s face is full of worries. In her view, the imperial military is a very powerful existence, it almost represents the entire Xingluo Empire, then also It means that the situation of big brother Fang Shi is not quite dangerous, even more dangerous than she knew from Ye Zhiqiu before.

Ansu said solemnly: “big brother, then you now …”

Not waiting for Ansu to finish, Fang Shi interrupted: “Ansu, you don’t have to worry about me. The reason why the big brother returned to the Star Empire this time was to eliminate the identity of the military fugitive.”

An Xu looked and looked at big brother Fang Shi, his big dark eyes blinked slightly, and then said with a hint of doubt: “Big brother really has a way to eliminate the identity of the fugitive?”

Fang Shi nodded seriously, and then said affirmatively: “Well, rest assured, this big brother absolutely did not lie to you, it should be fine after a while. By the way, Anxu, if the big brother takes you to the 3rd corner together Zhouxing District, are you willing? “

“Go to 3 Jiaozhou Star District?” Anxu froze a little, paused for a few seconds, and then replied firmly: “I will, big brother Anxu will go there.”

Fang Shi lightly un’ed and said, “If everything goes well, we may leave Xingluo and head to the 3 Jiaozhou Star Zone in a few months. You’d better be prepared during this time.”


siblings 2 people continued to talk at a moderate pace until late at night.

In the following days, Fang Shi stayed in Snow City. He quietly went to Qin Garden College, where he once spent an unforgettable day, revisiting his hometown, and couldn’t help reminding him of the days in memory. In addition, he also went to the Xijiao Cemetery in Snow City to worship Uncle Zhong, a man who also came from the K3 mine star in the Western Region.

On the fifth day, Fang Shi and Nana left Snow City, went to Nanzhou City, and got on the space spaceship to S5 Star Planet.

S3 Nanzhou Planet and S1 Star Luo are two closest star regions in the central star zone. Over a day, the space spaceship landed on S2 Star Luo.

After arriving at S1 Xingluo Planet, Fang Shi moved to Xingluo, the core city of Xingluo. He once came to Xingluo City, and that time it was with senior brother and senior sister that he returned from Langfang Star and went to Xingqing Town to see his tutor Huang Shujian.

When I came to S1 Xingluo this time, one of the purposes was to worship the old man who made a major turning point in his life-tutor Huang Shujian. The old man was one of his most grateful people. It was the old man who changed the fate of a teenager from a remote mine star. Now that teenager has become a man in his 30s. Tian Luo, head of state, he may be called a great character.

After arriving in Xingluo City, several people found a hotel and stayed.

After a while, Fang Shi stayed in the house and basically stayed in the hotel room, but Nana and the big man were just the opposite. Most of the time they were not in the hotel. As for the other two sunglasses men, they stayed in Fang Shi ’s. Around.

In fact, Fang Shi came to S1 Xing Luo for a more important purpose. He needed to meet someone, someone who was enough to help him get rid of the military fugitive status.

After half a month, Nana finally got an important message about that person through special means.

“Is Qingtian Day? Just a few days later, it seems that we need to arrange it in advance.” After receiving the person’s information, Fang Shi showed a slight smile, and began to figure out the corresponding plan in his heart.

On the 2nd day in the morning, Fang Shi left Snow City and got on the train to Xingqing Town.

After more than 2 hours, the train arrived at Xingqing Town.

After leaving the train station, Fang Shi and Nana stayed in an upscale hotel in the town.

In the following days, Fang Shi still stayed in the house and spent most of his time in the hotel, while Nana and the big two went out at night and returned to the hotel before dawn.

The Qing Festival, a traditional festival of worship in the Xingluo Empire, is an important day for future generations to worship the deceased.

At 8 o’clock in the morning, Fang Shi, Nana and the big man in black serious dress left the hotel and took a car to the north suburb of Xingqing Car, which has the largest cemetery in Xingqing City.

The rain, plopping down the ground, cast a touch of sadness on the Qing Day.

Along the way, a lot of vehicles were driving towards the northern suburbs, walking through the rain.

Half an hour later, Fang Shi’s black car arrived at the Beijiao cemetery. After a special inspection at the gate sentry post of the cemetery, he entered the cemetery casually.

Eventually, the black car stopped at the foot of a mountain.

The three of Fang Shi and Nana got out of the car and moved towards the hill under a big black umbrella. It was a slightly special tomb hill in the northern suburb cemetery.

After walking for more than ten minutes on foot, Fang Shi and Nana stopped in front of a tomb.

There is a black and white portrait of the old man directly above the tombstone, with a faint smile, and in the center are a few striking characters-Huang Shujian’s tomb.

Fang Shi looked solemn, and the tomb in front of him was the tombstone of his tutor Huang Shujian. The old man died more than 4 years ago. At that time, he was still trapped in the dark blue and knew nothing about it. Later he was informed through Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu News.

Looking at the head of Huang Shujian with a faint smile on the tombstone, he couldn’t help feeling slightly sentimental. At Snowflake Company headquarters, he rarely sees the smile of the old man. Most of the old people who work normally are a serious pair of True God love.

“Teacher, I’m sorry, I’m only coming to see you now.”

The flowers prepared by Fang Shi were carefully placed in front of the tombstone, and then they bowed with respect and respect.

The rain kept falling.

After worshipping Fang Shi, not at all, anxious to leave, but standing quietly, he was waiting for someone, someone very important to him.

Time slowly passed by the ticking rain.

“Big brother, it’s almost time, will that person come?” The silver-haired girl on the side said slowly.

Fang Shi looked quiet and said softly: “Since his schedule has been arranged, he should come, not to mention today is Qing Day.”

“Oh.” The silver-haired girl was slightly nodded.

At the same time, several special black cars stopped at the foot of the tomb.

More than a dozen men in serious black uniforms came down from the car, and quickly reached one of the black cars.

The door was slowly pushed open, and a man dressed in a black coat walked off the car at a moderate pace. The man was about 60 years old, and his temple hair was pale and his expression was solemn.

Soon, the entire group moved towards the tomb hill.

In front of Huang Shujian’s tomb, the silver-haired girl showed a slight tinge of joy, and said softly, “big brother, that person seems to be coming.”

Fang Shi was lightly nodded, Yu Guang looked at a dozen people who were moving towards here not far away, and the front face was a few robust man with a burly figure, his expression was indifferent, his eyes sharp and abnormal, he seemed to lock him 3 people with Nana.

Soon, the entire group stopped in front of the tomb not far from Fang Shi.

The man in a black coat came to worship in front of the tomb.

Fang Shi took a deep breath, and then moved towards the dozen black clothed persons.

Nana and the big man are behind Fang Shi.

More than ten men wearing black coats nearby saw Fang Shi walked over, almost all of them locked their eyes on Fang Shi. At the same time, many people subconsciously reached into their clothes, and there were 3 others. The man in black clothed was blocked subconsciously.

Nearly a dozen meters from the other party, Fang Shi stopped, looked towards the man in the black coat, and then yelled, “Mr. President.”

Not far away, the man in the black coat was Huang Runshan, the parliament chief of the Xingluo Empire. There is no one of the most powerful men in the empire, and he is the one Fang Shi wants to see.

On the face of Huang Runshan’s ancient well without ripples who had just finished worshiping a father, there was a slight flash of surprise on his face, and then moved towards the direction where the sound came from. He soon found that his youngster was facing him not far away.


Seeing the look of the youngster, Huang Runshan added some surprises to his face. It was a face that made him quite deep. In intelligence from the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, he saw many times a face similar to it.

So he took a closer look subconsciously, and it was indeed very similar to the head of Tian Luo, who had unified the 3 delta star zone in the intelligence from the 3 delta star zone. Of course, he was not sure that the youngster not far away was The highest-ranking person in the three-corner star zone, because this is the empire, the central star zone of the empire, and the star planet of the empire.

“Is it just like it?”

Huang Runshan was a little puzzled in his heart. He was really hard to believe that the youngster in the 3 Jiaozhou Star District would appear in the northern suburb cemetery of Xingqing Town.

The eyes of more than a dozen bodyguards around Huang Runshan are highly vigilant. As long as Fang Shi has any changes, for the safety of Mr. Parliament, they will choose to shoot the other party’s uniform or directly kill them without the slightest hesitation. Anything that may be safe for Mr. Parliament All threats must be removed as quickly as possible.

Huang Runshan saw Fang Shi for more than ten seconds before slowly opening the mouth and said: “Are you?”

In fact, before worshipping the father, he had noticed the 3 people of Fang Shi. The cemetery was the tomb of Uncle Huang Runshan. He guessed in his heart that the other party might be a person of Huang Family or a person closely related to the uncle.

Fang Shi looked calm and self-introduced: “Mr. President, my name is Fang Shi. I used to be a designer of Snowflake Company Mecha. The one lying there is my mentor Huang Shujian, and I still have another identity. It ’s the head of Tianluo in 3 Jiaozhou Star District. I wonder if Mr. Council is interested in 3 Jiaozhou Star District? “

When in the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, Fang Shi had actually contacted some Xingluo Empire intelligence personnel. Of course, he did not appear directly at all, but through a special unit controlled by Nana, and many intelligence personnel were implanted with special chips. It can be said that the Xingluo Empire intelligence personnel also secretly served Tianluo, but the Xingluo Empire people were not at all aware.

From the information provided by the Xingluo empire intelligence personnel, Fang Shi knew that the Xingluo empire seemed interested in the 3 Jiaozhou constellation. The empire ’s intelligence section was directly under the Xingluo central agency, which meant that the intelligence unit was the head of the Parliament Huang Runshan It is directly responsible, which shows that the council mayor Huang Runshan may be very interested in the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, and he is now the controller of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District. Talk about something directly, such as removing the identity of the criminal wanted by the imperial military.

“Little Uncle’s student!”

“3 Head of Tianluo in Jiaozhou Star District!”

Huang Runshan’s ancient well without ripples flashed a slightly imperceptible shock on his face. Fang Shi’s answer undoubtedly affirmed his doubts. The youngster in front of him is the head of Tianluo in the unified 3 horn star zone in the intelligence, and The other party also has a layer of identity that makes him quite interested. The uncle is the other party’s mentor, what does this mean?

Huang Runshan is indeed very interested in the 3 Jiaozhou Star Zone. Although the entire 3 Jiaozhou Star Zone space area is only half the size of the Empire Central Star Zone, it is another channel connecting the Star Empire and the Galactic Alliance. Quite important strategic significance, both the Star Empire and the Galaxy Alliance want to be brought under control, but unfortunately for various reasons, both sides have not succeeded. And now, he seems to see the possibility at once, and it is still a shortcut. That is the youngster in front of him. If the other party is willing to return to the Xingluo Empire, it is undoubtedly a great benefit to Xingluo.

Huang Runshan showed a mild smile and asked at a moderate pace: “Youngster, are you an Empire?”

Fang Shi paused, expression calmly replied: “It’s true.”

A touch of lightness flashed in Huang Runshan’s calm eyes. Fang Shi’s answer undoubtedly gave him another important answer. The other party admitted that he was a person of the Xingluo Empire, which was the recognition of the Xingluo Empire, and also from the side Reflecting that the other party seems likely to have the will to surrender to the Xingluo Empire, but this “really” seems to have a little reluctance.

After a few seconds of silence, Huang Runshan said with a slight smile: “youngster, if we don’t mind, we can sit down and talk.”

Fang Shi nodded replied: “It’s an honor.”


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