My Mech Queen

Chapter 428

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The stars in the night sky are little, like one after another bright pearl.

Fang Shi walked slowly to Su Ya’s side, leaning on the railing, and also slightly raised his head, looking up at the night sky dotted with stars. He didn’t speak, but just watched quietly, as if enjoying the night Quiet.

Su Ya frowned a little, and found that the person was Fang Shi, so the frowns were a little soothing. In fact, she was not used to the lively atmosphere of the party. As a professional killer, she was more used to hiding in a dark corner alone. .

It took a long time before Fang Shi slowly opened the mouth and said: “Can I ask you a question?”

Su Ya not at all gave the answer, still quietly watching the night sky in the distance, as if unheard of.

Fang Shi showed a little helplessness in his heart. Although two people boarded the Queen’s spaceship and they were in the same room, until now the number of real exchanges between the two people was only trifling a few times, and the side was completely cherish words like gold. She seemed more willing to speak with her cold, frost-like face. He did n’t know what caused a girl in her 2s to be so cold. The kind of refusal in 2 eyes is like ice. That kind of cold is not the coldness of World Xiao Lingyun ’s relief, nor the Battle Princess Mecha camp. The 20th Company Captain Qiurou ’s cold surface gave him the feeling that from side to side, this woman seemed to be covered with a layer of airtight ice wall, so that standing beside her was like being in the blue The bitterly cold snowy field on Pershing.

Fang Shi continued to look at the starry night sky, he not at all asked, if the other party did not expressly agree, even if he asked, it is equivalent to asking in vain, he does not want to ask for fun.

One minute later, Su Ya said coldly, “You ask.”

Listening to the words from his side, Fang Shi froze slightly, then withdrew his gaze looking up at the night sky, and looked at the side of Su Ya. After a pause of 2 or 3 seconds, he asked, “Why did you come to 3 Jiaozhou Star?” Area?”

Su Ya thought about it, and replied: “Because there is no place to go.”

Fang Shi light take a deep breath, he knows that most of the Empire people or Alliance people who come to the 3 Delta Star Zone are forced to make choices, like him, in order to return to the Star Empire as soon as possible.

Silent for a while, Fang Shi continued to ask, “Then what do you plan to do in the future?”

To a certain extent, Fang Shi had already regarded Suya as a friend at this time. Perhaps the moment when the other party threw the energy pistol to him when he was fighting the pirates in the spaceship of the Queen, he already had Suya Treated as a friend, even if the other party is still like an iceberg that does not change all the year round, as a friend, he still asked the questions he cares about.

Su Ya’s dark black within both eyes flashed a bit of daze, before she arrived at 3 Jiaozhou Star District, she was not without thinking about the questions raised by Fang Shi. As a young woman who began to carry out various killer special trainings since childhood The only skill seems to be killing, and it seems that there will be nothing more than killing. Arriving in 3 Jiaozhou Star District may be a new beginning for her. She has struggled in her heart. She is not a bloodthirsty murderer. The previous killing was because of the task or order of the organization. She is like an organization. Point the gun there and hit it there. But now it ’s different, she does n’t need to accept any tasks or orders anymore, she is her, she dominates herself, no one interferes, she does n’t have any special hobbies for killing, she wants a new one At the beginning, a start that belongs to her, as to how to plan her mind is still in a state of daze.

After being silent for a long time, Su Ya not at all answered Fang Shi’s question, but instead asked, “What about you?”

Fang Shi looked up at the night sky, his plan was clear, he had made a firm choice from the moment he submitted his application for demobilization, 3 Jiaozhou Star District was just a springboard for him, his ultimate goal was to return to the star Luo Empire.

“I don’t belong to this star zone.”

Fang Shi thought about it and finally gave an answer.

There was a flash of surprise in Su Ya ’s eyes. He did n’t know much about Fang Shi, or very little, but she knew that he was from the Galactic Alliance, just like her, even if she did n’t belong to the 3 Jiaozhou Star District. Want to return to the Galactic Alliance?

Fang Shi paused for a few moments and said, “I came to the 3 Jiaozhou Star District. In fact, I wanted to go to another wider Star Domain, and that was my real destination.”

Su Ya’s thoughts moved slightly, an answer flashed in her mind, and said softly: “Xing Luo Empire.”

Fang Shi not at all denied, slightly nodded.

In the corner, the words of 2 people appear to be very quiet, and from time to time a word of 2 will appear.

As the night darkened, the welcome party finally ended, and Fang Shi and Su Ya left in a vehicle arranged by Lei Family.

As a special VIP of Lei Family, Fang Shi obviously does not need to worry about his daily life and other issues that he needs to worry about. Under the arrangement of the Lei Family, he lived in the Lei Family Special Guest House and has a separate luxury suite. The various interior arrangements are absolutely comparable to those of VIP rooms in the star hotels of the Empire Central Star District.

In the following days, Lei Family Young Master Lei Yutang took Fang Shi and Suya to visit the scenic spots of Lei Family’s sphere of influence, including natural scenery, cultural relics, and various high-end entertainment venues.

Fang Shi spent a few days in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. At the same time, he felt a little emotion in his heart. He thought that the chaotic 3 Jiaozhou Star Zone seemed to look different in his eyes, but he knew The so-called chaos should only be aimed at the vast majority of the people at the bottom. As for the real superiors, it is obviously not affected because they have the absolute control ability, just like Lei Family, in the scope of its control, it is like the distant era. emperor.

In addition, through a few days of communication, Fang Shi and Lei Family Young Master have become more familiar, or because of the common hobby of Mecha, the topic between the two people is constant. period. He has also seen Lei Yutang’s machine-controlled operation, not the actual Mecha operation, but the simulation operation of the aircraft warfare simulation room.

There are very few people who can encounter Mecha or Mecha simulation system in 3 Jiaozhou Star District. Generally, only upper and middle-level talents will touch these, because the core system 3 Jiaozhou Star District of this machine is not at all capable of manufacturing. You can only get these things from the Galactic Alliance and Xingluo Empire, but those things, whether they are Galactic Alliance or Xingluo Empire, are strictly controlled. They often cost a lot of money to get from the black market The basics are the old Mecha or other defective products that the Empire and Alliance military retreated.

In the aircraft warfare simulation room dedicated to the Lei Family, Fang Shi tested Lei Yutang ’s machine control strength online, probably at the level of 2 star pilots. By observing Lei Yutang ’s machine warfare, he found many control problems for the opponent. Then, he corrected him slightly after another, and at the same time, according to his experience, gave the other party some clear training directions.

On the evening of the 7th day of arriving at Viastar, Lei Yutang said before leaving, “Fang big brother, my dad wants to see you tomorrow.”

Fang Shi had no accidents. When he met with Lei 10000 again, he could have thought of it for a long time. The past few days Lei Yutang has been accompanying him in the Lei Family’s strength range. I am afraid that most of his father Lei 10000 husband Arranged, it is almost time for the two sides to show off each other. As for the other party, it is probably him.

Regarding the pilots of 3 Jiaozhou Star District, Fang Shi still knows these days. There are very few high-end star pilots. At present, the strongest Lei Family has only one 6-star pilot, who enjoys quite good treatment in Lei Family, and he has now exposed the status of high-level pilot. Lei Family may have wanted to use him for a long time. Incorporated, it is a pity that the other party’s abacus may not be satisfactory.

On the 2nd day in the morning, Fang Shi was in the vehicle that Lei Family had already arranged. The vehicle passed through the heavy checkpoints and finally stopped near a white building with a grand style.

Under the guidance of the welcoming staff, Fang Shi walked into the white building and saw Lei Family Patriarch 10000, a slightly bloated figure, in a large room on the top floor.

Lei 10000 has a gentle smile on his face, just like the first time I saw Fang Shi, there is no sharp edge, and in his mouth, Wen Wen said, “Sir Fang Shi, please take a seat.”

2 people sat down relatively.

Mr. Lei 10000 personally poured Fang Shi a cup of tea, and then said with a laugh: “How about the past few days?”

Fang Shi said with a slight smile: “Very good, thanks a lot more to Young Master.”

Mr. Lei 10000 said: “Well, the kid is stronger in eating and drinking merrily. By the way, after a few days, I do n’t know how you feel about my Lei Family?”

Fang Shi knew that Lei 10000 would see him most likely for recruitment this time. Judging from the series of actions given to the other party, he seemed to attach great importance to him, otherwise he would host a welcome party for him, the past few days is even more Let Lei Family Young Master Lei Yutang accompany him personally.

“It’s very strong. In fact, before I came, I saw some relevant information about Lei Family. One of the top five forces of Viastar. It is a great influence that can be ranked in the entire 5 Jiaozhou Star District …” Fang Shi did not move the expression and said some compliments.

Lei 10000 husband laughed, modestly said: “Those are just nicknames, but it is a little certain that our Lei Family forces are indeed not weak, at least on the planet of Via can still speak, in fact, Lei Family has today Strength, a very important aspect is to continuously absorb talents from all walks of life. I this Lei always values ​​talents, especially Peak level talents, as long as they are willing to work for my Lei Family, I will never treat them badly, money, beauty … These men should have as few things as they should. “

While speaking, the afterglow of Lei 10000 husband ’s eyes kept looking at Fang Shi, and seeing Fang Shi always kept calm, which made him a little nervous, before he could hear daughter Leona said that the youngster in front of him refused In order to become a Mecha instructor with her and younger brother Lei Yutang, this kind of good thing is definitely undesirable for others. Being able to become a Mecha instructor for son and daughter will definitely be visible in the future status of Lei Family, but the other party does not all agreed, which made him quite puzzled.

Seeing Fang Shi today, the most important purpose of Lei 10000 husband is to bring the other party under the Lei Family. A senior star pilot is definitely pityed by all influence in the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, and the other party is only a few minutes. Crushing the terrifying battle strength of dozens of Skeleton Pirates Mecha with absolute strength, its value may be comparable to that of a small Mecha team. If the other party can play for him, Lei Family’s strength can definitely be raised to a large level, and it will naturally be more handy to deal with the Zhantai family. But at this time, the youngster in front of him did not seem interested in the olive branch extended by Lei Family, which made him quite depressed.

Fang Shi listened carefully and quietly. He also understood the unspoken implication of Mr. Lei 10000 naturally, and he had expected it, but he knew that the other party would be disappointed.

Mr. Lei 10000 continued: “Sir Fang Shi, the old man will tell you straight to the point. I heard the little girl Leona said that your machine control strength has reached the strength of a high-level pilot. I, this Lei, can be described as thirsty for top talents like you, as long as you are willing to join my Lei Family, what are the conditions for you to open, as long as my Lei Family can do it unambiguously. “

Fang Shi hearing this, revealing a slight accident, this 10000 husband is really sincere, even letting him open the conditions casually, such treatment is definitely not low, if he stays in the 3 Jiaozhou Star District for a long time, this Lei Family can definitely be regarded as a A very good choice, but unfortunately his goal is the Xing Luo Empire, 3 Jiao Zhou Xing District is just a springboard for him.

Mr. Lei 10000 looked at Fang Shi with some anticipation, waiting for the answer from the youngster in front of him, to be honest, he was already prepared for a major bleeding, and a high-level pilot was so rare, even The other party wants to marry his daughter, he will consider one 2. However, in the next moment, he got an answer that disappointed him quite a bit.

In the end, Fang Shi lightly shook the head, a little apologetic, took a deep breath and said: “Thank you Lei Patriarch for his kindness. In fact, it ’s not that I do n’t want to join Lei Family, but there are more important things in me, no To hide from you, I will not stay in the 3 Jiaozhou Star Zone for a long time. The reason why I came to the 3 Jiaozhou Star Zone is actually to go through this star zone to the Star Empire. “

At this time, Fang Shi did not hide anything. After all, this kind of thing is not an important secret. Truthfully speaking, it can make the other party believe it. If he makes some reasons, he will make the other party suspicious, which is counterproductive. .

“Xingluo Empire?” Lei 10000 husband slightly stunned, and then said with a little surprise: “Is your empire?”

Fang Shi not at all denied, but nodded affirmatively, saying: “Due to various reasons, it has fallen into the Galactic Alliance. At present, the Galactic Alliance and the Xingluo Empire are in full-scale war. It is too difficult to return to the Xingluo Empire through the front line. I want to go back to the empire through these three corner star regions, and I hope Ray Patriarch will forgive me. “

“So that’s how it is.” Lei 10000 husband looked at Fang Shi who seemed to have been determined to return to the Xingluo Empire. His face could not help showing some pity, and said with a sigh: “The Xingluo Empire and the Galaxy Alliance are comprehensive I have heard about the war. The battle between the two sides has lasted for 2 years. It seems that the battle is inseparable, but the situation of the Xingluo Empire side seems to be a bit bad, and the Galactic Alliance side seems to occupy a lot of Xingluo Empire East. Planet, this full-scale war is probably another long-term battle. I do n’t know if it will be time that will never come. “

Fang Shi, who is a personal experience of the war, naturally understands the situation of the Galactic Alliance and the Star Empire. He didn’t say much.

Thunder 10000 husband took a deep breath, and then said with some indignity: “Do you have to return to the Xingluo Empire? Although the 3 Jiaozhou Star District is a bit more chaotic than the Xingluo Empire, but as long as the man has enough strength, It may not be better and more nourishing than living in the Star Empire. “

Fang Shi said seriously, “I’m going to go back to the Xingluo Empire regardless of life and death. I’m afraid I can’t help Lei Patriarch’s kindness.”

Ray 10000 husband gently shook the head, and then said with a smile helplessly: “Since you have made a decision, the old man is not really strong.”

Fang Shi replied: “Xie Lei Patriarch.”

Mr. Lei 10000 looked at Fang Shi and said, “You should say thanks to the old man. If the Queen’s spaceship was not in time for your help, not only did you get rid of the Gang of Skeleton Pirates, but also captured me by Lei Family A battleship spaceship, it is said that our Lei Family owes a big favor to you. I do n’t know when you plan to leave the 3 Jiaozhou Star District. If you need help, just open your mouth. As long as I can do it, Lei Family will do my best. Of it. “

Fang Shi was slightly grateful and thought for a while, said: “The specific time of departure has not yet been determined. The target’s understanding of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District is limited to some information on the material. The actual information is not very clear. Listen Said that the planet Tavin and the planet Wacker are fighting fiercely recently. “

Lei 10000 husband immediately nodded, a slight flash of worry on his face, said at a moderate pace: “Yes, the planet Tavin and Wacker have been fighting for several months, and the top two strengths on the two planets All have formed an offensive and defensive alliance. Such a large-scale war is also extremely rare in the history of the 2 horns. It is completely a confrontation between the two planets, but it is not a single power or a small force. The space area where the two sides are fighting has almost become a restricted area for other spaceships, and the Sea thieves dare to dabble easily. By the way, the area where they fight is the space area that leads to the Xingluo Empire. You want to go to Xingluo The empire is probably not a good time at present. Those spaceships that usually go to the Star Domain Starship are estimated to have stopped flying. In this regard, I Lei Family can inquire for you. “

Fang Shi showed some solemnity. Before that, he did not know that the space area where the planets of Tarvin and Wacker had been fighting had become a restricted area. According to Mr. Lei 10000, the current navigation channel between the three horned planets and the Xingluo Empire is being forcibly cut off due to the battle between the 3 planets. If he wants to return to the Xingluo Empire, it may be very difficult for the time being. Words are definitely bad news. He thought that after arriving in the 2 Jiaozhou Star District, he would stay for a while, and understand the actual situation like Shuguang Town, he could leave the 3 Jiaozhou Star District and return to the Xingluo Empire. Now it seems not at all he expected It’s that easy.

Taking a breath, Fang Shi mood grave said, “Then please Patriarch.”

Lei 10000 husband hearing this, with a slight smile on his face, said: “Relax, your Excellency went to the Xingluo Empire. Although it is handed over to our Lei Family, I will send someone to investigate the relevant information as soon as possible. Spaceship is going to the Xingluo Empire, and the old man will help you arrange it immediately. During this time, you can stay in my Lei Family. However, according to the old man ’s estimation, there is no reliable spaceship to travel to the Xingluo Empire in a short time. I am afraid Wait until the planet Tarvin and Wacker end the war. “

“Wait for the war to end?” Fang Shi’s heart sank slightly. He knew that the Lei Family Patriarch in front of him would not cheat him with this kind of thing. He only needed to spend some money to check it and get the relevant information. And as Lei 10000 said, if you want to wait for the end of the war between Tavin and Wacker, then I do n’t know how long to wait. If it lasts for a few years, would n’t he be trapped in these three horns, This is not the result he wants to see.

After a few seconds, Fang Shi asked: “Then, according to the experience of Patriarch, how long will the war between Planet Tavin and Planet Wag continue?”

Lei 10000 husband contemplates for a moment, and replied: “How long the old man can’t be determined, but I can make a guess about the time. If it is short, it will be one or two months, and if it is long, it may take more than half a year. We 2 Jiaozhou The war in the Star District can be different from the wars only seen by the Galaxy Alliance and the Star Empire. Even the top strength may not be able to withstand the long-term consumption of large-scale wars, such as the battle of the scale of Tarvin and Wag It can last for a year at most. When the time comes Even if they do not end the war, other forces will take advantage of it. After all, war is the most power consuming. Small wars are pleasant, and wars will hurt you. If you hurt too much, , I am afraid that other forces will be red-eyed. In the history of the 3 Jiaozhou Star District, there are quite a few top-level strengths like disappeared. “

Regarding what Lei 10000 said, Fang Shi not at all thought deeply about how long the war between the planet Tarvin and the planet Wag would last. What he expected was that the sooner the better However, he knew that the war was not what he could control. All he could do was wait and wait for the war to end as soon as possible. However, according to Lei 10000 ’s speculation, it was barely within his acceptance range. For him, although it is a little long, he can still wait. At the Mecha camp in Kamen, he has been waiting for a long time for more than a year. Why not wait for the first half of the year, as long as he can return to the Star Empire, everything is worth it .

Fang Shi said helplessly: “It seems that I can only wait for a while.”

Lei 10000’s face was calmly nodded, but he felt a little thankful in his heart. Although he did not recruit Fang Shi successfully, at least the other party stayed with his Lei Family during the period before leaving the 3 Delta Star Zone. If you use it, you can still get a lot of benefits from the other party.

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