My Mech Queen

Chapter 429

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In the room, Fang Shi and Lei 10000 husband were talking to you at a moderate pace.

Through communication with Huo Lei 10000, Fang Shi not only had a clearer understanding of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, but also had a deeper understanding of the Lei Family Patriarch in front of him. The brief communication before the welcome party the other day was limited to the level of greetings, but he could not see what kind of person the other person was, but in this deeper exchange, he still could see something , The surface is gentle and elegant, the inner rigorous schemes and deep foresight, is definitely an old fox with a deep understanding of the world.

To be honest, Fang Shi is not very willing to deal with the old fox of the rigorous schemes and deep foresight such as Lei 10000 husband, but now he does not seem to have a better choice. Since the other party is willing to help him get to the Xingluo Empire Things, there is nothing to do for the other party for a period of time. Among them, he is too lazy to care about the gains and losses. Returning to the Xingluo Empire is his most important goal.

Near the end of the conversation, Lei 10000 face revealed a trace of dignity and said a little embarrassedly: “Fang Shi, finally the old man has a presumptuous request, and I hope you agree to the old man. This matter is very similar to my Lei Family. . “

Fang Shi showed some surprises on his face, and then said with a slight smile: “Ray Patriarch, please say, I can do my best.”

Mr. Lei 10000 showed some gratitude, and said slowly: “You should have heard that my Lei Family and Zhan Tai’s family have always been in disagreement. Recently, the contradiction has become more and more fierce. In fact, it is the collusion between the Zhantai family and the Skeleton Pirates. In fact, the most important reason for the intensification of the conflict is the competition in an important area. Neither of us intentionally let go easily to cause the escalation of friction, and almost all wars are evolving. , The old fox of the Zhantai family and I worked hard the other day, and finally decided to decide the final ownership of the area through a contest. “

“Compete?” Fang Shi froze for a moment, but thought to himself: “Does this Thousand Thousand Husband want him to take part in the contest instead of Lei Family.”

Lei 10000 husband immediately nodded, mood grave said: “Yes. However, this is not an ordinary contest, but a Mecha contest, I Lei Family and Zhan Tai family variable sects out 3 pilots, Mecha played one-on-one 3 matches, and that side won the final victory, and they gained control of the area. That area is very important to my Lei Family. In order to win the Mecha competition, I think Let you play for Lei Family as one of them. “

Fang Shi was a little helpless. Not long ago, the other party had just promised to help him do his best to go to the Xingluo Empire. At this time, he was not easy to refuse, but on the surface he still remained quiet and asked: “Zhan Tai’s family What is the pilot’s strength? “

Ray 10000 husband quickly replied: “According to the information I currently control, there should be a 7-star pilot, a 6-star pilot and a 5-star pilot among the pilots of the Zhantai family. In fact, the Zhantai family The old fox has made proposals in this regard, but because of the 7 star pilot of the other party, I have never dared to agree. My Lei Family Mecha team has only one 6 star pilot, and the 5 star pilot only has trifling Two people, if you participate in the Mecha contest, you will definitely lose. But if you can play on behalf of my Lei Family, I will still have a certain chance of winning the Lei Family against the 2-star pilot of the Zhantai family. “

Fang Shi Ning Shen thought for a moment, then nodded replied: “I can promise you to play for the Mecha Competition on behalf of Lei Family, but I also have a request.”

“Request?” Lei 10000 husband revealed a slight accident, then said: “Please say.”

Fang Shi at a moderate pace said: “Actually, this request is related to my friend Suya. She should follow me to the Xingluo Empire. I want Lei Patriarch to help me arrange a 2 , Her skill is very good, can be comparable to those of the Union ’s special combatants, but her most powerful is the firearms. When the Queen ’s spaceship battled those pirates, she could kill dozens of pirates by herself. If you can rest assured, you can give it a try. “

Lei 10000 husband sighed slightly in relief, he thought Fang Shi wanted to take the opportunity to lion’s big mouth, did not expect that the other party just let him arrange personal, which for him, it can definitely be regarded as a trifle of sesame and green beans, and according to Fang Shi It seems that the other party is a much more talented person, he is naturally very happy, I saw him said with a slight smile: “The person you recommend old man believe, your friend is a strong person, old man invites her It ’s too late, rest assured, as long as she is willing to join Lei Family, I will definitely not treat her with Lei Family. “

Fang Shi is grateful: “Xie Lei Patriarch.”

Afterwards, the two people reverted the topic to the Mecha contest. Mr. Lei 2 detailed the relevant matters with Fang Shi in detail. As for the specific time of the Mecha competition, Lei Family and Zhan Taijia need to discuss further.

The communication between Fang Shi and Lei 10000 husband lasted for 3 hours before finally falling to the curtain.

On the 2nd day in the morning, Fang Shi got the specific time of the Mecha Competition, which will be held in 1 month later, so he had to stay at Lei Family in the most recent month.

In the afternoon of that day, under the leadership of Lei Yutang, Lei Family Young Master, Fang Shi officially visited the Mecha unit of Lei Family. There are more than 150 pilots in the Lei Family pilot team, divided into 5 teams, each with about 30 people, of which 2 teams are reserved pilot teams. The pilots in the pilot team are not at all exclusive Mecha, because Lei Family has more than 90 Mechas in total, and can only barely equip 3 Mecha teams.

More than 90 Mechas are naturally nothing to the Star Empire and the Galaxy Alliance, but in the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, they can definitely be regarded as a force that cannot be underestimated. The forces that can own more than 90 Mechas are basically among the top. Within the power.

The treatment of the Lei Family Mecha troops is quite luxurious. The crew of more than 150 pilots even has a super large Mecha training ground and many complete supporting facilities. The ace pilot battalions of the Star Empire may not have such a favorable treatment. The only thing that can be regarded as some defects is that their machinery and equipment are somewhat outdated and outdated relative to the Empire.

Fang Shi, wearing Lei Family’s military uniform specially prepared for him, walked into the Mecha army camp that was almost protected by layers, and his identity was a little special, temporary pilot instructor, of course, “temporary” 2 The words were added by himself. In addition, he specially prepared a pair of sunglasses, so his rather ordinary face had a bit more solemn taste, which seemed more in line with the identity of an instructor.

In order to welcome the arrival of the new instructors, more than 150 pilots of the Lei Family pilot division were wearing uniform Lei pilot uniforms on the playground, and an orderly line was waiting.

The pilots of the Lei Family Mecha troops all behaved abruptly, because they also rushed to the drill site to gather for the emergency interim notice that they received not too long ago. They almost knew nothing about the new instructors, and of course there were exceptions. For example, the great Captain Yang Zhe, the Mecha unit admired by the pilots.

Yang Zhe did understood the new instructor Fang Shi’s information in advance, and it was personally informed by Patriarch Lei 10000. He learned that the other party was a high-level star pilot. At that time, he was quite surprised. He has stayed at the level of 6-star pilot for almost three years. If the other party really solves the fierce characters of more than a dozen skeleton pirates Mecha in a few minutes as Patriarch said, maybe he can give him some guidance and let him Reaching the level of a high-level pilot as soon as possible, as a real pilot, he still longs for Mecha to go further.

In the eyes expected by the pilots, Fang Shi walked to the front of the crowd at a moderate pace under the guidance of Deputy Great Captain Zhong Dawu.

Mecha ’s Great Captain Yang Zhe moved forward with a standard military salute. In the morning, under the arrangement of Patriarch Lei 10000, he and Fang Shi had met in advance. For the person in front of him, he was a few years younger than him. Youngster He did not show any disrespect or resistance, because he knew that the other party was the fierce character who killed a dozen Mechas of the Skeleton Pirates. In the chaotic star zone of 3 Jiaozhou, strength is the guarantee that is ultimately affirmed and respected. In front of a pilot who is far stronger than him, even if the other party is just a young man, he will also show that A respect for powerhouse. In fact, in the previous discussion with Patriarch Ray 10000, he also proposed to surrender the command of the Mecha unit Great Captain. After all, Fang Shi’s strength was far superior to him, but was rejected by Ray 10000.

Fang Shi slightly saluted a military salute. His impression of Mezha ’s Great Captain Yang Zhe was quite good. The opponent was Lei Family ’s currently strongest 6-star pilot and a member of Lei Family ’s participation in the Mecha Competition As for the other candidate, it was Zhong Dawu, the deputy Great Captain who led him all the way to the drill field.

Yang Zhe introduced the new instructor Fang Shi to the Lei Family pilots simply and solemnly.

In the enthusiastic applause of the pilots, Fang Shi was facing a crowd and saluted a military salute. After the applause came to a close, he preached at a moderate pace: “Hello everyone!”

The pilots shouted in unison: “Good instructor!”

The voice is neat and loud.

Fang Shi continued: “I am very happy to be your instructor. In the future, I will use my machine control experience to try my best to give you more help in machine control improvement. I believe that everyone who chooses to become a pilot has a A strong and tenacious heart, which is also a necessary quality to become a truly outstanding pilot … “

Fang Shi simply talked about the sounding speech for almost 3 minutes. To become the pilot instructor of the Lei Family Mecha unit was not actually his personal wish, but the request of Lei Family Patriarch Lei 10000. I have to say this Lei Family Patriarch It ’s a smart old fox, but he does n’t care too much. Anyway, he does n’t have anything to do now. It ’s not a problem to help guide the Lei Family pilot unit. It ’s up to Lei to return to the Star Empire. Family, of course, he will also privately collect some information about 3 Jiaozhou Star District. As for the duties of his current pilot instructor, it is actually relatively easy. The daily training of the pilot division is still chaired by Great Captain Yang Zhe. He is only responsible for some guidance in machine control.

After a brief meeting, the pilots started the scheduled training task under the leadership of Deputy Great Captain Zhong Dawu. Fang Shi entered the Mecha library of Lei Family Mecha camp under the leadership of Great Captain Yang Zhe.

There are more than 90 Mechas of various types in the Mecha library of Lei Family. According to Lei Family Patriarch ’s Lei 10000, it means that Fang Shi will choose a suitable Mecha to participate in 1 month later. Lei Family and Zhan Tai ’s That Mecha contest.

Great Captain Yang Zhe followed Fang Shi for a while, and introduced the specific conditions of each Mecha in detail. For example, some Mecha seemed to be intact. In fact, there are still some defects or defects in the real time operation. These defects or defects are At present, the strength of Lei Family’s mechanics cannot be solved, so he still has to explain clearly after one another to prevent Fang Shi from selecting Mecha with defects or defects. After all, the result of this Lei Family and Zhan Taijia’s Mecha competition meeting decided The ultimate control of the contradictory area.

After browsing all the Mecha in the Lei Family Mecha library, Fang Shi started to figure out quickly. At present, most of the more than 90 Mechas in the Lei Family Mecha library are the old-fashioned Mecha of the Galaxy Alliance. The latest alliance Mecha is the few Mecha Eagles Mecha that the Queen has brought back from the Galaxy Alliance before. A small part of Mecha is Mecha from Xingluo Empire, and it is basically the old retired Mecha of the Empire. The latest model of Mecha is a Dinosaur DS300 model Mecha, barely regarded as the 5th generation of the Empire ’s Early-Stage Battle Armor, the performance must be higher than that of the Alliance Condor generation Mecha, and it is the Alliance Condor generation model Mecha and the Imperial Dinosaur DS300 model Mecha that let him wander.

From the aspect of Mecha performance, Fang Shi naturally prefers Mecha of DS300 model, which is the design product of Snowflake Company. At the time of Snowflake Company, he had a more detailed understanding of this Mecha. Still very familiar. However, the Mecha DS300 model Mecha in the Lei Family Mecha library has some minor problems. Occasionally, there will be a delayed response during the machine control operation. Lei Family’s mechanics did not find out where the problem was after several inspections. After listening to the description of the problem, he did have a clearer judgment. If he was asked to overhaul carefully, it should be able to quickly find out the problem, but so I’m afraid it will expose his strength in machine repair.

After thinking for a few minutes, Fang Shi finally made a decision and said to the side Yang Zhe: “Yang Captain, I want the Mecha of the Imperial Dinosaur DS300 model.”

“Dragon DS300 model Mecha?” Yang Zhe said with a slight surprise on his face, and said inexplicably: “Fang Instructor, that Dinosaur DS300 model Mecha occasionally has some delay problems in the specific operation. I am afraid it is not appropriate to call Mecha contest. Yes, I suggest you change it. “

Yang Zhe knows that the youngster, which is highly regarded by Patriarch, has unrivaled machine control strength, but in addition to the machine control strength, Mecha is also indispensable. In the course of expert Mecha battle, even if it is a very short time The delay is likely to lead to the final success or failure, so he did not agree that Fang Shi chose the Mecha DS300 model.

Fang Shi, however, shook the head and said at a moderate pace: “Don’t worry, I have a way to solve the occasional delay of the Mecha DS300 model Mecha. This point, Yang Captain is relieved.”

“Can you solve it?” Yang Zheman was full of accidents and doubts. The mechanics of the Mecha Lei Family DS300 model Mecha Lei Family had been inspected many times but did not find out the problem. The youngster in front of him said that he was quite confident. It can be solved, which is really surprising to him. Does the other party have superb mechanical repair strength in addition to the powerful machine control strength.

Fang Shi looked calm and said slowly: “The Mecha I drove before also encountered similar problems. I should be able to find the problem. In addition, I have some experience in machine repair. You can arrange a few for me. The mechanic, without incident, was able to solve the problem of Mecha DS300 model Mecha. “

At this time, Fang Shi took a small lie rather cautiously, just like he did at the Mecha camp in Kamen, to cover up his own mechanic strength.

“Oh!” The doubts on Yang Zhe’s face eased a little, but he still had some doubts in his heart. After all, the problem mechanic team of that Mecha had been tested many times. If the ordinary problems were solved, he might have solved them long ago, but he No objections were raised: “Okay, I immediately notified the mechanics team over there and let them assist you in repairing Mecha.”

Fang Shi was slightly nodded. He was still quite confident about the problem of Mecha DS300 model Mecha. He had encountered similar problems in the maintenance task of the Kamen Mecha camp machine repair team. Although there are some surprises between the alliance Mecha and the Empire Mecha, But there is still not much discrepancy on the basic principle.

Soon after, the Mecha DS300 model Mecha from the Mecha library was sent to one of the workshop repair shops. The repair garage at the Mecha camp is not too big, barely a medium-sized repair garage.

There are more than 30 mechanics in the Lei Family mechanic group, most of them are still only in the apprenticeship, not even junior mechanics. There are only 9 mechanics who have reached the level of junior mechanics, and intermediate mechanics. There is no one.

When he learned the current status of the Lei Family mechanics group, he could not help secretly looking at the head. It seems that not only the pilots are rare in these 3 Jiaozhou Star Districts, but also the people in this mechanics group are quite barren.

In the end, Fang Shi selected 9 of the 4 junior mechanics in the mechanics group to repair the Mecha Dinosaur DS300 Mecha with him. Instead, he personally went to battle without at first, but let the mechanics target Mecha The test was conducted, and the test was repeated 3 times, then he analyzed and compared based on the obtained test data, and soon he found the specific problem of Mecha from those test data.

After determining the specific problem, Fang Shi personally started to repair the Mecha DS300 model Mecha, and the other four mechanics started it for him.

Time is passing by quickly in a minute and a second.

After 3 hours of continuous maintenance, Fang Shi finally successfully solved the hidden problem of the DS300, which made him slightly relaxed.

The 4 junior mechanics who just started at first are still very unhappy. The Mecha DS300 model Mecha in front of them has been overhauled many times and they have not found out the problem. They have given up maintenance on it. Now I don’t know if the guy from there actually got it out again, which is undoubtedly a denial of them to some extent. In the usual pilot division, they are basically those who have the strength of junior mechanics. Now they are not only refuted, but also play the role of fighting for each other. If it was n’t for Mecha ’s Great Captain Yang Zhe ’s personal command, they would be disinclined to pay attention to the guy who almost did n’t even have hair in their eyes, where would it be cool to stay.

However, when I saw Fang Shi in person to start mechanical repairs, the four mechanics who laid hands were slightly moved. From the skillful and precise control, they can conclude that the youngster in front of him is definitely not a novice, but a An experienced veteran, at the same time, they also realized that the youngster’s mechanical repair strength is not simple. The mechanical repair strength is most likely to be above them, and their attitude towards Fang Shi has changed a lot.

It was already dusk when Fang Shi finished repairing Mecha DS300 model Mecha.

“Instructor Fang, how is that Mecha?” Fang Shi just walked out of the machine repair room, Yang Zhe took the initiative to ask, in fact, he has been waiting outside the machine repair room for a while, the pilot team over here training early it’s over.

Fang Shi looked calm and lightly said: “There should be no problem. Tomorrow, a careful actual test on the Mecha training ground should get the final result.”

Yang Zhe flashed a little lightly, so the problem of the Mecha DS300 model Mecha was really solved by the person in front of him. Before that, he still maintained a skeptical attitude, he subconsciously looked towards Four Lei Family mechanics who came out behind Fang Shi.

The four mechanics nodded one by one and expressed their default. After Fang Shi completed the repairs, they repeatedly tested the Dinosaur DS4 model Mecha 300 times again, and the results of the test showed no abnormalities, although they are still not completely Surely the problem of the Mecha was solved, but the previous machine repair experience told them that the problem of the Mecha DS3 model Mecha was most likely to have been solved, which made them somewhat blushed with shame. They had decided that before. Mecha can’t be repaired, but now the youngster seems to be solved quite easily after only a few hours.

Yang Zhe showed a little bit of joy, if the problem of the Mecha D300 model Mecha was really solved, the Mecha ’s performance was actually the No. 2 choice for participating in the Mecha contest, “Fang Instructor, you are really hidden. I didn’t expect to have such superb strength in machine repair. “

Fang Shi gently shook the head and said calmly: “It’s just a coincidence. If I hadn’t encountered the same problem before, and happened to know some mechanics, otherwise there was really no way. The blind cat was hit by a dead mouse.”

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